5 Essential to Counters Alistar Wild Rift Counter

Alistar Wild Rift Counter League of Legends: Wild Rift’s mobile version? One of the crucial aspects of mastering this exciting game is understanding how to counter different champions effectively. In this article, we will focus on Alistar, a powerful tank support, and explore some essential strategies to counter his abilities and make him less effective in battle.

Alistar Wild Rift Counter
Alistar Wild Rift Counter

Alistar is known for his strong crowd control abilities and tankiness, making him a formidable force on the battlefield. However, with the right tactics and champion picks, you can turn the tide in your favor. One effective way to counter Alistar is by selecting champions with long-range poke abilities. Champions like Lux, Orianna, or Xerath can harass Alistar from a safe distance, making it difficult for him to engage or initiate fights. By continuously poking him down, you can force Alistar to play more defensively and reduce his impact on the game.

Another strategy to counter Alistar is to focus on his weaknesses during the laning phase. Alistar relies heavily on his crowd control abilities, such as his Headbutt-Pulverize combo, to engage and set up kills for his team. However, his abilities have relatively long cooldowns in the early game. By baiting out his abilities and then engaging when they are on cooldown, you can take advantage of his vulnerability and secure kills or force him to retreat.

Master the Wild Rift: Essential Counters for Alistar in LoL’s Mobile Version

League of Legends: Wild Rift has taken the gaming world by storm, bringing the popular PC game to mobile devices. With its fast-paced gameplay and intense team battles, players are constantly striving to improve their skills and dominate the Rift. One champion that often poses a challenge is Alistar, a powerful tank support. In this article, we will explore some essential counters for Alistar that can help you gain the upper hand in your matches.

1. Morgana: Morgana is a mage support champion who can effectively shut down Alistar’s engage potential with her Black Shield. This ability blocks crowd control effects, rendering Alistar’s Headbutt-Pulverize combo useless. Additionally, Morgana’s Dark Binding can root Alistar in place, preventing him from initiating fights or protecting his teammates.

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2. Janna: Janna is a versatile support champion who excels at disengaging and protecting her allies. Her Howling Gale can interrupt Alistar’s engage attempts, knocking him and his teammates away. Janna’s Eye of the Storm can also shield her carry from Alistar’s burst damage, reducing his effectiveness in team fights.

3. Lulu: Lulu is a support champion with a range of abilities that can neutralize Alistar’s impact in a game. Her Whimsy can polymorph Alistar, turning him into a harmless critter and preventing him from engaging or protecting his team. Lulu’s Wild Growth ultimate can also nullify Alistar’s attempts to initiate fights by knocking up his targets and providing a substantial health boost to her allies.

4. Thresh: Thresh is a versatile support champion with powerful crowd control abilities. His Death Sentence can hook Alistar and bring him into a dangerous position, making it difficult for him to protect his team. Thresh’s Flay can also interrupt Alistar’s Headbutt and Pulverize combo, denying his engage potential and leaving him vulnerable.

5. Zyra: Zyra is a mage support champion who excels at zoning and crowd control. Her Grasping Roots can immobilize Alistar, preventing him from engaging or protecting his teammates effectively. Zyra’s Stranglethorns ultimate can also knock up Alistar and his team, disrupting their positioning and allowing your team to capitalize on the chaos.

By understanding these essential counters for Alistar, you can better strategize your picks and playstyle when facing this formidable tank support. Each of these champions brings unique abilities that can neutralize Alistar’s engage potential and protect your team from his disruptive crowd control. Experiment with different strategies and find the counter that suits your playstyle best. So, gear up, master the Wild Rift, and dominate the game!

In conclusion, mastering the art of countering Alistar in League of Legends: Wild Rift’s mobile version is crucial for any serious player looking to climb the ranks. Alistar, known for his tankiness and crowd control abilities, can be a formidable opponent if not dealt with properly. However, with the right knowledge and strategy, you can turn the tables and make Alistar’s life a living nightmare on the battlefield.

One of the essential counters for Alistar is playing a champion with high mobility. Champions like Ahri, Yasuo, or Ezreal can easily dodge Alistar’s Headbutt-Pulverize combo with their dashes or blinks. This allows you to effectively kite him and keep your distance, making it difficult for Alistar to engage and lock you down. Additionally, champions with crowd control abilities of their own, such as Nautilus or Leona, can neutralize Alistar’s impact by stunning or immobilizing him before he can initiate a fight.

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Overall, by understanding Alistar’s strengths and weaknesses and employing the right strategies and champion picks, you can successfully counter him in League of Legends: Wild Rift’s mobile version. Keep in mind that practice makes perfect, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t master countering Alistar right away. With dedication and experience, you’ll be able to confidently face off against Alistar and come out on top in your matches.

Alistar Wild Rift Counter: Unleashing the Perfect Strategy


Are you ready to conquer the Wild Rift as Alistar? This versatile tank support champion has the potential to turn the tides of battle in your favor. However, every great hero has their weaknesses. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Alistar Wild Rift counters and uncover the ultimate strategies to overcome them. Join us as we explore the most effective ways to neutralize your opponents and secure victory on the battlefield.

Understanding Alistar’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before we dive into the counters, it’s crucial to grasp Alistar’s strengths and weaknesses. This will provide us with a solid foundation to build upon when formulating our counter strategies.

Countering Alistar’s Engage Potential

Alistar possesses incredible engage potential with his Headbutt and Pulverize combo. To counter this, champions with high mobility and disengage abilities like Ezreal, Vayne, or LeBlanc can easily escape his clutches. By staying elusive and avoiding prolonged engagements, you can effectively neutralize Alistar’s engage potential.

Countering Alistar’s Tankiness

Alistar’s natural tankiness can be a significant hurdle to overcome. However, champions who specialize in shredding through tanks, such as Darius, Fiora, or Vayne, can make quick work of him. Utilize their true damage or percentage health damage to chip away at Alistar’s resilience and turn the tables in your favor.

Countering Alistar’s Crowd Control

Alistar’s crowd control abilities can be game-changing, especially in team fights. To counter this, champions with crowd control immunity or the ability to cleanse themselves, like Olaf, Gangplank, or Garen, can render Alistar’s crowd control ineffective. By preventing Alistar from locking down your team, you create opportunities to strike back and secure victory.

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Countering Alistar’s Weak Early Game

Alistar’s early game can be relatively weak compared to other champions, making him susceptible to aggressive plays. Champions with strong early game presence, such as Draven, Lucian, or Blitzcrank, can exploit this weakness and put Alistar on the back foot from the start. By dominating the early game, you can limit Alistar’s potential to impact the later stages of the match.

Countering Alistar’s Roaming Potential

Alistar’s roaming potential can catch unsuspecting opponents off guard. However, champions who can exert pressure on the map and track his movements, like Twisted Fate, Taliyah, or Aurelion Sol, can effectively shut down his roaming attempts. By denying Alistar the opportunity to impact other lanes, you maintain control over the battlefield and increase your chances of victory.

Countering Alistar’s Synergy with ADC

Alistar’s synergy with ADC champions can be formidable. To counter this, champions with strong poke and harass, such as Caitlyn, Ashe, or Zyra, can disrupt Alistar’s attempts to engage or protect his ADC. By keeping Alistar and his ADC at bay, you create opportunities to gain an advantage in the laning phase and dictate the flow of the game.

Countering Alistar’s Zone Control

Alistar’s zone control abilities can dictate the pace of team fights. However, champions with long-range poke and disengage, like Xerath, Vel’Koz, or Lux, can circumvent Alistar’s zone control and maintain a safe distance. By staying outside of Alistar’s effective range, you minimize the threat he poses and gain control of the battlefield.

Countering Alistar’s Vision Control

Alistar’s ability to ward and deny vision can be a nuisance. Counter this by utilizing champions with stealth or vision denial, such as Evelynn, Twitch, or Nocturne. By catching Alistar off guard or denying his vision, you can gain a strategic advantage and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Countering Alistar’s Ultimate

Alistar’s ultimate, Unbreakable Will, grants him immense durability and crowd control reduction. However, champions with abilities that can bypass or mitigate his ultimate, like Trundle, Malzahar, or Mordekaiser, can effectively neutralize this defensive tool. By rendering Alistar’s ultimate less impactful, you increase your chances of securing a crucial victory.


With a thorough understanding of Alistar’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as the most effective counters at your disposal, you are now armed with the knowledge to dominate the Wild Rift. Remember, adaptability and strategy are key to outplaying your opponents. By implementing the strategies outlined in this article, you will be well on your way to becoming a true master of countering Alistar in Wild Rift. So, gather your allies, formulate your plan, and let the battle begin!