Ahri Wild Rift Champions Build: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for the best Ahri Wild Rift champions build? Look no further as we have got you covered. Ahri is a popular mage in Wild Rift and one of the most versatile champions in the game. With her abilities to charm and burst down enemies, she is a great pick for any team composition. However, to make the most out of her abilities, you need to have the right build and strategy. In this guide, we will provide you with a comprehensive Ahri Wild Rift champions build that you can use to dominate the game.

Understanding Ahri’s Abilities

Before we dive into the build, let’s take a quick look at Ahri’s abilities. As a mage, she relies on her abilities to deal damage to enemies. Her abilities include:

  • Orb of Deception (1st Ability): Ahri fires a magical orb that deals damage to enemies it passes through and returns to her, dealing extra damage to the first enemy hit.
  • Fox-Fire (2nd Ability): Ahri releases three fox-fires that seek out nearby enemies, prioritizing champions. Each fox-fire deals damage to the enemy it hits.
  • Charm (3rd Ability): Ahri charms an enemy, causing them to walk harmlessly towards her for a short duration. Charmed enemies take extra damage from Ahri.
  • Spirit Rush (Ultimate Ability): Ahri dashes in the direction of the cursor, dealing damage to enemies she passes through. She can cast this ability up to three times before going on cooldown.
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Now that you know Ahri’s abilities, let’s move on to the build.

The Best Ahri Wild Rift Champions Build

For Ahri, we recommend a mage build that focuses on burst damage and mobility. Here is the build:

  1. Luden’s Echo: This item provides Ahri with extra magic damage and mana regeneration. It also has a unique passive that deals extra damage to enemies hit by Ahri’s abilities.
  2. Sorcerer’s Shoes: These boots provide Ahri with extra magic penetration, making her abilities hit harder.
  3. Rabadon’s Deathcap: This item provides Ahri with a massive boost to her ability power, making her abilities deal even more damage.
  4. Void Staff: This item provides Ahri with extra magic penetration, making her abilities penetrate through enemy magic resistances.
  5. Morellonomicon: This item provides Ahri with extra ability power and magic penetration. It also has a unique passive that inflicts Grievous Wounds on enemies hit by Ahri’s abilities, reducing their healing effects.
  6. Zhonya’s Hourglass: This item provides Ahri with extra ability power and armor. It also has a unique active that allows Ahri to become invulnerable for a short duration, allowing her to escape from dangerous situations.

With this build, Ahri can deal massive burst damage to enemies and take down even the toughest of tanks. She can also escape from dangerous situations using her ultimate ability and Zhonya’s Hourglass.

How to Play Ahri in Wild Rift

Now that you have the build, let’s talk about how to play Ahri in Wild Rift. Here are some tips:

  • Use your abilities to poke enemies: Ahri’s abilities have a long range, making them great for poking enemies from a safe distance. Use your Orb of Deception and Fox-Fire to deal damage to enemies and whittle down their health.
  • Use Charm to set up kills: Ahri’s Charm is one of her most powerful abilities. When an enemy is charmed, they take extra damage from Ahri, making them an easy target for her other abilities. Use Charm to set up kills for yourself and your team.
  • Use Spirit Rush to escape or chase enemies: Ahri’s ultimate ability, Spirit Rush, allows her to dash in the direction of the cursor. Use this ability to escape from dangerous situations or chase down fleeing enemies.
  • Position yourself well in team fights: As a mage, Ahri is squishy and can be easily taken down by enemies. Position yourself well in team fights, staying behind your tanks and using your abilities to deal damage from a safe distance.
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By following these tips and using the right build, you can dominate the game with Ahri and become a force to be reckoned with.


Ahri is a powerful mage in Wild Rift, with the ability to charm and burst down enemies. With the right build and strategy, you can make the most out of her abilities and dominate the game. Use our Ahri Wild Rift champions build and follow our tips to become a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

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