Annie Wild Rift Champions Build Guide

Annie Wild Rift Champions Build Guide, Are you looking for a powerful build for Annie in Wild Rift? Annie is a mage champion who deals a lot of damage and can stun her enemies with her passive ability. In this guide, we will show you the best Annie build for Wild Rift.


The best runes for Annie in Wild Rift are Electrocute, Brutal, Hunter Vamp, and Manaflow Band. Electrocute is great for dealing burst damage, Brutal increases your magic penetration, Hunter Vamp helps you sustain in fights, and Manaflow Band gives you extra mana to spam your abilities.

Summoner Spells

The best summoner spells for Annie in Wild Rift are Flash and Ignite. Flash is great for escaping or engaging, while Ignite is perfect for securing kills and reducing healing.


The best items for Annie in Wild Rift are Luden’s Echo, Rabadon’s Deathcap, Void Staff, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Ionian Boots of Lucidity, and Morellonomicon. Luden’s Echo gives you extra burst damage, Rabadon’s Deathcap increases your ability power, Void Staff helps you deal with enemies with magic resistance, Zhonya’s Hourglass gives you extra survivability, Ionian Boots of Lucidity reduce your ability cooldowns, and Morellonomicon gives you grievous wounds to reduce enemy healing.


The best ability order for Annie in Wild Rift is to level up your Q first, then your W, then your E. Max out your ultimate whenever possible. Your Q is great for farming and harassing, your W deals a lot of AOE damage, your E gives you extra survivability, and your ultimate is great for initiating fights.

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Early Game

During the early game, you should focus on farming and harassing your enemies with your Q. Use your stun to set up kills for your jungler or to escape ganks. Try to stay safe and avoid getting caught out by the enemy team.

Mid Game

During the mid game, you should continue to farm and harass your enemies. Look for opportunities to roam and help your team secure objectives. Use your stun to catch out enemies and set up kills for your team. Make sure to stay safe and avoid getting caught out by the enemy team.

Late Game

During the late game, you should focus on team fights and securing objectives. Use your stun to catch out enemies and deal as much damage as possible. Stay behind your tanks and avoid getting caught out by the enemy team. Make sure to use your abilities wisely and position yourself properly.

Tips and Tricks

  • Use your Q to farm minions and harass enemies.
  • Use your W to deal AOE damage to enemies.
  • Use your E to give yourself extra survivability.
  • Use your ultimate to initiate fights and deal damage to enemies.
  • Try to catch out enemies with your stun and set up kills for your team.
  • Position yourself properly during team fights and stay behind your tanks.


Annie is a powerful mage champion in Wild Rift who can deal a lot of damage and stun her enemies. By following this guide, you can build Annie to be even more powerful and dominate your opponents. Remember to use your abilities wisely, position yourself properly, and catch out enemies with your stun. Good luck on the Rift!

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