Fizz Wild Rift Champions Build

If you’re a Wild Rift player, you probably know that Fizz is one of the most popular champions in the game. He’s a playful trickster who can dish out a lot of damage and is incredibly mobile. In this article, we’ll be discussing Fizz’s builds and how you can use them to dominate your opponents in the game.

Why Fizz is a Great Pick in Wild Rift

Fizz is a great pick in Wild Rift because he is incredibly versatile. He can be played in a variety of positions and can be built to suit any playstyle. He’s a great pick for aggressive players who want to deal a lot of damage and get in and out of fights quickly. He’s also a great pick for more defensive players who want to focus on utility and control. Fizz is a champion that can be built to suit any playstyle, making him a great pick for any team composition.

What are Fizz’s Abilities?

Fizz’s abilities are as follows:

  • Nimble Fighter: Fizz’s passive ability makes him incredibly mobile. When he takes damage, he becomes more difficult to hit, making him incredibly difficult to pin down.
  • Urchin Strike: Fizz’s Q ability allows him to dash to an enemy and deal damage. This ability can be used to close gaps and initiate fights.
  • Seastone Trident: Fizz’s W ability empowers his next attack, dealing bonus damage and applying a damage over time effect. This ability is great for dealing sustained damage to enemies.
  • Playful / Trickster: Fizz’s E ability allows him to jump into the air and become untargetable. He can then use the ability again to slam back down, dealing damage to enemies in the area. This ability is great for avoiding damage and setting up kills.
  • Chum the Waters: Fizz’s ultimate ability is a skillshot that attaches a shark to an enemy champion. After a short delay, the shark explodes, dealing damage and knocking up enemies in the area. This ability is great for initiating fights and catching enemies off guard.
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How to Build Fizz in Wild Rift

There are a few different ways to build Fizz in Wild Rift, depending on your playstyle and the role you’re playing. Here are a few examples of Fizz builds you can try:

Assassin Fizz Build

Assassin Fizz is a high-damage, high-mobility build that’s great for players who want to dive into fights and take out enemy carries. Here’s how to build Assassin Fizz:

  1. Lich Bane: Lich Bane is a core item for Assassin Fizz because it gives him a lot of burst damage. It also gives him mana, which he needs to keep using his abilities.
  2. Hextech Gunblade: Hextech Gunblade gives Fizz a lot of sustain, which allows him to stay in fights longer. It also gives him more burst damage, which is great for taking out enemy carries.
  3. Void Staff: Void Staff gives Fizz more magic penetration, which makes his abilities deal more damage. It’s a great item to build when the enemy team is building a lot of magic resist.
  4. Rabadon’s Deathcap: Rabadon’s Deathcap is a great item to build when you have a lot of ability power. It gives Fizz more burst damage and makes him even more of a threat to enemy carries.
  5. Zhonya’s Hourglass: Zhonya’s Hourglass is a great defensive item that also gives Fizz more ability power. It allows him to avoid damage for a short period of time, which can be the difference between life and death.
  6. Sorcerer’s Shoes: Sorcerer’s Shoes give Fizz more magic penetration, which makes his abilities deal more damage. They’re a great choice for any Fizz build.
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Tank Fizz Build

Tank Fizz is a more defensive build that’s great for players who want to focus on utility and control. Here’s how to build Tank Fizz:

  1. Sunfire Cape: Sunfire Cape is a great item for Tank Fizz because it gives him more health, armor, and damage over time. It also allows him to clear minion waves quickly.
  2. Spirit Visage: Spirit Visage gives Fizz more health, magic resist, and health regeneration. It also increases the amount of healing he receives, which is great for staying in fights longer.
  3. Thornmail: Thornmail is a great item to build when the enemy team has a lot of physical damage dealers. It reflects damage back at them and gives Fizz more armor.
  4. Dead Man’s Plate: Dead Man’s Plate gives Fizz more health, armor, and mobility. It also allows him to deal more damage with his next basic attack.
  5. Warmog’s Armor: Warmog’s Armor gives Fizz more health regeneration, which is great for staying in fights longer. It also allows him to heal quickly after fights.
  6. Ninja Tabi: Ninja Tabi gives Fizz more armor and reduces the amount of damage he takes from basic attacks. It’s a great choice for any tanky champion.

AP Fizz Build

AP Fizz is a build that focuses on maximizing Fizz’s ability power, making his abilities deal more damage. Here’s how to build AP Fizz:

  1. Lich Bane: Lich Bane is a core item for AP Fizz because it gives him a lot of burst damage. It also gives him mana, which he needs to keep using his abilities.
  2. Rabadon’s Deathcap: Rabadon’s Deathcap is a great item to build when you have a lot of ability power. It gives Fizz more burst damage and makes him even more of a threat to enemy carries.
  3. Morellonomicon: Morellonomicon gives Fizz more ability power, mana regeneration, and magic penetration. It also applies Grievous Wounds to enemies, which reduces their healing.
  4. Void Staff: Void Staff gives Fizz more magic penetration, which makes his abilities deal more damage. It’s a great item to build when the enemy team is building a lot of magic resist.
  5. Zhonya’s Hourglass: Zhonya’s Hourglass is a great defensive item that also gives Fizz more ability power. It allows him to avoid damage for a short period of time, which can be the difference between life and death.
  6. Sorcerer’s Shoes: Sorcerer’s Shoes give Fizz more magic penetration, which makes his abilities deal more damage. They’re a great choice for any Fizz build.
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How to Play Fizz in Wild Rift

Now that you know how to build Fizz in Wild Rift, let’s talk about how to play him. Here are a few tips:

  • Use Playful / Trickster to Avoid Damage: Playful / Trickster is a great ability for avoiding damage. Use it to jump over enemy abilities and avoid taking damage.
  • Use Chum the Waters to Initiate Fights: Chum the Waters is a great ability for initiating fights. Use it to catch enemy carries off guard and set up kills for your team.
  • Use Urchin Strike to Close Gaps: Urchin Strike is a great ability for closing gaps and initiating fights. Use it to dash to enemy carries and start dealing damage.
  • Use Seastone Trident for Sustained Damage: Seastone Trident is a great ability for dealing sustained damage. Use it in combination with your other abilities to deal a lot of damage to enemies over time.
  • Be Aware of Your Passive: Fizz’s passive ability, Nimble Fighter, makes him more difficult to hit when he takes damage. Be aware of this and use it to your advantage in fights.


Fizz is a great pick in Wild Rift because he is incredibly versatile. He can be played in a variety of positions and can be built to suit any playstyle. Whether you’re an aggressive player who wants to deal a lot of damage or a more defensive player who wants to focus on utility and control, Fizz is a champion that can be built to suit your needs. Use the builds and tips in this article to dominate your opponents and lead your team to victory!

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