Lucian Wild Rift Champions Build: An Ultimate Guide

Lucian is a popular Marksman champion in Wild Rift that can deal massive damage to enemies while being mobile on the battlefield. He is known for his dual-wielding, which gives him the ability to shoot two bullets at once. However, to maximize his potential, players need to have the right build to make him an unstoppable force.

Lucian’s Abilities

Before discussing the build, let’s have a quick look at Lucian’s abilities:

  1. Passive – Lightslinger: After using an ability, Lucian’s next basic attack will fire two shots, dealing physical damage to the target and the enemy behind it.
  2. Piercing Light: Lucian fires a shot that deals physical damage to the first enemy hit. If the ability hits a target, the next shot’s mana cost is refunded.
  3. Ardent Blaze: Lucian shoots a missile that explodes, dealing physical damage to enemies and marking them. His basic attacks and Piercing Light will deal bonus magic damage to marked targets.
  4. Relentless Pursuit: Lucian dashes a short distance and removes all slowing effects. His next basic attack within 3 seconds will have a significantly increased attack speed.
  5. The Culling: Lucian unleashes a barrage of shots that deal physical damage to enemies in a line. He can move and use Relentless Pursuit while firing.

Lucian’s Build

Now that we know Lucian’s abilities let’s discuss his build. A proper build can make Lucian a great asset to any team. Here is the recommended build for Lucian:

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Starting Items

  • Doran’s Blade: This item is recommended for most Marksmen champions, including Lucian. It provides bonus attack damage, life steal, and health.
  • Health Potion: This item provides a small amount of health regeneration, which can keep Lucian in the lane longer.

Early Game Items

  • Berserker’s Greaves: This item provides bonus attack speed and movement speed, making Lucian more mobile on the battlefield.
  • Essence Reaver: This item provides bonus attack damage, critical strike chance, and mana regeneration. It also gives Lucian’s basic attacks a chance to reduce the cooldown of his abilities.
  • Infinity Edge: This item provides a massive boost to Lucian’s damage output. It provides bonus attack damage and critical strike chance. It also increases critical strike damage.

Mid Game Items

  • Rapid Firecannon: This item provides bonus attack speed, critical strike chance, and movement speed. It also gives Lucian’s basic attacks increased range and damage.
  • Bloodthirster: This item provides bonus attack damage and life steal. It also gives Lucian’s basic attacks a shield that absorbs damage.
  • Guardian Angel: This item provides bonus armor and magic resistance. When Lucian dies, he will revive with a portion of his health and mana.

Late Game Items

  • Mortal Reminder: This item provides bonus attack damage and armor penetration. It also gives Lucian’s basic attacks a grievous wound effect, reducing enemy healing.
  • Blade of the Ruined King: This item provides bonus attack damage, attack speed, and life steal. It also gives Lucian’s basic attacks a passive that deals bonus damage based on the target’s maximum health.
  • Maw of Malmortius: This item provides bonus attack damage and magic resistance. It also gives Lucian a shield when he takes magic damage that scales with his missing health.
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Lucian’s Runes

Choosing the right runes is crucial for Lucian’s success in the game. Here are the recommended runes for Lucian:

  • Conqueror: This rune gives Lucian bonus attack damage and heals him for a portion of the damage he deals. It also gives him bonus true damage after he attacks enemies a certain number of times.
  • Triumph: This rune gives Lucian bonus gold and health whenever he kills an enemy. It also heals him for a portion of his missing health after a takedown.
  • Legend: Alacrity: This rune gives Lucian bonus attack speed for every takedown he makes. It also increases his attack speed cap.
  • Coup de Grace: This rune gives Lucian bonus damage to enemies below a certain health threshold. It also gives him bonus damage after he kills an enemy.
  • Gathering Storm: This rune gives Lucian bonus attack damage as the game progresses. It also gives him bonus ability power at higher levels.
  • Manaflow Band: This rune gives Lucian bonus mana regeneration and increases his maximum mana. It also gives him bonus mana whenever he hits an enemy champion with an ability.

Lucian’s Skill Order

Maximizing Lucian’s abilities in the right order is essential for his success in the game. Here is the recommended skill order for Lucian:

  1. Piercing Light (Max first)
  2. Ardent Blaze (Max second)
  3. Relentless Pursuit (Max third)
  4. The Culling (Max fourth)


Lucian can be a great asset to any team in Wild Rift if players use the right build, runes, and skill order. The recommended build for Lucian is Doran’s Blade, Berserker’s Greaves, Essence Reaver, Infinity Edge, Rapid Firecannon, Bloodthirster, and Guardian Angel. The recommended runes are Conqueror, Triumph, Legend: Alacrity, Coup de Grace, Gathering Storm, and Manaflow Band. Players should also level up Piercing Light, Ardent Blaze, Relentless Pursuit, and The Culling in that order. With the right build and strategy, Lucian can be an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

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