Lulu Wild Rift Champions Build Guide

Wild Rift is a mobile game that has taken the world by storm. It has become one of the most popular games among gamers globally, and people of all ages are playing it. One of the reasons for its popularity is the variety of champions available in the game. Among these champions is Lulu, a cute yet deadly support champion. In this article, we will discuss Lulu’s Wild Rift build and how to use it to your advantage.

Who is Lulu?

Lulu is a support champion in Wild Rift who excels at crowd control and providing shields and buffs to her allies. Her abilities allow her to poke enemies and protect her allies, and her ultimate can turn the tide of a team fight. Lulu’s kit makes her an excellent choice for players who enjoy playing a support role.

Lulu’s Abilities

Lulu has four abilities, each with its purpose. Here is a breakdown of her abilities:

  1. Glyph of Pix (Passive): Lulu’s passive ability allows her to apply Pix, her fairy companion, to an ally or an enemy. When Pix is applied to an ally, it provides that ally with additional magic damage on their auto-attacks. When Pix is applied to an enemy, it reveals and damages that enemy.
  2. Glitterlance (Ability 1): This ability allows Lulu to shoot a bolt of energy that damages and slows the first enemy it hits. If the bolt hits an enemy that has been marked by Pix, the ability’s cooldown is reduced.
  3. Whimsy (Ability 2): This ability allows Lulu to grant a targeted ally movement speed and attack speed. The ability also grants the ally crowd control immunity for a short period.
  4. Help, Pix! (Ability 3): This ability allows Lulu to shield an ally and make Pix fly towards them. Pix then reveals and damages enemies around the ally.
  5. Wild Growth (Ultimate): Lulu’s ultimate ability grants her targeted ally a massive amount of health and knocks up all enemies in the area around the target. The ultimate also increases the ally’s size, making them harder to kill.
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Lulu’s Build

Lulu’s build in Wild Rift is focused on providing her with the necessary items to support her allies effectively. Here is a breakdown of the items you should consider building with Lulu:

  1. Ardent Censer: This item is an essential item for Lulu as it provides her with additional ability power and mana regeneration. The item’s passive effect also grants allies who receive her shields and heals with additional attack speed and on-hit magic damage.
  2. Ionian Boots of Lucidity: These boots provide Lulu with additional cooldown reduction, allowing her to use her abilities more frequently.
  3. Athene’s Unholy Grail: This item provides Lulu with additional ability power, mana regeneration, and magic resistance. Its passive effect also allows Lulu to heal allies with her abilities, providing her with additional sustain during team fights.
  4. Rabadon’s Deathcap: This item provides Lulu with a significant increase in ability power, making her abilities even more potent.
  5. Redemption: This item allows Lulu to heal her allies and deal damage to enemies in a targeted area. The item’s active effect can be used to heal allies from across the map, making it an essential item for any support champion.
  6. Zeke’s Convergence: This item provides Lulu with additional armor and magic resistance, making her more durable in team fights. Its passive effect also grants her and her ally additional damage and crowd control reduction when they are near each other.

Lulu’s Playstyle

Lulu’s playstyle in Wild Rift is focused on supporting her allies and controlling the enemy team. Her abilities allow her to poke enemies and protect her allies, making her an excellent choice for players who enjoy playing support champions. Here are some tips on how to play Lulu effectively:

  • Stay behind your allies: Lulu is a support champion, and her abilities are focused on protecting her allies. Stay behind your allies and use your abilities to shield them and poke the enemy team.
  • Use Pix to scout bushes: Lulu’s passive ability allows her to reveal enemies when Pix is applied to them. Use Pix to scout bushes and keep your allies safe from ambushes.
  • Save your ultimate for team fights: Lulu’s ultimate ability can turn the tide of a team fight. Save it for when your allies are in danger or when the enemy team is grouped up.
  • Use Glitterlance to slow enemies: Glitterlance is an excellent ability for poking enemies and slowing them down. Use it to slow enemies and make it easier for your allies to engage.
  • Use Whimsy to help allies escape: Whimsy can be used to grant your allies movement speed and attack speed. Use it to help your allies escape dangerous situations or chase down enemies.
  • Use Help, Pix! to poke enemies: Help, Pix! can be used to shield your allies and damage enemies around them. Use it to poke enemies and keep them away from your allies.
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Lulu is an excellent support champion in Wild Rift who excels at crowd control and providing shields and buffs to her allies. Her abilities allow her to poke enemies and protect her allies, and her ultimate can turn the tide of a team fight. By following the tips and building the right items, you can effectively play Lulu and support your team to victory.

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