Pantheon Wild Rift Champions Build


Pantheon Wild Rift Champions Build, Pantheon is a powerful champion in Wild Rift. He is a fighter who excels in dealing damage and disrupting the enemy team. His kit allows him to be both a tank and an assassin, depending on the build you choose. In this article, we will discuss the best Pantheon Wild Rift champions build for maximum effectiveness on the battlefield.

Overview of Pantheon

Pantheon is a warrior who is best played in the top lane. He has a high damage output and can be built to be a tank or an assassin. His passive, Mortal Will, gives him a shield after every four abilities he uses. This makes him an excellent champion for extended fights, as he can absorb a lot of damage.

His first ability, Comet Spear, is a skill shot that deals damage to the first enemy it hits. If it hits an enemy champion, it also applies a mark that can be detonated by Pantheon’s next ability. His second ability, Shield Vault, allows him to leap to an enemy champion, dealing damage and stunning them. His third ability, Aegis Assault, gives him a shield and deals damage to enemies around him. His ultimate, Grand Skyfall, allows him to leap into the air and land at a target location, dealing damage to enemies in the area.

Runes for Pantheon

When it comes to runes, there are a few options to choose from for Pantheon. The most popular rune page for him is the Conqueror rune page. This page gives him extra damage and healing when he deals damage to enemy champions. It also allows him to stack up to 10 times, which gives him extra adaptive force.

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Another option is the Electrocute rune page. This page gives him extra burst damage when he hits an enemy champion with three different abilities. It’s a great rune page for players who want to build Pantheon as an assassin.

Items for Pantheon

When it comes to items, there are a few different ways to build Pantheon. The most popular build is the tank build, which focuses on building items that give him health and resistances. This build allows him to absorb a lot of damage while still dealing a decent amount of damage himself.

The tank build typically starts with a Black Cleaver, which gives him extra health, damage, and armor penetration. From there, he can build items like Dead Man’s Plate, Spirit Visage, and Randuin’s Omen to give him extra health and resistances.

Another option is the assassin build, which focuses on building items that give him extra damage and mobility. This build allows him to quickly take out enemy champions and escape before they can retaliate.

The assassin build typically starts with a Youmuu’s Ghostblade, which gives him extra damage and movement speed. From there, he can build items like Duskblade of Draktharr, Edge of Night, and Guardian Angel to give him extra damage and survivability.

Combos for Pantheon

When it comes to combos, there are a few different ones that Pantheon players can use. The most basic combo is to use his first ability, Comet Spear, to mark an enemy champion. Then, use his second ability, Shield Vault, to leap to the enemy champion, dealing damage and stunning them.

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Another combo is to use his ultimate, Grand Skyfall, to land on an enemy champion. Then, use his second ability, Shield Vault, to leap to the enemy champion, dealing damage and stunning them. This combo is great for catching enemy champions off guard and quickly taking them out.


Pantheon is a powerful champion in Wild Rift who can be built as both a tank and an assassin. His kit allows him to deal a lot of damage and disrupt the enemy team. When it comes to runes and items, there are a few different options to choose from depending on the player’s playstyle. With the right build and combos, Pantheon can be an unstoppable force on the battlefield.

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