Teemo Wild Rift Champions Build: Tips and Tricks

Teemo Wild Rift Champions Build, Teemo is a favorite champion for many players in Wild Rift. This yordle is known for his fast movement speed and his ability to deal damage from afar. If you’re looking to master Teemo and climb up the rankings, then you need to know the best Teemo Wild Rift champions build. In this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about Teemo’s abilities, items, and strategies to help you dominate on the battlefield.

Teemo’s Abilities

Teemo has four unique abilities that make him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. Here’s a breakdown of each ability and how you can use them to your advantage:

Blinding Dart

Teemo’s Blinding Dart is his bread and butter ability. It deals magic damage and blinds your opponent, making it difficult for them to hit you. This ability is great for harassing opponents in lane or securing kills in team fights. Max this ability first to maximize your damage output.

Toxic Shot

Toxic Shot is Teemo’s passive ability. It deals poison damage over time to opponents hit by Teemo’s basic attacks. This ability is great for harassing opponents and whittling down their health. You don’t need to max this ability first, but it’s important to remember to use it in conjunction with your other abilities.

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Move Quick

Move Quick is Teemo’s mobility ability. It increases Teemo’s movement speed for a short period of time, allowing him to escape from danger or chase down opponents. This ability is great for getting in and out of fights quickly. Max this ability second to increase your survivability.

Noxious Trap

Noxious Trap is Teemo’s ultimate ability. It places a mushroom trap on the ground that detonates when an opponent steps on it. The trap deals magic damage and slows opponents hit by it. This ability is great for controlling objectives and punishing opponents who try to roam. Max this ability whenever possible to increase the number of traps you can place on the map.

Teemo’s Items

Teemo’s items can make all the difference in how effective he is on the battlefield. Here are some items that work well with Teemo:

Luden’s Echo

Luden’s Echo is a great item for Teemo because it increases his ability power and gives him extra burst damage. It also has a passive that deals extra damage to nearby opponents whenever Teemo uses an ability. This item is great for securing kills and dealing damage in team fights.

Liandry’s Torment

Liandry’s Torment is another great item for Teemo because it gives him increased ability power and magic penetration. It also has a passive that deals extra damage to opponents who are affected by crowd control. This item is great for dealing damage to opponents who are slowed by your Noxious Traps.

Rabadon’s Deathcap

Rabadon’s Deathcap is a must-have item for Teemo because it gives him a massive boost to his ability power. This item is great for increasing the damage output of all of Teemo’s abilities. It’s a pricey item, but it’s worth investing in if you want to dominate on the battlefield.

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Teemo’s Strategies

Teemo is a versatile champion who can be played in a variety of ways. Here are some strategies you can use to maximize your effectiveness with Teemo:

Harass Your Opponents

Teemo’s Blinding Dart and Toxic Shot abilities are great for harassing opponents in lane. Use them to whittle down your opponent’s health and force them to back off. This will give you an advantage in lane and allow you to farm more safely.

Control Objectives

Teemo’s Noxious Traps are great for controlling objectives like Dragon and Baron. Place them in strategic locations around the objective to slow down opponents and deal damage. This will make it easier for your team to secure the objective.

Use Your Mobility

Teemo’s Move Quick ability is great for getting in and out of fights quickly. Use it to escape from danger or chase down opponents who are low on health.

Play Mind Games

Teemo’s Noxious Traps can be used to play mind games with your opponents. Place them in unexpected locations to surprise opponents and force them to play more cautiously. This will give you an advantage in fights and make it easier for you to win.


Teemo is a fun and versatile champion to play in Wild Rift. With the right build and strategies, you can dominate on the battlefield and climb up the rankings. Remember to focus on maxing out your Blinding Dart and Noxious Traps abilities, and invest in items like Luden’s Echo, Liandry’s Torment, and Rabadon’s Deathcap to maximize your damage output. Use your mobility to escape from danger or chase down opponents, and play mind games with your opponents by placing Noxious Traps in unexpected locations. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be a Teemo master in no time.

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