Thresh Wild Rift Champions Build: A Comprehensive Guide

Thresh is one of the most versatile and powerful champions in Wild Rift. He is a support champion that can control the battlefield and protect his allies. Thresh’s kit includes a hook, a flay, a lantern, and an ultimate that can pull enemies towards him. In this article, we will discuss the best Thresh builds for Wild Rift.

Thresh’s Abilities

Before we dive into the different builds for Thresh, let’s take a look at his abilities and what they do:

  • Death Sentence (Q): Thresh throws out his chain, hooking the first enemy champion hit and pulling them towards him. If Thresh reactivates Death Sentence, he will pull himself towards the hooked target.
  • Dark Passage (W): Thresh throws a lantern to a target location, which shields nearby allies and can be clicked on by allies to be pulled towards Thresh.
  • Flay (E): Thresh sweeps his chain in a line, dealing damage to enemies and knocking them towards the direction of the cast.
  • The Box (R): Thresh creates a large box around him, dealing damage to enemies and slowing them. If an enemy champion tries to escape the box, they will take additional damage.

Thresh’s Role in the Game

Thresh is a support champion that can control the battlefield and protect his allies. His hook can pull enemies towards him, allowing his team to focus them down. His lantern can shield allies and pull them towards him, allowing for quick escapes or engages. His flay can knock enemies towards his team, making it easier for them to be caught. And his ultimate can slow enemies and force them to stay in one place, making them easier to kill.

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Thresh’s Builds

Thresh’s builds can vary depending on the situation and the team composition. Here are some of the best builds for Thresh in Wild Rift:

Full Tank Build

The full tank build is a great option for Thresh if your team needs a tanky support. This build focuses on building tank items that will allow Thresh to soak up damage and protect his allies. Here is the build:

  1. Steel Shoulderguards – This item will give you extra gold for killing minions and will increase your health and attack damage.
  2. Boots of Swiftness – These boots will increase your movement speed, allowing you to catch up to enemies or escape from danger.
  3. Knight’s Vow – This item will allow you to protect your allies by taking damage for them and healing them when you take damage.
  4. Dead Man’s Plate – This item will increase your movement speed and give you extra health and armor.
  5. Spirit Visage – This item will increase your health and magic resistance, and will also increase the healing you receive.
  6. Gargoyle Stoneplate – This item will increase your armor and magic resistance, and will also give you a shield when you are surrounded by enemies.

This build will make Thresh incredibly tanky and hard to kill. He will be able to protect his allies and engage in team fights without fear of dying.

AP Build

The AP build is a great option for Thresh if your team needs more damage. This build focuses on building AP items that will increase Thresh’s damage and make his abilities more powerful. Here is the build:

  1. Spellthief’s Edge – This item will give you extra gold for hitting enemies with your abilities and will increase your ability power.
  2. Sorcere’s Shoes – These boots will increase your magic penetration, allowing you to do more damage to enemies.
  3. Rabadon’s Deathcap – This item will greatly increase your ability power, making your abilities much more powerful.
  4. Luden’s Echo – This item will give you extra ability power and will also add extra damage to your abilities.
  5. Void Staff – This item will increase your magic penetration, allowing you to do more damage to enemies with magic resistance.
  6. Zhonya’s Hourglass – This item will give you extra ability power and will also allow you to become invulnerable for a short period of time.
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This build will make Thresh a powerful damage dealer. He will be able to take out enemies on his own or in combination with his allies.

Hybrid Build

The hybrid build is a great option for Thresh if you want to have a mix of tankiness and damage. This build focuses on building items that will give Thresh both health and damage. Here is the build:

  1. Relic Shield – This item will give you extra gold for killing minions and will increase your health and attack damage.
  2. Mobility Boots – These boots will increase your movement speed, allowing you to catch up to enemies or escape from danger.
  3. Trinity Force – This item will give you extra health, attack damage, ability power, and movement speed.
  4. Dead Man’s Plate – This item will increase your movement speed and give you extra health and armor.
  5. Spirit Visage – This item will increase your health and magic resistance, and will also increase the healing you receive.
  6. Gargoyle Stoneplate – This item will increase your armor and magic resistance, and will also give you a shield when you are surrounded by enemies.

This build will make Thresh a well-rounded champion. He will be able to engage in team fights, protect his allies, and deal damage to enemies.


Thresh is a versatile and powerful champion in Wild Rift. His abilities allow him to control the battlefield and protect his allies. Depending on the situation and the team composition, Thresh can be built as a full tank, AP, or hybrid. By following these builds, you can make Thresh an unstoppable force in the game.

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