Tryndamere Wild Rift Champions Build: The Ultimate Guide

If you’re a fan of playing as a melee champion in Wild Rift, then Tryndamere is definitely a champion you should consider adding to your roster. Tryndamere is known for his high damage output, high mobility, and his ability to stay alive for a long time, making him a great choice for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies. In this guide, we’ll be discussing the best Tryndamere Wild Rift champions build, so that you can dominate the battlefield and take down your opponents with ease.

Tryndamere’s Abilities

Before we dive into the build, let’s take a look at Tryndamere’s abilities and what they do.

  • Battle Fury (Passive): Tryndamere gains Fury for each basic attack he lands. When his Fury bar is full, his next basic attack will critically strike.
  • Bloodlust (1st Ability): Tryndamere heals for a portion of his missing health, with the amount of healing increasing based on his Fury.
  • Mocking Shout (2nd Ability): Tryndamere reduces the attack damage of nearby enemies and slows them down. The slow amount increases based on his Fury.
  • Spinning Slash (3rd Ability): Tryndamere dashes forward and deals damage to all enemies in his path. If he hits an enemy champion, he gains Fury.
  • Undying Rage (Ultimate): Tryndamere becomes immune to death for a short period of time, during which his health cannot fall below a certain threshold.

Tryndamere Wild Rift Champions Build

Now that we know what Tryndamere’s abilities do, let’s take a look at the best items to build on him in Wild Rift.

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Core Items

These are the items that you should build on Tryndamere every game, as they provide him with the necessary stats to be effective in battle.

  • Blade of the Ruined King: This item provides Tryndamere with attack damage, attack speed, and lifesteal. It also has a passive effect that deals bonus damage to enemy champions and heals Tryndamere for a portion of the damage dealt.
  • Infinity Edge: This item provides Tryndamere with a massive boost to his critical strike chance and damage. It also provides him with a large amount of attack damage.
  • Berserker’s Greaves: These boots provide Tryndamere with attack speed, which is crucial for him to be able to deal damage quickly and efficiently.

These items alone will provide Tryndamere with a lot of damage output, but there are a few more items that you can build on him depending on the situation.

Situational Items

These items should be built on Tryndamere depending on the situation he is in.

  • Phantom Dancer: This item provides Tryndamere with attack speed, critical strike chance, and movement speed. It also has a passive effect that reduces the damage he takes from the last champion he attacked. This item is great for dueling and split pushing.
  • Guardian Angel: This item provides Tryndamere with armor and attack damage, as well as a passive effect that revives him when he dies. This item is great for team fights, as it allows Tryndamere to continue fighting even after he has been taken down.
  • Thornmail: This item provides Tryndamere with armor and reduces the healing of nearby enemies. This item is great for countering enemy champions that rely on healing, such as Dr. Mundo and Soraka.
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Tryndamere’s Playstyle

Now that we know what items to build on Tryndamere, let’s talk about how to play him effectively.

Tryndamere excels at split pushing and dueling, so it’s important to keep this in mind when playing him. Try to push your lane as much as possible, but make sure to keep an eye on the minimap so that you don’t get caught out by enemy champions.

In team fights, Tryndamere should focus on taking down the enemy carries. Use your Spinning Slash to get in close to them, then use your Mocking Shout to slow them down and reduce their damage output. Once you’ve taken down the enemy carries, you can focus on cleaning up the rest of the enemy team.

Remember to use your Undying Rage at the right time. Don’t waste it if you’re only going to die as soon as it wears off. Save it for when you’re in danger of dying, or when you need to take down an important enemy champion.


Tryndamere is a powerful champion in Wild Rift, and with the right items and playstyle, he can be unstoppable. If you’re a fan of melee champions and like to get up close and personal with your enemies, then Tryndamere is definitely a champion you should consider adding to your roster.

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