Twisted Fate Wild Rift Champions Build


If you’re looking for a champion that can deal massive damage to enemies, then Twisted Fate is the perfect pick for you. He is a very versatile champion and can be played in many different ways. In this article, we will be discussing the best Twisted Fate wild rift champions build that you can use to dominate your enemies.

What is Twisted Fate?

Twisted Fate is a ranged champion that can deal damage from a distance. He is unique because he can use his abilities to teleport to different locations on the map. This makes him a very mobile champion that can quickly move around the map and gank enemies.

Skills and Abilities

Twisted Fate has three abilities that he can use in battle. These are:

1. Pick a Card: This ability allows Twisted Fate to choose a card from his deck that he can use to deal damage to enemies.

2. Wild Cards: This ability allows Twisted Fate to throw three cards in a cone-shaped area, dealing damage to all enemies hit.

3. Destiny: This ability allows Twisted Fate to reveal all enemy champions on the map and teleport to any location on the map.

Best Build for Twisted Fate

To maximize Twisted Fate’s damage output, we recommend the following build:

1. Hextech GLP-800: This item gives Twisted Fate additional mana, health, and ability power. It also has an active ability that slows enemies, making it easier for Twisted Fate to land his Wild Cards.

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2. Sorcerer’s Shoes: This item gives Twisted Fate additional magic penetration, making his spells deal more damage.

3. Lich Bane: This item gives Twisted Fate additional ability power and mana. It also has a passive ability that allows Twisted Fate’s next basic attack to deal extra damage based on his ability power.

4. Rabadon’s Deathcap: This item gives Twisted Fate a massive boost in ability power, making his spells deal even more damage.

5. Void Staff: This item gives Twisted Fate additional magic penetration, making his spells deal more damage to enemies with high magic resistance.

6. Zhonya’s Hourglass: This item gives Twisted Fate additional ability power and armor. It also has an active ability that allows Twisted Fate to become invulnerable for a short period, making it easier for him to survive in team fights.


When playing as Twisted Fate, it’s important to use your mobility to your advantage. Use your Destiny ability to quickly move around the map and gank enemies. When engaging in team fights, use your Pick a Card ability to stun enemies and then follow up with your Wild Cards to deal massive damage.

It’s also important to position yourself properly during team fights. Stay in the backline and use your abilities to deal damage from a distance. If you get caught out of position, use your Zhonya’s Hourglass to become invulnerable and allow your team to come to your aid.


Twisted Fate is a very versatile champion that can be played in many different ways. By using the right build and strategy, you can dominate your enemies and lead your team to victory. So, the next time you’re looking for a champion that can deal massive damage to enemies, give Twisted Fate a try!

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