Warwick Wild Rift Champions Build: A Guide to Mastering the Game

If you’re a fan of League of Legends, then you’re probably familiar with Warwick. This champion is known for his ferocious bite and his ability to deal massive damage to his opponents. In Wild Rift, Warwick is just as deadly, and if you want to dominate the game, you need to master his build. In this article, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to build Warwick in Wild Rift.

Why Choose Warwick?

Before we dive into the build, let’s take a quick look at why Warwick is a great champion to play. Firstly, he’s a jungler, which means he can farm creeps and earn gold quickly. Secondly, he has great sustain thanks to his passive ability, which restores his health with every attack. Thirdly, he has a powerful ultimate that can lock down and kill enemies with ease. Lastly, he’s a relatively easy champion to play, making him a great choice for beginners.

Starting Items

When you’re starting the game, you want to focus on items that will help you clear the jungle as quickly as possible. We recommend starting with a Hunter’s Machete and a Refillable Potion. The Hunter’s Machete will give you bonus damage against jungle monsters, while the Refillable Potion will keep your health topped up as you clear the jungle.

Early Game

During the early game, your main goal is to farm the jungle and gank lanes when opportunities arise. Your first major item should be the Stalker’s Blade – Runic Echoes. This will give you bonus damage and movement speed, making it easier for you to clear the jungle and move around the map. If you’re ahead, you can also consider building a Sheen, which will increase your burst damage.

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When it comes to boots, we recommend building Mercury Treads. These will give you magic resistance and reduce the duration of crowd control effects, making it harder for enemies to lock you down. If the enemy team is heavy on AD damage, you can also consider building Ninja Tabi instead.

Another item you should consider building during the early game is the Trinity Force. This item will give you bonus attack damage, ability power, and attack speed, as well as a sheen effect that will increase your burst damage. It’s a great all-around item that will help you deal more damage and clear the jungle faster.

Mid Game

During the mid game, you should have your core items built and be looking to help your team secure objectives. Your primary objective should be to secure the Rift Herald and use it to take down turrets. You should also be looking to gank lanes more frequently, as your damage and movement speed will be at their peak.

One item you should consider building during the mid game is the Spirit Visage. This item will increase your health regeneration and give you bonus magic resistance, making it harder for enemies to kill you. It’s especially useful if the enemy team has a lot of magic damage.

Another item you can consider building is the Guardian Angel. This item will revive you if you die, giving you a second chance in team fights. It’s a great item to build if you’re the primary damage dealer on your team.

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Late Game

During the late game, you should be focused on team fights and securing objectives. Your primary objective should be to take down the enemy’s inhibitors and push for the win. If you’re ahead, you can consider building a Hextech Gunblade, which will give you bonus attack damage, ability power, and spell vamp, making it easier for you to survive team fights and deal more damage.

Another item you should consider building during the late game is the Spirit of Dread. This item will give you bonus health regeneration and lifesteal, making it easier for you to survive team fights and deal more damage. It’s especially useful if the enemy team has a lot of physical damage.

In Conclusion

Warwick is a great champion to play in Wild Rift, and if you want to dominate the game, you need to master his build. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a Warwick master. Remember to focus on clearing the jungle, ganking lanes, and securing objectives, and you’ll be unstoppable in no time!

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