Xayah Wild Rift Champions Build

Xayah is a powerful marksman in Wild Rift, known for her agility and high burst damage. With the right build, Xayah can deal massive damage to enemies and quickly take down turrets. In this article, we’ll discuss the optimal Xayah Wild Rift champions build and how to best utilize her abilities.

Starting Items

When starting a game as Xayah, it’s important to choose the right items to give yourself an early advantage. We recommend starting with a Long Sword and a Health Potion. This will provide you with extra damage and sustain in the early game.

Core Items

As you progress through the game, there are several core items that you’ll want to build on Xayah. These include:

  • Essence Reaver: This item provides Xayah with extra mana and cooldown reduction, which are crucial for her abilities. It also gives her bonus damage and lifesteal, making her harder to kill in team fights.
  • Rapid Firecannon: This item increases Xayah’s range and critical strike chance, allowing her to deal more damage from a safer distance.
  • Infinity Edge: This item provides Xayah with extra critical strike damage, making her basic attacks hit harder. It also gives her more critical strike chance, which synergizes well with Rapid Firecannon.

These three items should be your main focus when building Xayah. Once you have them, you’ll be able to deal massive damage to enemies and take down turrets quickly.

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Situational Items

Depending on the situation, there are a few other items that you may want to consider building on Xayah. These include:

  • Bloodthirster: This item provides Xayah with even more lifesteal, making her even harder to kill in team fights. It also gives her bonus damage and a shield, making her more durable overall.
  • Guardian Angel: This item provides Xayah with a second chance at life, resurrecting her if she is killed in battle. This can be extremely useful in team fights where Xayah is likely to be focused by the enemy team.
  • Mortal Reminder: This item is especially useful against teams with a lot of healing, as it reduces the effectiveness of their healing abilities. It also provides Xayah with bonus armor penetration, allowing her to deal more damage to tanks and other high-health targets.

These situational items should be built depending on the specific circumstances of the game. If you’re struggling against a team with a lot of healing, Mortal Reminder can be a game-changer. If you’re getting focused down in team fights, Guardian Angel can give you a second chance at life.


Xayah has four abilities that you can use to deal damage to enemies and stay alive in team fights. These are:

  • Double Daggers: Xayah’s basic attacks and abilities throw two feathers that deal physical damage. These feathers can be picked up by Xayah or her ally Rakan, which will reduce the cooldown of Xayah’s abilities.
  • Bladecaller: Xayah sends out a wave of feathers that deals physical damage and roots enemies hit by it. This ability is great for setting up kills and escaping from danger.
  • Deadly Plumage: Xayah gains bonus attack speed and her basic attacks deal bonus damage for a short period of time. This ability is great for taking down turrets and dealing massive damage to enemies.
  • Featherstorm: Xayah becomes untargetable for a short period of time and fires out a volley of feathers that deal physical damage to enemies hit by them. This ability is great for escaping from danger and dealing massive damage to enemies in team fights.
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When playing Xayah, it’s important to use her abilities in the right order and at the right time. For example, you might use Deadly Plumage to take down a turret quickly, then use Bladecaller to root an enemy and finish them off with your basic attacks.

Gameplay Tips

Here are a few gameplay tips to keep in mind when playing Xayah:

  • Stay behind your team: Xayah is a marksman, which means she’s relatively squishy. It’s important to stay behind your tanks and bruisers and deal damage from a safe distance.
  • Use your feathers wisely: Xayah’s feathers can be picked up by her or her ally Rakan, so it’s important to use them strategically. For example, you might throw out a few feathers to zone the enemy team, then pick them up with Bladecaller to root an enemy.
  • Position yourself well: Xayah’s abilities have relatively short ranges, so it’s important to position yourself well in team fights. Try to stay near walls and other obstacles that you can use to dodge enemy abilities.


Xayah is a powerful marksman in Wild Rift, capable of dealing massive damage to enemies and taking down turrets quickly. By building her with the right items and using her abilities strategically, you can dominate the game and lead your team to victory.

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