Irelia Wild Rift Champions Build: Tips and Tricks for Dominating the Game

Irelia Wild Rift Champions Build, Are you looking for an Irelia build that will help you dominate your opponents in Wild Rift? Look no further because we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll be discussing the best Irelia Wild Rift champions build, including tips and tricks to help you climb the ranks.

Why Choose Irelia?

Irelia is a melee fighter who excels in both solo and team fights. She can deal significant damage while also being able to sustain herself in extended engagements. Her abilities allow her to dash around the battlefield, making her difficult to pin down. She’s a great pick for players who enjoy a mix of offense and defense.

Skills and Abilities

Before we delve into the Irelia Wild Rift champions build, let’s take a closer look at her skills and abilities:

  • Ionian Fervor: Irelia’s passive ability grants her bonus attack speed based on the number of enemies around her. It also heals her for a portion of the damage she deals.
  • Bladesurge: Irelia’s Q ability allows her to dash towards an enemy, dealing physical damage. If the ability kills the target, its cooldown is reset.
  • Defiant Dance: Irelia’s W ability grants her a shield and increases her damage reduction for a brief period. If she takes damage during this period, the ability’s cooldown is refunded.
  • Flawless Duet: Irelia’s E ability sends out two blades that converge on the targeted area, dealing magic damage and stunning enemies hit by both blades.
  • Vanguard’s Edge: Irelia’s ultimate ability sends out a barrage of blades that deal physical damage and mark enemies hit. If Irelia hits a marked enemy with her basic attacks or abilities, she deals bonus magic damage and restores mana.
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Early Game

At the beginning of the game, focus on farming to build up your gold and experience. Use Bladesurge to last-hit minions and poke your opponent when they get too close. If you’re facing a ranged opponent, try to stay behind your minions to avoid taking too much damage.

Once you hit level 2, you can start looking for opportunities to engage your opponent. Use Bladesurge to dash towards them and follow up with Flawless Duet for a stun. This will allow you to deal significant damage and potentially secure a kill.

Mid Game

During the mid game, you’ll want to start roaming and helping your team secure objectives. Use your mobility to quickly move around the map and look for opportunities to engage the enemy team. Your ultimate ability is great for initiating team fights and dealing damage to multiple targets.

When engaging in team fights, try to target enemy squishies first. Use Bladesurge to dash towards them and follow up with Flawless Duet for a stun. You can then use Vanguard’s Edge to deal additional damage and mark other enemies for your team to focus on.

Late Game

In the late game, Irelia can become a monster if played correctly. You’ll want to focus on staying alive and dealing consistent damage in team fights. Use your mobility to avoid enemy abilities and position yourself for maximum impact.

If you’re ahead, you can be more aggressive and look for picks on enemy squishies. If you’re behind, focus on peeling for your carries and disrupting the enemy team with your stuns and ultimate ability.

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Best Irelia Wild Rift Champions Build

Now that we’ve gone over Irelia’s skills and abilities and how to play her in different stages of the game, let’s take a look at the best Irelia Wild Rift champions build:

  • Trinity Force: This item is a must-have for Irelia. It provides her with bonus attack speed, damage, and mana. Its passive ability, Spellblade, allows her next basic attack to deal bonus physical damage and restores mana.
  • Blade of the Ruined King: This item provides Irelia with bonus attack damage, attack speed, and life steal. Its passive ability, Maim, allows her basic attacks to deal bonus physical damage and slow the target.
  • Sterak’s Gage: This item provides Irelia with bonus health, damage, and tenacity. Its passive ability, Lifeline, grants her a shield when she takes damage that exceeds a certain percentage of her maximum health.
  • Guardian Angel: This item provides Irelia with bonus armor and attack damage. Its passive ability, Revive, allows her to resurrect with a portion of her health and mana when she dies.
  • Mercury’s Treads: These boots provide Irelia with bonus magic resistance and tenacity. They reduce the duration of crowd control effects, making it easier for her to escape from enemy abilities.
  • Spirit Visage: This item provides Irelia with bonus health, magic resistance, and health regeneration. Its passive ability, increases all sources of healing for Irelia.


By following the tips and tricks we’ve outlined in this article and using the best Irelia Wild Rift champions build, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the game. Remember to stay focused, practice your mechanics, and communicate with your team to achieve victory. Good luck!

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