Sion Wild Rift Champions Build: A Comprehensive Guide

If you’re an avid player of Wild Rift, you know that choosing the right champion build is crucial to winning games. Sion, the Undead Juggernaut, is an excellent champion to use in the game due to his tankiness and crowd control abilities. In this article, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to build Sion in Wild Rift.

Sion’s Role in Wild Rift

Sion is primarily a tank in Wild Rift, although he can also serve as a bruiser or a support champion. He is an excellent champion for engaging in team fights, as he can initiate with his ultimate ability, Unstoppable Onslaught. He can also provide crowd control with his other abilities, such as Decimating Smash and Roar of the Slayer.

Runes for Sion in Wild Rift

Choosing the right runes for Sion is crucial to his success in the game. Here are some of the best runes to use for Sion:

  • Grasp of the Undying: This rune is perfect for Sion, as it gives him extra sustain in lane. When you attack an enemy champion, you heal for a portion of your maximum health.
  • Font of Life: This rune is ideal for Sion if you’re playing him as a support. When you immobilize an enemy champion, you and nearby allies heal.
  • Conditioning: This rune is perfect for Sion as it increases his armor and magic resist after 12 minutes in the game.
  • Revitalize: This rune is excellent for Sion if you’re playing him as a tank. It increases all healing and shielding on you, making you even tankier.
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Summoner Spells for Sion in Wild Rift

Choosing the right summoner spells for Sion is also crucial to his success in the game. Here are some of the best summoner spells to use for Sion:

  • Flash: This spell is a must-have for all champions in Wild Rift. It allows you to quickly escape danger or chase down enemy champions.
  • Ignite: This spell is excellent for Sion if you’re playing him as a bruiser or a support. It deals damage over time to the enemy champion and reduces their healing.
  • Exhaust: This spell is perfect for Sion if you’re playing him as a tank. It reduces the damage and movement speed of the enemy champion, making it easier for you to engage on them.

Items for Sion in Wild Rift

Choosing the right items for Sion is crucial to his success in the game. Here are some of the best items to use for Sion:

  • Sunfire Cape: This item is perfect for Sion as it gives him armor and health, as well as dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • Dead Man’s Plate: This item is excellent for Sion as it gives him armor, health, and movement speed. It also deals damage to nearby enemies when you hit them with a basic attack.
  • Thornmail: This item is perfect for Sion if you’re playing him against a team with a lot of physical damage. It gives him armor and reduces the healing of nearby enemies.
  • Spirit Visage: This item is excellent for Sion if you’re playing him against a team with a lot of magic damage. It gives him magic resist and increases all healing on him.
  • Warmog’s Armor: This item is perfect for Sion if you want to be an even tankier champion. It gives him a huge amount of health and allows him to regenerate health quickly out of combat.
  • Boots of Swiftness: These boots are perfect for Sion as they give him movement speed, making it easier for him to engage on enemies or escape danger.
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Abilities for Sion in Wild Rift

Sion has four abilities in Wild Rift, each with its own unique purpose. Here’s a breakdown of each ability:

  • Glory in Death (Passive): When Sion dies, he turns into a zombie and can move around for a short period of time. He can also detonate himself, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • Decimating Smash (Q): Sion slams his axe into the ground, dealing damage and slowing enemies in a cone in front of him.
  • Soul Furnace (W): Sion gains a shield and bonus health for a short period of time. After the duration, the shield explodes, dealing damage to nearby enemies.
  • Roar of the Slayer (E): Sion shouts in a line, dealing damage and slowing enemies hit. If the enemy is already slowed, they are instead stunned.
  • Unstoppable Onslaught (R): Sion charges forward, knocking up and damaging enemies in his path. He also gains movement speed and a shield while charging.

How to Play Sion in Wild Rift

Playing Sion in Wild Rift requires a good understanding of his abilities and the game mechanics. Here are some tips on how to play Sion effectively:

  • Engage in team fights with your ultimate ability, Unstoppable Onslaught. Use it to knock up and damage as many enemies as possible.
  • Use your Q ability, Decimating Smash, to slow down enemies and make it easier for your team to follow up.
  • Use your E ability, Roar of the Slayer, to stun enemies that are already slowed down.
  • Use your W ability, Soul Furnace, to gain a shield and bonus health before engaging in team fights.
  • If you die, try to detonate yourself with your passive ability, Glory in Death, to deal damage to nearby enemies.
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Sion is an excellent champion to use in Wild Rift due to his tankiness and crowd control abilities. By following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to build Sion effectively and play him to his full potential. Remember to choose the right runes, summoner spells, and items for Sion, and use his abilities wisely to engage in team fights and control the battlefield.

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