Renekton Wild Rift Champions Build


Renekton Wild Rift Champions Build, Renekton is a powerful champion in Wild Rift that can deal massive amounts of damage while being tanky enough to survive in team fights. He is a melee champion that excels in close combat situations, making him an ideal choice for players who like to get up close and personal with their enemies. In this article, we will discuss the best build for Renekton in Wild Rift and how to use it effectively in games.


The best runes for Renekton in Wild Rift are Conqueror, Brutal, Regeneration, and Hunter Titan. Conqueror is a great choice for Renekton because it allows him to deal more damage the longer he stays in combat. Brutal provides additional damage to Renekton’s abilities and basic attacks, making him even more deadly. Regeneration helps him sustain in lane, while Hunter Titan provides additional health and tenacity.

Summoner Spells

The best summoner spells for Renekton are Flash and Ignite. Flash is essential for Renekton’s mobility, allowing him to close the gap between him and his enemies or escape dangerous situations. Ignite is a great choice for securing kills and reducing the healing of enemy champions.


The core items for Renekton in Wild Rift are Black Cleaver, Sterak’s Gage, and Guardian Angel. Black Cleaver provides Renekton with additional damage, cooldown reduction, and armor penetration. Sterak’s Gage gives him additional health, damage, and a shield when he takes damage. Guardian Angel provides him with a second life, allowing him to survive in team fights longer.

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Other items that are useful for Renekton include Dead Man’s Plate, Thornmail, and Randuin’s Omen. Dead Man’s Plate provides him with additional movement speed and damage when he attacks, making him even more mobile and deadly. Thornmail is great against champions that rely on basic attacks, while Randuin’s Omen is great against champions that deal a lot of critical damage.

Skill Order

The best skill order for Renekton in Wild Rift is Q, W, E. Start with Q and max it first, as it provides additional damage and healing. Max W second, as it provides additional damage and stun duration. Max E last, as it provides additional mobility but doesn’t provide as much damage or utility as Q or W.

Laning Phase

In the laning phase, Renekton should focus on farming and harassing his enemy laner. Use Q to last hit minions and heal yourself, while also damaging your enemy laner. Use W to stun your enemy laner and deal additional damage, and use E to dash in and out of combat, avoiding enemy abilities.

Mid Game

In the mid game, Renekton should start roaming and looking for opportunities to make plays. Use your mobility to gank other lanes, securing kills and objectives. Renekton is great at split pushing, so use your abilities to clear waves and take down turrets.

Late Game

In the late game, Renekton should focus on team fights and protecting his carries. Use your abilities to peel for your backline, stunning and damaging enemy champions that try to get close. Use Guardian Angel to survive longer in team fights, allowing you to deal more damage and tank more damage.

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Renekton is a powerful champion in Wild Rift that can deal massive amounts of damage while being tanky enough to survive in team fights. By using the right runes, summoner spells, items, and skill order, Renekton can become an unstoppable force on the battlefield. Follow the tips in this article to dominate with Renekton in Wild Rift.

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