Urgot Wild Rift Champions Build

Urgot Wild Rift Champions Build, Urgot is a tanky marksman champion who can deal a lot of damage while still being able to take hits. He is a popular pick in Wild Rift because of his versatility and ability to dominate lanes. In this article, we’ll be discussing the best build for Urgot in Wild Rift.


For Urgot, we recommend using the Conqueror rune. This rune will give you bonus damage and healing when you deal damage to champions. For your secondary runes, we recommend using Triumph for extra healing and Tenacity for added crowd control resistance. Finally, take Last Stand to increase your damage output when you’re low health.

Summoner Spells

For your summoner spells, we recommend taking Flash and Ignite. Flash will allow you to escape dangerous situations or reposition yourself in fights, while Ignite will give you extra damage and healing reduction for enemy champions.

Starting Items

When starting out with Urgot, we recommend buying a Doran’s Blade and a Health Potion. Doran’s Blade will give you extra attack damage and health, while the Health Potion will allow you to sustain in lane longer.

Core Items

The core items for Urgot in Wild Rift are Black Cleaver, Death’s Dance, and Sterak’s Gage. Black Cleaver will give you extra attack damage, health, and armor penetration. Death’s Dance will give you extra attack damage, cooldown reduction, and healing from your abilities. Finally, Sterak’s Gage will give you extra health, attack damage, and a shield when you take damage.

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For your boots, we recommend buying either Mercury’s Treads or Ninja Tabi. Mercury’s Treads will give you extra magic resistance and crowd control reduction, while Ninja Tabi will give you extra armor and damage reduction from basic attacks.

Situational Items

Depending on the situation, you may need to build different items. If you’re facing a lot of magic damage, build a Spirit Visage to increase your magic resistance and healing from your abilities. If you’re facing a lot of physical damage, build a Dead Man’s Plate to increase your armor and movement speed. If you’re facing a lot of crowd control, build a Quicksilver Sash to remove any crowd control effects on you.


Urgot is a strong laner who can bully his opponents with his Q ability. Use your Q to poke your opponents and your W to shred their armor and deal extra damage. When you hit level 6, use your ultimate to pull your opponent towards you and deal massive damage. In team fights, use your E ability to knock up multiple enemies and then follow up with your Q and W to deal damage. Remember to use your Flash and Ignite to secure kills or escape dangerous situations.


Urgot is a strong and versatile champion in Wild Rift. By following this build and playstyle, you’ll be able to dominate your opponents and help your team win. Remember to adapt your build based on the situation and always be aware of your surroundings. Good luck and have fun!

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