Akali Wild Rift Champions Build: A Comprehensive Guide

Akali is a popular assassin champion in Wild Rift, known for her high mobility and burst damage. She has the ability to quickly eliminate enemies and escape from dangerous situations. However, to maximize her potential, it is essential to build her correctly. In this guide, we will provide you with the best Akali Wild Rift champions build to help you dominate the game.

Akali Wild Rift Champions Build: Core Items

To start, let’s discuss the core items that you should prioritize building for Akali:

  1. Hextech Gunblade – This item is a must-have for Akali. It provides her with increased attack damage, ability power, and life steal. Additionally, its active ability can slow down enemies and deal extra damage, making it an excellent tool for chasing down enemies or escaping from danger.
  2. Lich Bane – This item increases Akali’s attack damage and ability power, making her abilities hit even harder. Its passive ability also allows her to deal bonus damage after using an ability, which is perfect for quickly taking down enemies.
  3. Rabadon’s Deathcap – This item is essential for increasing Akali’s ability power, making her abilities even more deadly. It also provides her with increased cooldown reduction, allowing her to use her abilities more frequently.

These three items should be your top priority when building Akali. They will provide her with the necessary damage and sustain to take down enemies and survive in team fights.

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Akali Wild Rift Champions Build: Boots

Next, let’s talk about boots. The boots you choose will depend on the situation, but we recommend building either:

  • Sorcerer’s Shoes – These boots provide Akali with increased magic penetration, allowing her abilities to deal more damage to enemies with magic resist.
  • Ninja Tabi – These boots provide Akali with increased armor and reduce the damage she takes from basic attacks, making them a great choice against teams with a lot of physical damage.

Choose the boots that best suit the situation you’re in. If you’re up against a team with a lot of magic damage, Sorcerer’s Shoes are the way to go. However, if the enemy team has a lot of physical damage, Ninja Tabi will give you the extra survivability you need.

Akali Wild Rift Champions Build: Situational Items

Finally, let’s discuss some situational items that you may want to consider building for Akali:

  • Zhonya’s Hourglass – This item provides Akali with increased ability power and armor, making her more durable. Its active ability also allows her to become invulnerable for a short period, which can be a lifesaver in team fights.
  • Morellonomicon – This item provides Akali with increased ability power and cooldown reduction. Its passive ability also reduces the healing of enemies, which is great for countering champions with a lot of sustain.
  • Banshee’s Veil – This item provides Akali with increased ability power and magic resist, making her more durable against magic damage. Its passive ability also blocks one enemy ability every 45 seconds, which can be a game-changer in team fights.
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These items are situational and should only be built if you feel they are necessary. If you’re up against a team with a lot of magic damage, Banshee’s Veil can help you survive. If you’re up against a team with a lot of sustain, Morellonomicon can help you reduce their healing. And if you’re up against a team that can burst you down quickly, Zhonya’s Hourglass can give you the extra survivability you need.

Akali Wild Rift Champions Build: Skill Order

Lastly, let’s talk about the skill order for Akali. We recommend prioritizing the following abilities:

  1. Q – Five Point Strike – This ability is Akali’s primary damage-dealing ability. It deals more damage when enemies are at low health, making it perfect for finishing off low-health enemies.
  2. E – Shuriken Flip – This ability allows Akali to quickly close the gap between her and enemies or escape from dangerous situations.
  3. W – Twilight Shroud – This ability provides Akali with increased mobility and allows her to escape from enemies. It also grants her invisibility, making it perfect for setting up surprise attacks or escaping from danger.
  4. R – Perfect Execution – This ability is Akali’s ultimate and deals massive damage to enemies. It also allows her to dash to enemies, making it perfect for chasing down fleeing enemies or escaping from danger.

Make sure to prioritize your abilities in this order to maximize Akali’s damage and mobility.


Building Akali in Wild Rift can be tricky, but by following our guide, you’ll be able to dominate the game. Remember to prioritize the core items, choose the right boots for the situation, and build situational items if necessary. Additionally, make sure to prioritize your abilities in the right order to maximize Akali’s potential. With these tips, you’ll be able to take down enemies with ease and escape from danger like a pro.

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