Corki Wild Rift Champions Build

Corki Wild Rift Champions Build, Corki is an interesting champion in Wild Rift as he is a marksman but has a lot of abilities that deal magic damage. He is also a hybrid champion, which means he deals both physical and magical damage. Corki is a very strong champion in the right hands and can deal a lot of damage in team fights. In this article, we will discuss the best Corki Wild Rift champions build.

Corki’s Abilities

Before we discuss the build, let’s take a look at Corki’s abilities:

  • Hextech Munitions (Passive): Corki’s basic attacks deal additional magic damage and reduce the cooldown of his ultimate ability, Missile Barrage.
  • Phosphorus Bomb (First Ability): Corki fires a bomb at a target location, dealing physical damage to all enemies hit and revealing the area briefly. The bomb also leaves behind a trail of fire that deals additional magic damage to enemies that walk through it.
  • Valkyrie (Second Ability): Corki dashes to a target location, dealing magic damage to enemies in the area of effect and leaving behind a trail of fire that deals additional magic damage to enemies that walk through it.
  • Gatling Gun (Third Ability): Corki begins firing his gatling gun, dealing physical damage to enemies in a cone in front of him and reducing their armor and magic resist for a short duration.
  • Missile Barrage (Ultimate): Corki fires a missile at a target location, dealing physical damage to enemies in the area of effect. Corki’s ultimate has a short cooldown and can be used frequently in team fights.
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Corki Wild Rift Champions Build

Now that we know Corki’s abilities, let’s discuss the best Corki Wild Rift champions build:

Starting Items

At the start of the game, you should buy a Doran’s Blade and a Health Potion. The Doran’s Blade will give you some extra attack damage and health, while the Health Potion will allow you to sustain in lane.

Core Items

The core items for Corki are Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, and Rapid Firecannon. Trinity Force is a great item for Corki as it provides him with a lot of stats he needs, such as attack damage, ability power, attack speed, and movement speed. Infinity Edge is also a great item for Corki as it increases his critical strike damage. Rapid Firecannon is a great item for Corki as it increases his attack range, allowing him to deal damage from a safe distance.


For boots, you should buy either Berserker’s Greaves or Sorcerer’s Shoes. Berserker’s Greaves will give you some extra attack speed, while Sorcerer’s Shoes will give you some extra magic penetration.

Situational Items

For situational items, you should buy Guardian Angel if you need some extra survivability. If the enemy team has a lot of magic damage, you should buy a Maw of Malmortius. If the enemy team has a lot of armor, you should buy a Lord Dominik’s Regards. If you need some extra mobility, you should buy a Phantom Dancer.

How to Play Corki

Now that we know the best Corki Wild Rift champions build, let’s discuss how to play Corki:

Early Game

During the early game, you should focus on farming and poking your enemies with your Phosphorus Bomb. Corki’s Phosphorus Bomb has a long range and can deal a lot of damage, so try to hit your enemies with it whenever possible. If your enemies get too close to you, you can use your Gatling Gun to reduce their armor and magic resist and deal some extra damage.

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Mid Game

During the mid game, you should start grouping with your team and participating in team fights. Corki’s ultimate, Missile Barrage, has a short cooldown and can deal a lot of damage to multiple enemies. Try to use your Valkyrie to position yourself in a safe spot and then use your Phosphorus Bomb and Missile Barrage to deal damage to the enemy team.

Late Game

During the late game, you should continue to participate in team fights and try to take down the enemy team’s inhibitors and nexus. Corki’s damage output is very high during the late game, so try to position yourself safely and deal as much damage as possible. Remember to use your Valkyrie to reposition yourself if necessary.


In conclusion, Corki is a very strong champion in Wild Rift that can deal a lot of damage in team fights. The best Corki Wild Rift champions build consists of Trinity Force, Infinity Edge, and Rapid Firecannon, along with situational items such as Guardian Angel and Maw of Malmortius. During the game, you should focus on farming and poking your enemies during the early game, participating in team fights during the mid game, and taking down the enemy team’s inhibitors and nexus during the late game.

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