5 Champions For Akali Wild Rift Counter

Akali Wild Rift Counter, Akali is undoubtedly one of the most formidable champions in Wild Rift, with her ability to dash in and out of fights while dealing massive damage. However, every champion has their weaknesses, and Akali is no exception. Mastering the art of outplaying Akali requires understanding her strengths and exploiting her vulnerabilities. In this article, we will dive into the best counters for Akali in Wild Rift, equipping you with the knowledge to turn the tides in your favor.

One of the most effective counters against Akali is Zed. This shadowy assassin possesses the tools to keep Akali at bay and shut down her attempts to engage. Zed’s mobility and burst damage allow him to match Akali’s agility while dealing significant damage. Additionally, Zed’s Living Shadow ability provides him with an escape mechanism, making it harder for Akali to land her combos successfully. By utilizing Zed’s kit effectively, players can keep Akali on the backfoot and deny her the opportunity to snowball.

Another champion that can give Akali a run for her money is Ahri. As a mage-assassin hybrid, Ahri’s charm ability poses a significant threat to Akali’s playstyle. Landing a well-timed charm can disrupt Akali’s combos and leave her vulnerable to retaliation. Ahri’s mobility also allows her to dodge Akali’s skill shots and reposition herself for a favorable trade. With her burst damage potential and crowd control abilities, Ahri can punish Akali’s aggressive plays and maintain control of the lane.

The Best Counters for Akali in Wild Rift: Master the Art of Outplaying

Akali, the Rogue Assassin, is a formidable champion in the popular mobile game League of Legends: Wild Rift. Known for her mobility, burst damage, and stealth abilities, Akali can be a real threat in the hands of a skilled player. However, every champion has its weaknesses, and Akali is no exception. In this article, we will discuss some of the best counters for Akali, allowing you to master the art of outplaying her.

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1. Malphite: The Unstoppable Force

Malphite, the Shard of the Monolith, is a tanky champion who excels at disrupting enemy teams and soaking up damage. His passive ability grants him a shield, which reduces incoming damage, making it difficult for Akali to burst him down. Furthermore, Malphite’s Q ability, Seismic Shard, slows Akali’s movement speed, hindering her mobility and making her vulnerable to ganks.

2. Yasuo: The Unforgiven

Yasuo, the Wind Wanderer, is a popular pick against Akali due to his ability to block her projectiles with his Wind Wall. This denies Akali’s poke damage and ultimate ability, giving Yasuo an advantage in trades. Additionally, Yasuo’s high mobility allows him to dodge Akali’s skill shots and chase her down, making it hard for her to escape or engage in fights.

3. Pantheon: The Artisan of War

Pantheon, the Unbreakable Spear, is a powerful early-game champion who can dominate Akali in the laning phase. His Q ability, Spear Shot, deals substantial damage, while his E ability, Aegis Assault, blocks Akali’s auto-attacks and reduces her damage output. Pantheon’s ultimate, Grand Starfall, can also be used to quickly join team fights and shut down Akali’s roaming potential.

4. Galio: The Colossus

Galio, the Colossus, is a tanky mage who can effectively counter Akali in the mid-lane. His passive, Colossal Smash, deals bonus damage to Akali when she uses her abilities, discouraging her from engaging in trades. Galio’s W ability, Shield of Durand, grants him a massive shield and taunts nearby enemies, preventing Akali from escaping or dealing damage.

5. Lee Sin: The Blind Monk

Lee Sin, the Blind Monk, is a highly mobile champion who can outplay and shut down Akali’s mobility. His Q ability, Sonic Wave / Resonating Strike, allows him to quickly close the gap and deal significant damage to Akali. Lee Sin’s ultimate, Dragon’s Rage, can also be used to kick Akali away from his team or into dangerous situations, disrupting her combos and eliminating her threat.

Remember, these champions are considered strong counters to Akali, but success ultimately depends on your skill level and understanding of their abilities. It is crucial to practice and learn each counter’s mechanics to effectively outplay Akali and secure victory on the Rift.

In conclusion, mastering the art of outplaying Akali in Wild Rift requires a deep understanding of her strengths and weaknesses, as well as knowing which champions can effectively counter her. By choosing the right champion as a counterpick, you can significantly increase your chances of coming out on top in a match against Akali.

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One of the best counters for Akali is Zed. With his high burst damage and mobility, Zed can easily harass Akali in the early game and prevent her from snowballing. His ultimate ability, Death Mark, allows him to quickly eliminate Akali if she gets caught out of position. Additionally, Zed’s Living Shadow ability can be used to dodge Akali’s shurikens and create distance, making it difficult for her to land her full combo.

Another strong counter for Akali is Katarina. Katarina’s ability to reset her cooldowns upon securing a kill or assist makes her a formidable opponent for Akali. Her high burst damage and mobility allow her to quickly burst down Akali before she has a chance to react. Katarina’s ultimate ability, Death Lotus, can be devastating against Akali, especially if she is caught in a crowd control ability like a stun or knock-up.

In conclusion, mastering the art of outplaying Akali in Wild Rift involves strategic champion selection and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of potential counters. With champions like Zed and Katarina, players can effectively shut down Akali and secure victory in their matches. As the meta evolves and new champions are introduced, it is crucial to stay updated on the latest counterpicks to stay ahead of the game and dominate the Rift.

Akali Wild Rift Counter: Mastering the Art of Countering Akali in Wild Rift


Are you tired of being outplayed by Akali in Wild Rift? Do you want to turn the tables and dominate the game? Look no further, as this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to successfully counter Akali. In this article, we will explore the best ways to outsmart this formidable champion and secure victory on the Rift.

1. Understanding Akali’s Abilities

Before diving into the strategies, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of Akali’s abilities. Akali possesses a unique kit that makes her a deadly assassin. Her abilities include:

  • P: Assassin’s Mark – Akali’s auto-attacks and abilities mark enemies, empowering her to deal bonus magic damage.
  • Q: Five Point Strike – Akali throws shurikens in a circle, damaging enemies hit.
  • W: Twilight Shroud – Akali creates a smokescreen that grants her invisibility and movement speed when inside it.
  • E: Shuriken Flip – Akali dashes forward, throwing a shuriken that damages and marks the first enemy hit.
  • R: Perfect Execution – Akali dashes towards a targeted enemy, dealing damage and executing them if they are below a certain health threshold.
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2. Picking the Right Champions

To counter Akali effectively, it’s essential to choose champions that can exploit her weaknesses. Here are some champions that can give Akali a hard time:

  • Fizz – Fizz’s playful nature allows him to dodge Akali’s abilities and burst her down with his own combo.
  • Diana – Diana’s shield and burst damage can outtrade Akali, especially when timing her abilities correctly.
  • Garen – Garen’s tankiness and silence can prevent Akali from bursting him down, giving him the upper hand in duels.
  • Malzahar – Malzahar’s suppress and silence abilities can shut down Akali’s mobility and prevent her from assassinating priority targets.
  • Talon – Talon’s high burst damage and roaming potential can put immense pressure on Akali, limiting her ability to impact other lanes.

3. Laning Phase Tactics

The laning phase is crucial when facing Akali. Here are some tactics to employ during this phase:

  • Harass from Range – Akali excels in close-range combat. To counter her, poke her from a safe distance, denying her the opportunity to engage.
  • Avoid Her Shroud – Akali’s Twilight Shroud grants her invisibility. Try to predict her movements and avoid engaging when she disappears.
  • Coordinate with Jungler – Request assistance from your jungler to apply pressure on Akali and potentially secure kills.
  • Farm Safely – Focus on farming and avoiding unnecessary trades until you have a significant advantage.

4. Teamfight Strategies

Teamfights can make or break a game, so it’s crucial to approach them strategically when facing Akali. Consider the following strategies:

  • Protect Your Carries – Akali excels at diving into the backline. Assign a peeler or tank to protect your squishy carries from her assassinations.
  • CC Chain – Coordinate with your team to chain crowd control abilities on Akali, preventing her from using her mobility and executing priority targets.
  • Focus on Vision Control – Akali heavily relies on her invisibility to make plays. Invest in vision control to deny her opportunities to surprise your team.
  • Bait Her Ultimate – Akali’s Perfect Execution is a powerful execute ability. Bait it out before committing to all-out teamfights.


Mastering the art of countering Akali in Wild Rift requires a combination of champion knowledge, game sense, and strategic execution. By understanding her abilities, picking the right champions, employing laning phase tactics, and teamfight strategies, you can turn the tide of battle in your favor. So, go forth, summoner, and dominate the Rift with your newfound expertise in countering Akali!

Related video of The Best Counters for Akali in Wild Rift: Master the Art of Outplaying