Amumu Wild Rift Champions Build: Tips and Tricks for Success

Amumu is a popular champion in Wild Rift, and for good reason. This tanky jungler is known for his crowd control abilities and ability to initiate team fights. But to truly master Amumu, you’ll need a solid build and strategy. In this article, we’ll cover the best Amumu build for Wild Rift, along with some tips and tricks for success.

The Best Amumu Build for Wild Rift

Before we dive into the specifics of the Amumu build, it’s important to understand his role in the game. Amumu is a tanky jungler who excels at initiating team fights and disrupting enemy teams. As such, his build should focus on survivability, crowd control, and utility.

Here are the core items for an effective Amumu build:

  1. Sunfire Cape
  2. Mercury Treads
  3. Abyssal Mask
  4. Dead Man’s Plate
  5. Thornmail
  6. Gargoyle Stoneplate

Let’s break down each item and why it’s important for Amumu:

1. Sunfire Cape

Sunfire Cape is a must-have item for tanky champions like Amumu. Not only does it provide armor and health, but it also deals AoE damage to nearby enemies. This can be especially useful in team fights, where Amumu can use his ultimate to lock down enemies and deal damage with Sunfire Cape.

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2. Mercury Treads

Mercury Treads are the best boots for Amumu, as they provide magic resistance and reduce the duration of crowd control effects. This can be extremely useful for Amumu, who relies on his crowd control abilities to initiate fights and lock down enemies.

3. Abyssal Mask

Abyssal Mask provides Amumu with both magic resistance and ability power. The aura it provides also reduces the magic resistance of nearby enemies, making it easier for Amumu and his teammates to deal damage to them.

4. Dead Man’s Plate

Dead Man’s Plate is a great item for Amumu, as it provides both health and armor. Its passive ability also grants Amumu increased movement speed, allowing him to engage and disengage fights more easily.

5. Thornmail

Thornmail is an essential item for any tank, as it provides armor and reduces the healing of nearby enemies. This can be especially useful against champions with high sustain, such as Dr. Mundo or Vladimir.

6. Gargoyle Stoneplate

Gargoyle Stoneplate is a powerful item that provides both armor and magic resistance. Its active ability grants Amumu increased resistances, but reduces his damage output. This can be useful for surviving team fights, but should be used carefully to avoid losing too much damage.

In addition to these core items, there are a few situational items that you may want to consider for your Amumu build:

  • Randuin’s Omen
  • Spirit Visage
  • Warmog’s Armor

These items can be useful in certain situations, such as against heavy AD or AP teams, or when you need more sustain.

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Tips and Tricks for Playing Amumu

Now that you know the best Amumu build for Wild Rift, let’s go over some tips and tricks for playing him effectively:

1. Use Your Crowd Control Abilities Wisely

Amumu has several crowd control abilities, including his Q (Bandage Toss), W (Despair), E (Tantrum), and R (Curse of the Sad Mummy). It’s important to use these abilities wisely, as they can be game-changing in team fights.

For example, you may want to save your Q for when an enemy is trying to escape, or use your R to lock down multiple enemies at once. Use your W and E to deal damage and disrupt enemy teams, but be careful not to overextend and get caught out.

2. Focus on Farming and Objectives

As a jungler, it’s important to focus on farming and securing objectives. This means clearing your jungle camps regularly, ganking lanes when you have the opportunity, and securing objectives like dragons and rift heralds.

Try to keep an eye on the mini-map and communicate with your team to coordinate ganks and objectives. Remember that as a tank, you’re not the primary damage dealer on your team, so focus on setting up kills for your teammates and disrupting enemy teams.

3. Build According to the Enemy Team

While the core Amumu build we outlined earlier is effective in most situations, there may be times when you need to adjust your build based on the enemy team composition. For example, if the enemy team has a lot of AP champions, you may want to prioritize building magic resistance items like Spirit Visage or Adaptive Helm.

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Conversely, if the enemy team has a lot of AD champions, you may want to prioritize building armor items like Randuin’s Omen or Frozen Heart.

4. Communicate with Your Team

Finally, it’s important to communicate with your team when playing Amumu. Let your teammates know when you’re planning to engage, when you need help securing objectives, and when you’re low on health or resources.

Try to coordinate your crowd control abilities with your teammates, and be aware of their own abilities and cooldowns. Remember that team coordination is key to success in Wild Rift, and as a tanky jungler, you play an important role in setting up your team for victory.


Amumu is a powerful champion in Wild Rift, and with the right build and strategy, you can dominate games and lead your team to victory. Focus on survivability, crowd control, and utility when building Amumu, and use your abilities wisely to disrupt enemy teams and set up kills for your teammates.

Remember to communicate with your team and prioritize farming and securing objectives. With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Amumu in Wild Rift.

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