Evelynn Wild Rift Champions Build: A Comprehensive Guide

Evelynn Wild Rift Champions Build, Evelynn is one of the most popular and versatile champions in Wild Rift. With her stealth abilities, she can easily sneak up on enemies and deal massive damage. However, to make the most out of Evelynn, you need to build her properly. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the best Evelynn Wild Rift champions build to dominate the game.


Before we dive into the build, let’s take a look at the recommended runes for Evelynn:

  • Electrocute: This is the primary rune for Evelynn. It deals bonus damage when you hit an enemy with three separate attacks/abilities within three seconds.
  • Sudden Impact: This rune gives you bonus lethality and magic penetration when you use your teleport ability.
  • Eyeball Collection: This rune gives you bonus adaptive damage for each champion takedown, which can help you snowball in the game.
  • Ravenous Hunter: This rune gives you bonus healing based on the damage you deal with your abilities.
  • Triumph: This rune gives you bonus gold and health when you get a champion takedown.
  • Coup de Grace: This rune gives you bonus damage against champions with low health.

Summoner Spells

For summoner spells, we recommend taking Flash and Smite. Flash is essential for escaping dangerous situations, while Smite is necessary for jungling.


Now let’s take a look at the items you should build for Evelynn:

  • Hextech Rocketbelt: This item gives you bonus health, ability power, and cooldown reduction. It also gives you a dash ability that can help you chase down enemies or escape dangerous situations.
  • Lich Bane: This item gives you bonus ability power and movement speed. It also gives you bonus damage on your next basic attack after using an ability.
  • Rabadon’s Deathcap: This item gives you a massive boost in ability power, which amplifies the damage of your abilities.
  • Void Staff: This item gives you bonus magic penetration, which can help you deal more damage to enemies with high magic resistance.
  • Zhonya’s Hourglass: This item gives you bonus armor and ability power. It also gives you an active ability that makes you invulnerable for a short period, which can be useful for avoiding enemy attacks.
  • Sorcerer’s Shoes: These boots give you bonus magic penetration, which can help you deal more damage to enemies with high magic resistance.
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Ability Maxing Order

When it comes to maxing your abilities, we recommend the following order:

  1. Hate Spike (Q)
  2. Allure (W)
  3. Whiplash (E)
  4. Agony’s Embrace (R)

Hate Spike is your primary damaging ability, so you want to max it first. Allure is your crowd control ability, and Whiplash is your mobility ability. Finally, you want to max Agony’s Embrace whenever possible to increase its damage and healing.

Gameplay Tips

Here are some tips to keep in mind when playing Evelynn:

  • Use your stealth to your advantage. Evelynn can easily sneak up on enemies and deal massive damage, so make sure to use this to your advantage.
  • Be patient with your Allure ability. Allure is a powerful crowd control ability, but it takes time to charge up. Make sure to use it strategically and wait for the right moment to use it.
  • Use your Hextech Rocketbelt to initiate fights. The dash ability on your Hextech Rocketbelt can be a great tool for initiating fights or escaping dangerous situations.
  • Position yourself properly in team fights. Evelynn is a squishy champion, so you need to position yourself carefully in team fights to avoid getting caught out.
  • Communicate with your team. As a jungler, it’s important to communicate with your team and coordinate ganks and objectives.


With the right build and gameplay strategy, Evelynn can be an incredibly powerful champion in Wild Rift. Make sure to follow the recommended runes, items, and ability maxing order, and don’t forget to use your stealth to your advantage. With a little practice, you’ll be dominating the game in no time.

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