5 Best Champion Ezreal Wild Rift Counter

5 Best Champion Ezreal Wild Rift Counter, Are you tired of being outplayed by Ezreal in Wild Rift? Do you want to turn the tables and dominate the game as his ultimate counter? Look no further! In this article, we will unleash a range of strategies that will help you master the art of countering Ezreal in Wild Rift. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, these tips and tricks will give you the upper hand in every encounter.

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer, is a highly versatile and mobile marksman who can be a nightmare to deal with if left unchecked. His ability to poke from a distance, dash away from danger, and deal massive damage in team fights makes him a force to be reckoned with. However, with the right strategies and knowledge, you can effectively shut down Ezreal’s dominance on the battlefield.

Throughout this article, we will delve into key aspects of countering Ezreal, such as understanding his strengths and weaknesses, exploiting his vulnerabilities, and adopting specific champion and item choices that will give you the edge. So, get ready to take your Wild Rift gameplay to the next level and become the master Ezreal counter that your opponents fear!

Master Ezreal Wild Rift Counter: Unleash Strategies to Dominate the Game

When it comes to dominating the game in Wild Rift, countering your opponents’ champion picks is crucial. One champion that can be particularly challenging to deal with is Ezreal. Known for his long-range poke and high burst damage, Ezreal can quickly turn the tide of battle in his favor. However, with the right strategies and champion picks, you can effectively counter Ezreal and lead your team to victory.

Understanding Ezreal’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before diving into the counter strategies, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of Ezreal’s strengths and weaknesses. Ezreal excels at dealing damage from a safe distance, thanks to his Mystic Shot ability and Trueshot Barrage ultimate. He can quickly poke down opponents and finish them off with his burst damage. Additionally, Ezreal’s Arcane Shift ability allows him to reposition himself and escape dangerous situations.

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However, Ezreal is relatively squishy and lacks crowd control abilities. He heavily relies on skill shots to deal damage, making him vulnerable to champions that can dodge or block his abilities. Furthermore, Ezreal’s damage output is significantly reduced if he misses his Mystic Shots consistently.

Champion Counters to Ezreal

To counter Ezreal effectively, consider picking champions that can exploit his weaknesses while capitalizing on their own strengths. Here are some champion picks that can give Ezreal a hard time:

  1. Caitlyn: As a long-range marksman, Caitlyn can easily outrange Ezreal and poke him down before he can engage. Her Yordle Snap Trap can also be used to restrict Ezreal’s mobility and set up ganks.
  2. Leona: Leona’s crowd control abilities can lock down Ezreal, preventing him from repositioning with Arcane Shift. Coordinate with your team to capitalize on Leona’s engages and secure kills.
  3. Malphite: Malphite’s passive shield and high armor make him a durable pick against Ezreal’s burst damage. His Unstoppable Force ultimate can initiate team fights and catch Ezreal off guard.
  4. Fizz: Fizz’s playful trickster ability allows him to dodge Ezreal’s skill shots and engage with his burst damage. His Chum the Waters ultimate is especially effective in locking down Ezreal and securing kills.
  5. Blitzcrank: Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab can disrupt Ezreal’s positioning and pull him into unfavorable fights. With proper coordination, Blitzcrank can turn Ezreal into an easy target for his team.

Strategies to Employ

Once you’ve selected a champion that can counter Ezreal effectively, it’s important to implement the right strategies during the game:

  • Punish missed skill shots: Ezreal heavily relies on landing his Mystic Shots to deal damage. Take advantage of his missed shots by engaging or poking him during the cooldown.
  • Deny farm: Ezreal needs gold and items to scale and become a threat. Zone him out and deny him farm by freezing the lane near your turret. This way, he will struggle to accumulate the necessary resources.
  • Coordinate ganks: Ezreal lacks reliable crowd control, making him an easy target for ganks. Coordinate with your jungler to set up ganks and secure kills.
  • Build defensively: When facing Ezreal, consider building items that provide armor, such as Ninja Tabi or Zhonya’s Hourglass. This will reduce his burst damage and increase your survivability.

Remember, mastering the Ezreal Wild Rift counter requires practice, coordination, and adaptability. Keep experimenting with different champions and strategies to find what works best for you. With dedication and perseverance, you’ll soon be dominating the game and leading your team to victory!

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In conclusion, mastering the art of countering Ezreal in Wild Rift can significantly enhance your gameplay and pave the way to dominating the game. By understanding Ezreal’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as implementing effective strategies, you can easily turn the tables and outsmart your opponents. Remember, it is crucial to prioritize champions with crowd control abilities, such as Blitzcrank or Leona, to lock down Ezreal and limit his mobility. Additionally, consistently harassing him in the early game and denying him farm will weaken his overall performance.

Furthermore, coordinating with your team and focusing on vision control can give you a crucial advantage against Ezreal. Warding key areas and denying him access to crucial objectives like Dragon or Baron will limit his ability to scale and carry the game. Additionally, communicate with your team to coordinate ganks and capitalize on Ezreal’s lack of mobility during his Arcane Shift cooldown. By consistently applying pressure and denying Ezreal the opportunity to safely farm and scale, you can dominate the game and secure victory.

In conclusion, by mastering the art of countering Ezreal, prioritizing crowd control champions, implementing effective strategies, and coordinating with your team, you can unleash the full potential of your gameplay and dominate the game in Wild Rift. With practice, patience, and a deep understanding of Ezreal’s weaknesses, you can become the ultimate Ezreal counter and leave your opponents in awe of your skills. So, gear up, summoner, and get ready to conquer the Rift!

Ezreal Wild Rift Counter: Mastering the Art of Outplaying Your Opponents


When it comes to dominating the game of Wild Rift, having a solid understanding of counterplay is crucial. In this article, we will dive deep into the world of Ezreal, a popular champion in Wild Rift, and explore effective strategies and techniques to counter him. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this guide will equip you with the knowledge to outplay Ezreal and secure victory for your team.

1. Understanding Ezreal’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before we delve into the intricacies of countering Ezreal, it’s essential to comprehend his strengths and weaknesses. Ezreal is a highly mobile marksman who excels at long-range poke damage and kiting. His Mystic Shot ability allows him to deal significant damage from a safe distance, making him a formidable opponent. However, Ezreal’s weakness lies in his lack of crowd control and vulnerability to all-ins.

2. Picking the Right Champion

Countering Ezreal starts with champion selection. Choosing a champion with crowd control abilities and burst damage can effectively neutralize his mobility and poke. Champions like Leona, Blitzcrank, or Ahri can exploit Ezreal’s immobility and engage him in close-quarters combat, where he is at a disadvantage.

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3. Exploiting Ezreal’s Vulnerabilities in Lane

In the laning phase, it’s essential to capitalize on Ezreal’s weaknesses. Punish him for using his abilities to farm minions by engaging him when his Mystic Shot is on cooldown. This window of opportunity allows you to trade favorably and potentially secure a kill. Additionally, warding the river and bushes can prevent ganks, as Ezreal lacks natural escape mechanisms.

4. Navigating Ezreal’s Elusive Mobility

Ezreal’s mobility is one of his key strengths, allowing him to dodge skill shots and reposition himself swiftly. However, by predicting his movements and baiting out his Arcane Shift ability, you can turn the tides in your favor. Skilled champions like Yasuo or Zed can capitalize on Ezreal’s predictable patterns and burst him down before he has a chance to escape.

5. Building the Right Items

Itemization plays a crucial role in countering Ezreal. Investing in items that grant armor or magic resist can significantly reduce his poke damage. Ninja Tabi and Seeker’s Armguard are excellent choices against his physical damage, while Mercury’s Treads and Null-Magic Mantle provide resilience against his magical abilities. Furthermore, purchasing healing reduction items like Executioner’s Calling can mitigate his sustain from Conqueror or Blade of the Ruined King.

6. Coordinating with Your Team

Successful counterplay against Ezreal often requires coordination with your team. Communicate with your teammates to set up ganks or initiate team fights when his escape tools are on cooldown. By focusing your crowd control and burst damage on Ezreal, you can quickly eliminate him from fights and turn the tide in your favor.

7. Mastering Map Awareness

Map awareness is essential when countering Ezreal. Keep an eye on the minimap to track Ezreal’s movements and alert your team when he roams or attempts to secure objectives. Denying him opportunities to gain advantages across the map can limit his impact and give your team a significant advantage.

8. Learning from Replays and Pro Players

One of the best ways to improve your counterplay against Ezreal is to study replays of high-level players or professional matches. Analyzing their positioning, decision-making, and itemization can provide valuable insights and help you refine your own strategies. Emulate their playstyle and adapt it to your own gameplay to maximize your chances of success.

9. Adapting to Patch Updates

Wild Rift is an ever-evolving game, with frequent patch updates that can impact champion balance. Stay updated with patch notes to understand any changes to Ezreal’s abilities or itemization options. Adapting your counterplay strategies to these updates will ensure your knowledge remains relevant and effective.

10. Conclusion

Mastering the art of countering Ezreal in Wild Rift requires a combination of game knowledge, champion selection, and strategic execution. By understanding his strengths and weaknesses, picking the right champion, exploiting his vulnerabilities, and staying adaptable, you can confidently navigate the battlefield and emerge victorious. So, gear up and put your newfound knowledge to the test. It’s time to show Ezreal who the true master of Wild Rift is!

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