11 Strategies Tips For Draven Wild Rift Counter

Draven Wild Rift Counter, When it comes to playing League of Legends: Wild Rift, countering specific champions can make all the difference in securing victory. One such champion that can be a real challenge to face is Draven. Known for his high damage output and snowball potential, Draven can quickly become a force to be reckoned with if left unchecked. However, with the right strategies and tips, you can turn the tables on Draven and emerge victorious in your matches.

One effective strategy to counter Draven is to focus on denying him his passive stacks. Draven’s passive, League of Draven, grants him bonus gold for killing enemies with his spinning axes. By denying him kills and preventing him from catching his axes, you can significantly hinder his gold income and delay his power spikes. This can be achieved by playing champions with high crowd control abilities or long-range poke, making it difficult for Draven to get close and secure kills.

Another tip to successfully counter Draven is to prioritize vision control. Draven’s strength lies in his ability to snowball and take over the game. By denying him vision and tracking his movements, you can avoid unnecessary confrontations and prevent him from obtaining kills. Warding key areas such as the river and his jungle entrances can provide valuable information about his whereabouts, allowing your team to make informed decisions and avoid falling victim to his aggressive playstyle.

Countering Draven in Wild Rift: Strategies and Tips for Success

Draven, the Glorious Executioner, is a formidable champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Known for his high damage output and snowball potential, Draven can quickly become a threat if left unchecked. However, with the right strategies and tips, you can effectively counter Draven and turn the tide of the game in your favor.

Understanding Draven’s Abilities

Before diving into counter-strategies, it’s essential to understand Draven’s abilities. Draven’s passive, League of Draven, grants him bonus gold for catching his spinning axes. This incentivizes him to constantly juggle his axes during fights.

Draven’s first ability, Spinning Axe, allows him to throw a spinning axe in a targeted direction. If he catches the axe, the ability’s cooldown is reset, and he gains bonus damage on his next basic attack. This makes Draven’s auto-attacks incredibly potent.

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Blood Rush, Draven’s second ability, grants him bonus movement and attack speed for a short duration. This ability can make him difficult to catch and enables him to chase down opponents or escape sticky situations.

Draven’s ultimate ability, Whirling Death, sends out a spinning axe in a straight line, damaging and applying a bleed effect to all enemies in its path. The axe can be reactivated to return to Draven, dealing additional damage. This ability can be devastating in team fights or when trying to finish off fleeing enemies.

Strategies for Countering Draven

1. Avoid Extended Trades: Draven excels in extended trades due to his high damage output. Instead, focus on short trades or burst damage before disengaging. Champions with crowd control abilities can be effective in interrupting Draven’s spinning axes and preventing him from maximizing his damage potential.

2. Punish His Mistakes: Draven’s aggressive playstyle can lead him to overextend or become vulnerable to ganks. Coordinate with your team or the jungler to punish him when he pushes too far without proper vision or overcommits to a fight.

3. Deny His Passive: Draven’s passive, League of Draven, rewards him with bonus gold for catching his axes. By constantly harassing him and forcing him to drop his axes, you can deny him the additional gold income, which can slow down his snowball potential.

4. Focus on Crowd Control: Draven’s lack of mobility makes him susceptible to crowd control effects. Coordinate with your team to lock him down with stuns, roots, or knock-ups, preventing him from repositioning or catching his axes effectively.

5. Build Armor: Draven relies heavily on physical damage, making armor an effective stat against him. Consider building armor items or champions with armor-scaling abilities to mitigate his damage output.

Tips for Success

1. Maintain Vision Control: Warding key areas, especially near Draven’s jungle entrance or river, can provide valuable information about his position and potential ganks. This knowledge allows you to play more cautiously or call for assistance when needed.

2. Coordinate with your Team: Draven is a priority target in team fights due to his damage potential. Communicate with your team to focus him down quickly, preventing him from dealing massive damage to your team.

3. Adapt Your Itemization: Depending on the situation, consider building items that specifically counter Draven’s strengths. Items like Ninja Tabi, Thornmail, or Frozen Heart can significantly reduce his damage output.

4. Farm Safely: Draven’s early game strength lies in his ability to snowball. Focus on farming safely under your tower, denying him the opportunity to secure kills and gold advantages.

5. Respect His Power Spikes: Draven’s power spikes are significant, especially when he completes his core items. Be cautious and avoid engaging in unfavorable fights during these spikes. Instead, focus on scaling and waiting for opportunities to outplay him.

By understanding Draven’s abilities, implementing the right strategies, and following these tips, you can effectively counter Draven in Wild Rift. Remember, coordination and adaptability are key to achieving success against this formidable champion. Good luck on the Rift!

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In conclusion, countering Draven in Wild Rift requires a combination of strategic gameplay and effective teamwork. By understanding his strengths and weaknesses, players can develop strategies that neutralize his impact and turn the tides of battle in their favor. It is crucial to prioritize crowd control abilities and ranged champions with high burst damage to keep Draven at bay and prevent him from snowballing.

Additionally, vision control plays a vital role in countering Draven. Placing wards strategically in key areas such as the river and jungle entrances can provide valuable information about his movements, allowing your team to set up ganks or avoid unfavorable engagements. Communication and coordination with your teammates are equally important, as Draven’s aggressive playstyle can quickly turn the game in his favor if left unchecked.

By implementing these strategies and tips, players can increase their chances of success when facing off against Draven in Wild Rift. Remember to stay calm, adapt to the situation, and make use of the resources available to you. With practice and experience, countering Draven will become second nature, allowing you to dominate the game and secure victory for your team.

Draven Wild Rift Counter: The Ultimate Guide to Outplaying the Glorious Executioner


Are you tired of facing Draven, the Glorious Executioner, in your Wild Rift matches? Do you find yourself struggling to counter his overwhelming damage and snowball potential? Well, fret no more! In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Draven Wild Rift counters, strategies, and tips to help you turn the tables on this formidable champion. Whether you are a seasoned player or a beginner, this article will equip you with the knowledge and insights to dominate the battlefield against Draven.

Understanding Draven: The Glorious Executioner

Before we dive into countering Draven, it is crucial to understand the champion himself. Draven is a marksman with unparalleled axe-throwing skills, known for his high burst damage and exceptional snowball potential. His Spinning Axe ability allows him to deal devastating damage by catching and juggling his axes, making him a nightmare to face in the hands of a skilled player. To counter Draven effectively, we need to exploit his weaknesses and neutralize his strengths. Let’s explore some effective strategies.

Draven Wild Rift Counter Strategies

1. Champion Matchups: Play to Your Advantage

When facing Draven, it is crucial to choose a champion that can exploit his vulnerabilities. Champions with high burst damage and crowd control abilities, such as Ashe, Jinx, or Tristana, can provide a significant advantage in the laning phase. These champions can punish Draven for his aggressive positioning and limit his ability to catch axes effectively.

2. Early Game Focus: Shutting Down Draven’s Snowball Potential

Draven’s strength lies in his ability to snowball out of control. To prevent this, prioritize shutting him down in the early game. Coordinate with your jungler to apply early pressure, denying him farm and kills. By keeping Draven in check during the laning phase, you can significantly reduce his impact later in the game.

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3. Vision Control: Deny Draven’s Map Awareness

Draven thrives on aggressive plays and catching opponents off-guard. By establishing strong vision control around the bot lane, you can limit his ability to roam and secure kills. Place wards in key areas, such as river entrances and the enemy jungle, to keep tabs on his movements and alert your team of potential ganks.

4. Punish Mistakes: Exploit Draven’s Overconfidence

Draven players are known for their cockiness and aggression. Use this to your advantage by punishing their mistakes. If Draven overextends or mispositions, coordinate with your team to punish him with crowd control and burst damage. By capitalizing on his overconfidence, you can quickly swing the game in your favor.

5. Deny Farm: Starve Draven of Gold

Draven heavily relies on farm to reach his power spikes. Denying him farm can significantly hinder his scaling and damage output. Freeze the lane near your tower to force him into vulnerable positions or coordinate with your support to harass him while he tries to farm. By starving Draven of gold, you can delay his power spikes and give your team a fighting chance.

6. Build Armor: Reducing Draven’s Damage Impact

Draven primarily deals physical damage, making armor a crucial defensive stat against him. Consider building items like Ninja Tabi or Seeker’s Armguard to mitigate his damage output. Additionally, purchasing items with crowd control effects, such as Frozen Heart or Randuin’s Omen, can further limit his ability to freely engage in team fights.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Facing Draven

1. Allowing Draven to Catch Axes Freely

One of the biggest mistakes players make when facing Draven is allowing him to catch his axes without punishment. Draven’s damage output significantly increases when he can consistently juggle his axes. Always be aware of his positioning and punish him whenever he tries to catch an axe, denying him the opportunity to deal devastating damage.

2. Underestimating Draven’s Burst Damage

Draven’s burst damage is unparalleled, especially when he catches multiple axes. Underestimating his damage potential can lead to unnecessary deaths and a snowballing Draven. Respect his burst damage, and never engage in an all-in fight without a clear advantage or backup from your team.

3. Ignoring Draven’s Support

Draven’s support plays a crucial role in enabling his aggressive playstyle. Ignoring the support and solely focusing on Draven can lead to disastrous team fights and engagements. Coordinate with your team to prioritize the support and neutralize their crowd control abilities, limiting Draven’s effectiveness in team fights.

4. Neglecting Map Awareness

Draven players often look for opportunities to roam and secure kills in other lanes. Neglecting map awareness can result in unexpected ganks from Draven, leading to unnecessary deaths and lost objectives. Always keep an eye on the minimap and communicate with your team to alert them of potential Draven roams.

5. Falling into Draven’s Mind Games

Draven players are notorious for their mind games and taunting. Falling into their traps and losing focus can severely impact your performance. Stay calm, composed, and focused on your game plan. Ignore their taunts and maintain a strategic approach to counter Draven effectively.


With the strategies and tips outlined in this guide, you are now equipped to counter Draven, the Glorious Executioner, in your Wild Rift matches. Remember to exploit his weaknesses, deny him farm and kills, and coordinate with your team to shut him down. By implementing these strategies, you can emerge victorious and turn the tides against the mighty Draven. Good luck on the Rift!

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