5 Champions Counterpicks Vex Wild Rift Counter

Vex Wild Rift Counter, Are you struggling to counter your opponents in Vex Wild Rift? Look no further! In this article, we will provide you with effective strategies and tips to master the art of countering in this popular mobile game. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, these techniques will help you gain an edge over your opponents and lead your team to victory.

Countering is a crucial aspect of Vex Wild Rift that can completely change the tide of a game. It involves identifying and exploiting your opponents’ weaknesses while minimizing your own vulnerabilities. By mastering the art of countering, you can turn seemingly unfavorable situations into favorable ones, allowing you to outplay your enemies and secure crucial objectives.

Throughout this article, we will delve into various strategies and tips that will enhance your counterplay skills. From understanding champion matchups and exploiting their weaknesses to utilizing effective item builds and map awareness, we will cover all the essential aspects of countering in Vex Wild Rift. So, gear up, sharpen your skills, and get ready to dominate the battlefield!

Mastering Vex Wild Rift Counter: Effective Strategies and Tips

As a player of League of Legends: Wild Rift, you may have encountered the formidable champion Vex on the battlefield. Vex is a highly versatile and powerful champion known for her ability to control the battlefield and manipulate her opponents. To overcome the challenges posed by this champion, it is essential to master effective strategies and tips for countering her. In this article, we will provide you with valuable insights on how to successfully counter Vex in Wild Rift.

Understanding Vex’s Abilities

Before we delve into the strategies, let’s take a moment to understand Vex’s abilities. Vex’s passive ability, “Gloom,” allows her to deal bonus magic damage to enemies based on their current health. Her first ability, “Mistral Bolt,” sends out a projectile that damages and slows the first enemy hit. Vex’s second ability, “The Doom ‘n’ Gloom,” creates an area that slows enemies and detonates after a short delay, dealing damage. Her ultimate ability, “Shadow Surge,” lets Vex dash forward, damaging and fearing enemies in her path.

Strategy 1: Capitalize on Vex’s Weak Early Game

Vex’s early game can be relatively weak, especially before she reaches level 6 and unlocks her ultimate ability. During this phase, it is crucial to capitalize on her vulnerability. As Vex relies heavily on her abilities for damage, champions with strong early game damage or high mobility can exploit her weaknesses. Engage her early and try to deny her farm and experience to limit her potential impact in the mid and late game.

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Strategy 2: Positioning and Crowd Control

Positioning and crowd control play a vital role in countering Vex. Her abilities require her to be relatively close to her opponents to maximize their effectiveness. Champions with crowd control abilities, such as stuns, silences, or knock-ups, can disrupt her combos and prevent her from executing her full potential damage. Additionally, maintaining proper positioning can help avoid being hit by her abilities, minimizing the impact she has in team fights.

Strategy 3: Itemization

Choosing the right items can significantly enhance your chances of countering Vex. Items that provide magic resistance and bonus health can increase your survivability against her magical damage. Consider purchasing items like Abyssal Mask or Spirit Visage to mitigate her burst damage and gain an advantage in engagements. Additionally, items with crowd control effects can help lock her down and prevent her from escaping or repositioning during fights.

Tip 1: Communicate and Coordinate with Your Team

Effective communication and coordination with your team are crucial when countering Vex. Inform your teammates about her abilities, cooldowns, and potential threats. By working together, you can focus on prioritizing and neutralizing Vex during team fights, reducing her impact on the game.

Tip 2: Stay Alert and React Quickly

Vex’s abilities can be devastating if not anticipated and reacted to swiftly. Stay alert and be prepared to dodge or counter her skill shots. Reacting quickly can make all the difference in avoiding her damage and turning the tides in your favor.

Tip 3: Adapt Your Playstyle

Lastly, adapting your playstyle to counter Vex can be highly effective. Play champions that can sustain or out-trade her in lane, such as tanks or champions with strong sustain abilities. Adjust your positioning and focus on baiting out her abilities before committing to an all-in engage. By adapting your playstyle, you can increase your chances of outplaying and countering Vex.

In conclusion, countering Vex in League of Legends: Wild Rift requires a combination of strategic thinking, effective communication, and adaptability. By understanding her abilities, capitalizing on her weak early game, utilizing proper positioning and crowd control, itemizing wisely, and implementing the provided tips, you can master the art of countering Vex and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

In conclusion, mastering the Vex Wild Rift counter requires a combination of effective strategies and tips. By understanding Vex’s abilities and weaknesses, players can develop a game plan to counter and outplay this formidable champion. It is essential to focus on crowd control and burst damage to effectively neutralize Vex’s high mobility and damage output.

One effective strategy is to select champions with strong crowd control abilities, such as stuns, silences, or displacements. These abilities can interrupt Vex’s combos and prevent her from dealing significant damage. Additionally, burst damage champions can quickly burst down Vex before she has a chance to retaliate. Coordinating with teammates to chain crowd control and burst damage can be highly effective in taking down Vex and securing victory.

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By implementing these strategies and tips, players can increase their chances of countering Vex in Wild Rift. However, it is important to adapt and adjust these strategies based on the specific game situation and the enemy team composition. With practice and experience, players can master the art of countering Vex and become a formidable force on the battlefield.

Vex Wild Rift Counter: The Ultimate Guide to Defeating Vex in League of Legends: Wild Rift


League of Legends: Wild Rift has taken the gaming world by storm, bringing the intense and competitive gameplay of the popular PC game to mobile devices. One of the most exciting additions to the game is Vex, a powerful and elusive champion who can turn the tide of battles with her unique abilities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore effective strategies and counterpicks to help you dominate the battlefield and emerge victorious against Vex. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting your Wild Rift journey, this article will equip you with the knowledge and tactics needed to counter Vex and secure your triumph.

Understanding Vex

Before diving into counterpicks and strategies, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of Vex’s abilities and playstyle. Vex is a mage-assassin hybrid who excels at dealing burst damage and controlling teamfights. Her abilities revolve around manipulating shadows and inflicting fear upon her enemies.

Key Abilities of Vex

1. Mistral Bolt: Vex’s primary damaging ability, where she fires a bolt of energy that explodes upon hitting an enemy or reaching its maximum range. This ability deals significant magic damage and applies a slow to affected enemies.

2. Personal Space: Vex creates a barrier around herself, granting her a shield and bonus movement speed. If enemies attempt to dash through the barrier, they take magic damage and are knocked back.

3. Looming Darkness: Vex summons a field of darkness that expands over time, causing enemies within to be slowed. After a brief delay, the darkness detonates, dealing magic damage and applying fear to enemies caught in the explosion.

4. Shadow Surge: Vex dashes in a target direction, damaging all enemies she passes through. If she collides with an enemy champion, she gains bonus movement speed and a stack of Shadow Surge, increasing her attack speed and granting her bonus on-hit magic damage for a short duration.

5. The Final Reckoning (Ultimate): Vex channels for a brief moment before unleashing a massive wave of energy in a target direction. Enemies hit by the wave take magic damage, and those at the outer edge are additionally feared.

Countering Vex: Effective Strategies

Now that we have acquainted ourselves with Vex’s abilities, let’s delve into the strategies that will turn the tables and give you the upper hand in battles against her.

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1. Capitalize on Her Squishiness

Vex, like many mages and assassins, is relatively squishy and lacks significant sustain. Champions with high burst damage and crowd control abilities can exploit her fragility and quickly eliminate her from the fight. Champions such as Zed, Yasuo, or LeBlanc can burst her down before she has a chance to retaliate.

2. Dodge Her Skillshots

Vex’s Mistral Bolt is a crucial skillshot that sets up her combos and deals considerable damage. Mastering the art of dodging her skillshots can significantly diminish her threat level. Anticipate her movements, sidestep her projectiles, and make her miss crucial abilities, leaving her vulnerable to counterattacks.

3. Engage with Crowd Control

Vex’s mobility and burst damage make her a challenging target to catch and lock down. However, champions with reliable crowd control abilities can disrupt her combos and prevent her from executing her full potential. Champions like Nautilus, Leona, or Alistar can effectively control Vex and keep her in check during teamfights.

4. Exploit Her Weak Early Game

While Vex scales well into the late game, she tends to have a weaker laning phase. Aggressive early-game champions like Pantheon, Darius, or Renekton can punish her during the laning phase and deny her the opportunity to farm and scale. Coordinate with your jungler to apply early pressure and capitalize on her vulnerability.

5. Build Magic Resistance

Vex deals primarily magic damage, making magic resistance an essential stat to mitigate her burst potential. Items like Mercury’s Treads, Banshee’s Veil, or Abyssal Mask can significantly reduce the impact of her abilities and increase your survivability against her onslaught.

Counterpicks: Champions to Consider

Now that we have explored effective strategies, let’s explore some specific champion counterpicks that can give you a favorable advantage when facing Vex. These champions possess abilities or playstyles that can neutralize or outperform Vex in various aspects of the game.

1. Yasuo – The Unforgiven

Yasuo’s high mobility and wind wall ability make him an excellent choice against Vex. His wind wall can block Vex’s skillshots and ultimate, nullifying a significant portion of her damage output. Additionally, Yasuo’s burst damage and sustained damage allow him to trade effectively with Vex and potentially secure kills.

2. Fizz – The Tidal Trickster

Fizz’s playful and tricky playstyle makes him a formidable foe for Vex. His playful/trickster ability allows him to dodge Vex’s skillshots, and his burst damage can quickly dispatch her. Moreover, Fizz’s ultimate ability, Chum the Waters, can lock down Vex and set up kills for himself and his team.

3. Galio – The Colossus

Galio’s tankiness, crowd control, and magic resistance make him a fantastic counterpick against Vex. His shield and crowd control abilities can mitigate a significant portion of Vex’s burst damage while allowing his team to secure kills. Additionally, Galio’s ultimate, Hero’s Entrance, can turn fights around and provide global support.

4. Malzahar – The Prophet of the Void

Malzahar’s ability to suppress enemies and lock them down makes him an excellent choice against Vex. His ultimate ability, Nether Grasp, can hold Vex in place, preventing her from using her mobility and unleashing her burst damage. Additionally, Malzahar’s voidlings can harass Vex and apply pressure during laning phase.

5. Morgana – The Fallen

Morgana’s Black Shield ability can nullify Vex’s crowd control abilities, rendering her combos less effective. This provides valuable protection for you and your team, allowing you to engage or disengage without fear of being caught. Additionally, Morgana’s dark binding ability can snare Vex and set up kills for her team.


Mastering the art of countering Vex in League of Legends: Wild Rift is essential to secure victories and climb the ranks. By capitalizing on her weaknesses, employing effective strategies, and choosing appropriate counterpicks, you can emerge victorious against this formidable champion. Remember, practice, adapt, and always stay one step ahead of your opponents. Good luck on your journey to becoming a true Vex Wild Rift counter!

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