6 Tips For Leona Wild Rift Counter

Leona Wild Rift Counter, In the popular mobile game League of Legends: Wild Rift, Leona has emerged as a formidable support champion with her tankiness and crowd control abilities. However, every champion has their weaknesses, and Leona is no exception. In this article, we will delve into the art of countering Leona in Wild Rift and provide you with essential strategies and tips to master this task.

One of the most effective ways to counter Leona is by exploiting her weak early game. Leona heavily relies on crowd control and engaging in close combat to be effective, but in the early stages of the game, her abilities have a relatively long cooldown and high mana cost. This makes her vulnerable to poke and harass from range-based champions. By using champions with strong poke abilities such as Lux or Ezreal, you can keep Leona at bay and prevent her from engaging on your team successfully.

Another crucial aspect of countering Leona is positioning and awareness. Leona’s ultimate ability, Solar Flare, is a powerful AOE stun that can turn the tide of team fights. To avoid falling victim to this deadly ability, it is essential to maintain proper spacing between your team members and position yourself away from Leona’s range. Additionally, keeping an eye on Leona’s cooldowns and summoner spells, such as Flash, can give you an advantage in anticipating her engages and avoiding potential deaths.

Mastering Leona Wild Rift Counter: Essential Strategies and Tips

Leona, the Radiant Dawn, is a formidable tank champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Her crowd control abilities and durability make her a challenging opponent to face on the battlefield. However, with the right strategies and tips, you can effectively counter Leona and turn the tide of battle in your favor. In this article, we will explore essential strategies and tips to master Leona Wild Rift counter.

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1. Champion Selection

Choosing the right champion to counter Leona can significantly impact the outcome of the game. Champions with high mobility and crowd control abilities can prove to be effective against Leona. Some strong picks include Alistar, Janna, and Morgana. Alistar’s Headbutt and Pulverize combo can disrupt Leona’s engages, while Janna’s Howling Gale and Monsoon can provide disengage and protection for your team. Morgana’s Black Shield can block Leona’s crowd control abilities, rendering her less effective.

2. Positioning and Awareness

When facing Leona, positioning and awareness are crucial. Leona excels at engaging and locking down targets, so it is essential to maintain a safe distance and avoid getting caught off guard. Stay behind minions or your tank/support to reduce the chances of being hit by Leona’s Zenith Blade. Keep track of her ultimate ability, Solar Flare, as it can be devastating in team fights. Maintain good vision control and communicate with your team to avoid surprise engages.

3. Exploiting Cooldowns

Leona’s abilities have relatively long cooldowns, especially in the early game. Pay attention to her abilities and take advantage of her cooldowns. Once she uses her Zenith Blade or Shield of Daybreak, it opens a window of opportunity to engage or poke her. Be cautious not to overcommit, as Leona’s durability can make it difficult to take her down quickly. Coordinate with your team to maximize the impact during these cooldown windows.

4. Itemization

Choosing the right items can greatly enhance your chances of countering Leona. Building items with crowd control reduction, such as Mercury’s Treads, can reduce the duration of Leona’s crowd control abilities. Additionally, items with active abilities, such as Quicksilver Sash or Zhonya’s Hourglass, can help you escape or survive Leona’s engages. Adapt your itemization depending on your role and the specific threats posed by the enemy team.

5. Communication and Team Coordination

Effective communication and team coordination are essential when countering Leona. Coordinate with your team to focus fire on priority targets during team fights. Communicate crowd control abilities and ultimate cooldowns to avoid overlapping with your teammates. Utilize pings and voice chat to quickly communicate Leona’s movements and potential engages. By working together as a team, you can neutralize Leona’s impact and create opportunities to secure victories.

Mastering the art of countering Leona in Wild Rift requires practice, patience, and a deep understanding of her abilities and playstyle. By implementing these strategies and tips, you can become a formidable opponent against Leona and turn the tide of battle in your favor. Remember to adapt your tactics based on the evolving game situation and continue honing your skills to become a true master of countering Leona.

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In conclusion, mastering the Leona Wild Rift counter requires a combination of essential strategies and tips. Leona is a formidable tank support champion known for her crowd control abilities and ability to engage in team fights. However, with the right approach and knowledge, players can effectively counter her and turn the tide of the game in their favor.

One crucial strategy to counter Leona is to maintain distance and avoid getting caught in her crowd control abilities. It is essential to stay behind minions or at a safe distance to prevent her from engaging on you or your teammates. Additionally, champions with long-range poke abilities can harass Leona from a distance, making it difficult for her to engage or initiate fights.

Furthermore, understanding Leona’s abilities and cooldowns is vital in countering her effectively. Keeping track of her ultimate ability, Solar Flare, can give players a window of opportunity to engage or disengage from fights. Additionally, it is crucial to be aware of her Zenith Blade ability, which allows her to dash to a target and immobilize them. By anticipating and dodging this ability, players can avoid being caught out of position and turn the tables on Leona.

In conclusion, mastering the Leona Wild Rift counter requires a combination of strategic positioning, champion selection, and knowledge of Leona’s abilities. By implementing these essential strategies and tips, players can improve their chances of countering Leona and gaining an advantage in the game.

Leona Wild Rift Counter – The Ultimate Guide to Outplaying the Radiant Dawn


Are you tired of getting dominated by Leona in Wild Rift? Looking for effective strategies to counter her radiant presence? Well, you’ve come to the right place! In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the depths of Leona’s gameplay and provide you with expert tips and tricks to turn the tide of battle in your favor. So buckle up and get ready to learn how to counter the indomitable Leona!

Understanding Leona’s Abilities

Before we dive into countering Leona, it’s crucial to understand her abilities. Leona is a tanky support champion who excels at crowd control and engaging in team fights. Let’s take a closer look at her abilities:

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Shield of Daybreak – Luminous Smite

Leona’s passive ability allows her basic attacks to stun enemies for a short duration. It’s essential to be wary of her auto-attacks, especially during the laning phase, as they can set up deadly engages for her team.

Shield of Daybreak – Zenith Blade

This ability enables Leona to dash towards a target enemy, damaging and stunning them upon arrival. It’s crucial to keep an eye on her positioning and anticipate her engage attempts, as a well-timed sidestep can completely nullify her engagement potential.

Eclipse – Solar Flare

Leona’s ultimate ability, Solar Flare, is a powerful AoE stun that can wreak havoc in team fights. This ability has a long-range and can catch unsuspecting enemies off guard. However, its telegraphed nature provides a window of opportunity to dodge the ability and retaliate.

Countering Leona in Lane

Now that we understand Leona’s abilities, let’s explore effective strategies to counter her in lane:

1. Pick a Disengaging Support

To counter Leona’s engage potential, consider picking a support champion with disengaging abilities. Champions like Janna, Alistar, or Thresh can provide peel for your ADC and nullify Leona’s engages.

2. Bait Out Leona’s Zenith Blade

Leona’s Zenith Blade is her primary engage tool. By baiting out this ability and avoiding the stun, you can turn the tide of the engagement. Dodge the ability with sidesteps or use mobility spells to create distance.

3. Focus on Farming

Leona’s strength lies in engaging and locking down enemies, so if you find it challenging to counter her, focus on farming and scaling instead. Outfarm your opponents and become a late-game powerhouse.

Countering Leona in Team Fights

As the game progresses, team fights become pivotal. Here’s how you can counter Leona’s impact in team fights:

1. Spread Out

Leona’s ultimate ability, Solar Flare, is devastating in team fights. To minimize its impact, spread out your team, making it harder for her to stun multiple targets at once. This will also reduce the effectiveness of her follow-up crowd control abilities.

2. Build QSS or Zhonya’s Hourglass

Consider building Quicksilver Sash (QSS) or Zhonya’s Hourglass, depending on your role. These items can help you cleanse or negate Leona’s crowd control abilities, allowing you to reposition or turn the fight in your favor.

3. Focus Leona Last

Leona’s tankiness and crowd control make her a resilient frontline champion. Instead of focusing her first, prioritize squishy targets on the enemy team. By eliminating the backline threats, you can then deal with Leona more effectively.


With the strategies and insights provided in this guide, you now possess the knowledge to counter Leona in Wild Rift. Remember, understanding her abilities, picking the right champions, and executing well-coordinated team fights are the keys to outplaying the Radiant Dawn. So go forth, fellow summoner, and dominate the Rift with your newfound expertise!


This article is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee success in countering Leona in every game. Adaptation and flexibility are crucial in the ever-changing landscape of Wild Rift. Experiment with different strategies and find what works best for your playstyle.

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