4 Best Champions For Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Counter

Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Counter, Aurelion Sol is a formidable champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift, known for his celestial powers and dragon-like abilities. However, every powerful champion has its weaknesses, and learning how to counter Aurelion Sol can give you a significant advantage in the game. Whether you’re an experienced player looking to improve your strategies or a beginner trying to understand how to outplay this celestial dragon, this article will provide you with valuable tips and strategies to counter Aurelion Sol effectively.

One of the key strategies to counter Aurelion Sol is to disrupt his positioning and movement. Aurelion Sol relies heavily on his passive ability, Center of the Universe, which allows him to continuously deal damage with his stars while moving. To counter this, champions with crowd control abilities can effectively disrupt his movement and prevent him from unleashing his full potential. Stuns, slows, and any form of crowd control can greatly hinder Aurelion Sol’s ability to kite and deal damage, making him vulnerable to attacks.

Another important aspect of countering Aurelion Sol is understanding his strengths and weaknesses. While he excels at long-range engagements and dealing sustained damage, he lacks mobility and is vulnerable to burst damage. Champions with high burst damage, such as assassins or mages with strong burst abilities, can quickly take down Aurelion Sol before he can unleash his devastating abilities. It’s crucial to exploit his weaknesses and capitalize on his lack of escape tools to secure kills and gain an advantage in the game.

Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Counter: Strategies and Tips to Outplay the Celestial Dragon

Aurelion Sol, the Celestial Dragon, is a powerful champion in Wild Rift known for his ability to dominate the mid lane and control the map with his celestial might. However, every champion has their weaknesses, and with the right strategies and tips, you can outplay Aurelion Sol and turn the tide of battle in your favor. In this article, we will explore effective strategies and tips to counter Aurelion Sol in Wild Rift.

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1. Exploit his early game vulnerability

Aurelion Sol relies heavily on his passive ability, Center of the Universe, which allows him to deal continuous damage to enemies with his stars. However, in the early game, his stars are not as potent, making him vulnerable to aggressive champions. Take advantage of this by playing aggressive champions like Zed or Yasuo who can burst him down before he can fully utilize his star power.

2. Dodge his Starsurge

Aurelion Sol’s Starsurge is a skillshot ability that can stun and deal significant damage to enemies. To outplay Aurelion Sol, it is crucial to dodge his Starsurge. Keep an eye on his positioning and predict when he will cast it. Use dashes, sidesteps, or abilities with invulnerability frames to dodge the ability and leave him vulnerable to counterattacks.

3. Roam and deny his map control

Aurelion Sol excels at roaming and exerting map pressure with his ultimate ability, Voice of Light. To counter Aurelion Sol, it is essential to deny him the opportunity to roam freely. Constantly push the waves and follow him when he tries to leave the mid lane. By doing so, you force him to stay in lane and limit his ability to influence other lanes, weakening his overall impact on the game.

4. Coordinate ganks with your jungler

Aurelion Sol is relatively immobile and lacks reliable escape tools. Coordinate with your jungler to set up ganks and take advantage of his vulnerability. His only defensive ability, Celestial Expansion, requires him to be stationary, making him an easy target for crowd control abilities and burst damage. By coordinating ganks, you can shut him down early and delay his scaling potential.

5. Build Magic Resist and sustain

When facing Aurelion Sol, it is crucial to itemize accordingly. Build Magic Resist items like Mercury’s Treads or Abyssal Mask to reduce his magic damage output. Additionally, prioritize sustain items like Hextech Gunblade or Death’s Dance to mitigate his poke damage and survive extended trades. By itemizing strategically, you can withstand his onslaught and have a better chance of outlasting him in lane.

6. Communicate and prioritize team fights

Aurelion Sol’s team fight presence is immense, especially with his ultimate ability. To counter him effectively, communication and prioritization are key. Coordinate with your team to engage or disengage fights when Aurelion Sol’s ultimate is on cooldown. Focus on locking him down and bursting him before he can unleash his celestial fury upon your team. By prioritizing Aurelion Sol in team fights, you neutralize his impact and increase your chances of victory.

By employing these strategies and tips, you can effectively counter Aurelion Sol in Wild Rift and emerge victorious in your battles against the Celestial Dragon. Remember to adapt your playstyle based on the situation and always keep an eye on Aurelion Sol’s positioning and abilities. With practice and experience, you will master the art of countering Aurelion Sol and become a force to be reckoned with in the mid lane.

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In conclusion, countering Aurelion Sol in Wild Rift requires a combination of strategic thinking and precise execution. By understanding his strengths and weaknesses, players can implement effective strategies to outplay the celestial dragon. Firstly, it is crucial to capitalize on his early vulnerability, as Aurelion Sol relies heavily on scaling and roaming. By applying pressure in the early game and denying him the opportunity to farm and roam, players can limit his impact on the map.

Additionally, it is essential to respect Aurelion Sol’s range and positioning. His ability to deal damage from afar with his stars can be devastating if left unchecked. Therefore, champions with high mobility or long-range poke can be effective in keeping him at bay. Utilizing crowd control abilities to interrupt his ultimate, Voice of Light, can also prove game-changing in team fights.

In summary, countering Aurelion Sol in Wild Rift requires a mix of early aggression, careful positioning, and strategic use of crowd control. By implementing these tips and strategies, players can gain an advantage over the celestial dragon and secure victory on the Rift.

Aurelion Sol Wild Rift Counter: How to Take Down the Star Forger?


Aurelion Sol, the celestial dragon, is a formidable champion in Wild Rift. With his ability to control stars and unleash devastating cosmic power, he poses a significant challenge for any opponent. However, fear not! In this article, we will explore effective strategies and champions that can counter Aurelion Sol’s celestial might. So, let’s dive into the cosmos and discover how to take down the Star Forger!

1. Understanding Aurelion Sol’s Abilities

Before we discuss the counter strategies, let’s first familiarize ourselves with Aurelion Sol’s abilities:

Celestial Expansion (Passive): Aurelion Sol constantly gains speed while moving in a straight line, and his stars orbit him, dealing damage to nearby enemies.

Starsurge (Q): Aurelion Sol shoots out a powerful star in a target direction, damaging and stunning enemies in its path.

Celestial Flight (W): Aurelion Sol takes flight, gaining increased movement speed and extended star range. His stars deal bonus damage and apply spell effects.

Comet of Legend (E): Aurelion Sol’s next basic attack is enhanced, and he gains movement speed. Activating this ability again allows him to fly over walls.

Voice of Light (R): Aurelion Sol unleashes a massive beam of energy in a target direction, damaging and slowing enemies hit.

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2. Champions That Counter Aurelion Sol

Now that we understand Aurelion Sol’s abilities, let’s explore the champions that can effectively counter him:

2.1 Yasuo

Yasuo’s agility and wind-based abilities make him a formidable opponent against Aurelion Sol. His Wind Wall (W) can block Aurelion Sol’s Starsurge (Q) and Voice of Light (R), nullifying a significant portion of his damage. Additionally, Yasuo’s mobility allows him to dodge Aurelion Sol’s stars and close the gap, making it difficult for the celestial dragon to land his abilities.

2.2 Zed

Zed’s shadows and burst damage make him a potent counter to Aurelion Sol. With his Living Shadow (W) and Death Mark (R), Zed can quickly dash through Aurelion Sol’s stars and unleash devastating combos, taking the star forger by surprise. Zed’s ability to burst down Aurelion Sol before he can unleash his full cosmic power makes him a formidable threat.

2.3 Ahri

Ahri’s mobility and charm make her a strong pick against Aurelion Sol. Her Spirit Rush (R) allows her to quickly dash around the celestial dragon’s stars while dealing damage. Ahri’s Charm (E) can also interrupt Aurelion Sol’s abilities, preventing him from fully utilizing his celestial might. With her burst damage and crowd control, Ahri can keep Aurelion Sol at bay and capitalize on his vulnerabilities.

2.4 Malzahar

Malzahar’s voidlings and suppressive abilities make him an excellent counter to Aurelion Sol. Malzahar’s Void Swarm (W) can quickly clear Aurelion Sol’s stars while dealing damage. His Nether Grasp (R) can suppress Aurelion Sol, preventing him from using his powerful abilities and leaving him vulnerable to the combined assault of Malzahar and his teammates.

3. Strategies to Counter Aurelion Sol

3.1 Roaming and Ganking

Aurelion Sol thrives in the mid-lane due to his ability to push waves and roam. To counter him, focus on roaming and ganking other lanes. By applying pressure elsewhere on the map, you force Aurelion Sol to choose between defending his tower or joining the fight. This strategy can disrupt his celestial flight plan and limit his impact on the game.

3.2 Warding and Vision Control

Warding key areas and establishing vision control is crucial when facing Aurelion Sol. Since he heavily relies on his Celestial Flight (W) to push waves, warding his side of the jungle can provide valuable information on his movements and prevent surprise ganks. Denying Aurelion Sol the element of surprise allows your team to react accordingly and potentially catch him off guard.

3.3 Coordinated Team Fights

Aurelion Sol’s team fight presence can be overwhelming, especially when he positions himself correctly and unleashes his cosmic might. To counter this, coordinate team fights with your teammates to focus and burst down Aurelion Sol before he can fully ramp up his damage. By prioritizing him as a target, you can neutralize his celestial threat and turn the tide of battle in your favor.


Aurelion Sol may be a formidable force in Wild Rift, but with the right strategies and champion picks, you can effectively counter his celestial might. Champions like Yasuo, Zed, Ahri, and Malzahar possess the tools to outplay and defeat Aurelion Sol. Additionally, employing roaming tactics, establishing vision control, and coordinating team fights can further tip the scales in your favor. So, step up, summoner, and show Aurelion Sol that even the brightest stars can be extinguished!

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