5 Best Champion Gwen Wild Rift Counter

In the fast-paced world of League of Legends: Wild Rift, understanding how to counter your opponents can be the key to victory, here you can know how to Gwen Wild Rift Counter. And when it comes to mastering the art of countering, there’s no one better to learn from than Master Gwen. Known for her exceptional gameplay and strategic prowess, Master Gwen has become a respected figure in the Wild Rift community. In this article, we will explore some of Master Gwen’s top counters, along with valuable strategies and tips to help you maximize your gameplay.

One of Master Gwen’s most effective counters is her ability to dominate melee champions. With her quick and precise movements, she can easily outmaneuver opponents and deal significant damage. Champions like Yasuo and Zed, who heavily rely on melee attacks, can struggle against Master Gwen’s agility and range. By utilizing her abilities to poke and harass, she can force these champions to play defensively, giving her team a significant advantage. Additionally, her ultimate ability, Hallowed Mist, can completely neutralize melee champions by denying them vision and decreasing their attack range.

Another area where Master Gwen excels in countering is against champions with crowd control abilities. Champions like Amumu, Leona, and Nautilus rely heavily on their crowd control skills to initiate team fights and lock down their opponents. However, Master Gwen’s ability to cleanse crowd control effects with her W – Mistwalk, allows her to easily escape their grasp and turn the tide of battle. By timing her abilities correctly and anticipating the crowd control effects, she can counter these champions and render their initiation strategies ineffective.

Master Gwen’s Wild Rift Counters: Strategies and Tips for Optimal Gameplay

Master Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress, has gained popularity in League of Legends: Wild Rift with her unique abilities and playstyle. However, like any other champion, she has her strengths and weaknesses. In this article, we will explore effective strategies and tips to counter Master Gwen for optimal gameplay and increased chances of victory.

Understanding Master Gwen’s Abilities

Before we dive into countering strategies, it’s crucial to understand Master Gwen’s abilities. She excels in sustained damage and crowd control with her kit, which includes:

  • Passive – Thousand Cuts: This ability empowers Gwen’s basic attacks, adding bonus magic damage based on a percentage of her health.
  • Ability 1 – Snip Snip!: Gwen snips her scissors, dealing magic damage in a cone shape and slowing enemies hit. She can recast this ability up to three times within a short time frame.
  • Ability 2 – Hallowed Mist: Gwen summons a mist that grants her bonus armor and magic resistance, while also dealing magic damage to enemies caught within it.
  • Ability 3 – Skip ‘n Slash: This ability allows Gwen to dash a short distance, enhancing her next three basic attacks with increased range and magic damage.
  • Ultimate – Needlework: Gwen’s ultimate ability sends needles flying towards enemies within a large cone, dealing magic damage and applying her passive ability to them.
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Countering Master Gwen: Strategies and Tips

Now that we have an understanding of Master Gwen’s abilities, let’s delve into effective strategies and tips to counter her:

1. Exploit Her Limited Range

Gwen’s abilities excel at close range combat, making her vulnerable against champions with long-range poke and crowd control. Champions like Lux or Xerath can harass her from a safe distance and prevent her from engaging effectively.

2. Watch Out for Her Passive

Gwen’s passive, Thousand Cuts, empowers her basic attacks based on a percentage of her health. To counter this, focus on building armor and health penetration items. Champions like Darius or Garen can easily shred through her health pool with their high physical damage.

3. Engage Her in Team Fights

While Gwen excels in one-on-one duels, she struggles in team fights due to her limited area-of-effect damage. Coordinate with your team to engage her together, overwhelming her with crowd control and burst damage. Champions like Malphite or Orianna can disrupt her positioning and render her abilities less effective.

4. Dodge Her Skillshots

Gwen’s abilities, especially her Snip Snip! and Needlework, can be devastating if they hit multiple targets. Practice sidestepping and dodging her skillshots to minimize the damage she can inflict. Additionally, champions with mobility, like Yasuo or Ezreal, can easily evade her abilities and maintain distance.

5. Pay Attention to Her Hallowed Mist

Gwen’s Hallowed Mist ability grants her bonus armor and magic resistance, which can make her tankier during trades. However, it has a relatively long cooldown. Take advantage of this cooldown window to engage her and deal damage when she is less protected.

By employing these strategies and tips, you can effectively counter Master Gwen in Wild Rift, turning the tide of battle in your favor. Remember, understanding her abilities and exploiting her weaknesses is the key to achieving optimal gameplay and securing victory.

In conclusion, mastering Gwen’s Wild Rift counters is crucial for achieving optimal gameplay in League of Legends: Wild Rift. By understanding the strengths and weaknesses of specific champions that pose a threat to Gwen, players can develop effective strategies to outplay their opponents and secure victory. Whether it’s countering champions with high burst damage like Zed and Akali, or champions with strong crowd control abilities like Malphite and Leona, having a solid grasp of Gwen’s counters will greatly enhance your performance on the battlefield.

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One key tip for playing against Gwen’s counters is to prioritize building defensive items that can mitigate their damage or crowd control effects. For example, investing in armor items like Ninja Tabi or Zhonya’s Hourglass can significantly reduce the impact of physical damage-oriented champions such as Yasuo or Darius. Additionally, purchasing items like Quicksilver Sash or Mikael’s Crucible can provide you with a cleanse effect, allowing you to break free from crowd control abilities and regain control of the fight.

Overall, by studying and implementing effective counter strategies, players can unlock Gwen’s true potential and dominate the Wild Rift. Experimenting with different approaches, adapting to the ever-evolving meta, and continuously honing your skills will ultimately lead to success on the battlefield. So, embrace the challenge, stay proactive, and be ready to outsmart your opponents as you embark on your journey to become a master of Gwen in League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Gwen Wild Rift Counter: The Ultimate Guide to Countering Gwen in League of Legends: Wild Rift


League of Legends: Wild Rift has taken the gaming world by storm, offering an exhilarating multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) experience on mobile devices. One of the most popular champions in the game is Gwen, a powerful and versatile character with a unique set of abilities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best strategies and champions to counter Gwen’s strengths and dominate the battlefield. So, if you’re tired of facing Gwen’s dominance, read on to discover the ultimate Gwen Wild Rift counter strategies!

Section 1: Understanding Gwen’s Abilities

Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress, possesses a range of abilities that make her a formidable opponent on the Wild Rift. To effectively counter her, it’s essential to understand her strengths and weaknesses. Let’s delve into her abilities:

1. Snap-Fit (Passive)

Gwen’s passive ability grants her bonus magic damage on basic attacks, based on a percentage of her health. This makes her a sustained damage threat, especially in extended engagements. To counter this, focus on burst damage champions who can quickly eliminate her before she can dish out significant damage.

2. Thousand Cuts (Q)

Gwen’s Q ability allows her to unleash a flurry of attacks in a cone-shaped area, dealing damage and applying her passive. This ability grants her excellent wave-clearing capabilities and allows her to poke enemies from a safe distance. To counter this, engage her in short trades or use champions who can outrange her, denying her the opportunity to land her Q effectively.

3. Hallowed Mist (W)

Gwen’s W ability creates a mist around her, granting her bonus armor and magic resistance while enemies outside the mist cannot target her with abilities or attacks. This ability makes her incredibly difficult to lock down or burst. To counter this, focus on crowd control champions who can disrupt Gwen’s mobility and burst her down before she can retreat into the mist.

4. Skip ‘n Slash (E)

Gwen’s E ability allows her to dash a short distance and enhance her next basic attack with bonus range and damage. This ability provides her with mobility and burst potential. To counter this, champions with strong kiting abilities or those who can interrupt her dash can effectively neutralize her threat.

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5. Needlework (Ultimate)

Gwen’s ultimate ability, Needlework, sends out a flurry of needles that deal damage and slow enemies hit. Additionally, Gwen gains a significant attack speed bonus during this ability’s duration. To counter this, champions with high mobility or those who can quickly burst her down should be prioritized, denying her the opportunity to utilize the attack speed bonus effectively.

Section 2: Countering Gwen with Champion Picks

Now that we have a solid understanding of Gwen’s abilities, let’s explore the best champion picks to counter her:

1. Darius – The Noxian Guillotine

Darius is a melee bruiser capable of punishing Gwen’s sustained damage with his powerful burst. His Q ability, Decimate, deals AoE damage and heals him based on the number of enemies hit. Additionally, his ultimate ability, Noxian Guillotine, can quickly eliminate Gwen if she falls below a certain health threshold.

2. Vayne – The Night Hunter

Vayne, an agile marksman, can outmaneuver Gwen with her high mobility and condemn ability, which can stun enemies against walls. She excels at kiting and can burst Gwen down before she can utilize her sustained damage. Additionally, Vayne’s Silver Bolts ability deals bonus true damage based on the target’s maximum health, making her a potent threat against Gwen.

3. Morgana – The Fallen

Morgana, a mage support, is a fantastic pick against Gwen due to her crowd control abilities. Her Q ability, Dark Binding, can root Gwen in place, preventing her from utilizing her mobility effectively. Additionally, her ultimate ability, Soul Shackles, can stun Gwen and her surrounding enemies, providing an excellent opportunity for her teammates to burst her down.

4. Malphite – Shard of the Monolith

Malphite, a tank champion, is an exceptional choice to counter Gwen’s sustained damage. His passive ability, Granite Shield, grants him a shield that absorbs a significant amount of damage. His Q ability, Seismic Shard, slows enemies and reduces their attack speed, effectively neutralizing Gwen’s attack speed bonus from her ultimate ability.

5. Zed – The Master of Shadows

Zed, an assassin champion, can burst Gwen down before she can utilize her sustained damage. His W ability, Living Shadow, allows him to quickly close the gap between him and Gwen, while his ultimate ability, Death Mark, deals massive damage and can eliminate her if executed correctly.

Section 3: Strategies to Counter Gwen

Now that we have identified some powerful champion picks, let’s explore strategies to counter Gwen:

1. Capitalize on Early Game Advantage

Gwen is relatively weak in the early game, especially before she unlocks her ultimate ability. Take advantage of this by aggressively trading with her and denying her farm. This will delay her power spike and give your team an early advantage.

2. Coordinate Ganks and Roams

Gwen is susceptible to ganks due to her limited mobility and lack of reliable crowd control. Coordinate with your team’s jungler to set up ganks and roams, effectively shutting her down and preventing her from snowballing.

3. Ward Effectively

Gwen’s effectiveness heavily relies on ambushes and surprising enemies. Place wards strategically to gain vision control and negate her ability to catch opponents off guard. This will allow your team to react accordingly and prevent unnecessary deaths.

4. Build Armor and Magic Resistance

When facing Gwen, prioritize building armor and magic resistance items to mitigate her damage output. This will make it harder for her to burst down targets and extend team fights, giving your team a higher chance of success.

5. Communicate and Focus Targets

Ensure effective communication with your team to focus Gwen down in team fights. Her sustained damage can quickly turn the tide of battles if left unchecked. By coordinating and prioritizing targets, you can neutralize her threat and secure victory for your team.


Gwen may be a formidable champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift, but with the right strategies and champion picks, she can be effectively countered. By understanding her abilities, utilizing the recommended champions, and implementing the suggested strategies, you can turn the tables on Gwen and dominate the battlefield. So, gear up, communicate with your team, and show Gwen who’s boss on the Wild Rift!

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