7 Strategies Countering Lulu Wild Rift Counter

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to outsmart and Lulu Wild Rift Counter, the support champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Lulu is an enchanting yordle who brings a unique set of abilities to the battlefield, making her a formidable opponent. However, with the right strategy and understanding of her weaknesses, you can turn the tide of the game in your favor.

As a support champion, Lulu excels at protecting her allies and providing crowd control. Her abilities allow her to shield and heal her teammates, while also enhancing their attack speed and movement speed. Additionally, Lulu can polymorph enemies, transforming them into helpless critters. These abilities make her a valuable asset to any team, but they can also be exploited if you know how to counter them.

In this guide, we will delve into Lulu’s strengths and weaknesses, and provide you with effective strategies to counter her in different scenarios. Whether you’re playing as an ADC, a mid-laner, or a jungler, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and learn how to outsmart Lulu and secure victory on the Wild Rift!

Lulu Wild Rift Counter: A Comprehensive Guide on How to Outsmart and Counter this Support Champion

When it comes to playing League of Legends: Wild Rift, countering your opponents’ champion picks is crucial for securing victory. One support champion that can be particularly challenging to deal with is Lulu. Known for her versatile kit and ability to enhance her allies, Lulu can quickly turn the tide of a battle in her team’s favor. However, fear not, as we have compiled a comprehensive guide on how to outsmart and counter Lulu in Wild Rift.

Understanding Lulu’s Abilities

Before diving into the counter strategies, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of Lulu’s abilities. Lulu’s passive, Pix, grants her basic attacks additional magic damage and causes her abilities to also affect her ally Pix. Her first ability, Glitterlance, shoots a bolt of energy that damages and slows enemies hit. Additionally, Glitterlance can be used to poke and harass opponents in the laning phase.

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Lulu’s second ability, Whimsy, can be cast on an ally or an enemy. When cast on an ally, it grants them bonus movement speed and ability power. However, when cast on an enemy, it polymorphs them into a helpless critter, rendering them unable to use any abilities or attack for a short duration.

Her third ability, Help, Pix!, shields an ally and grants them bonus attack damage. When cast on an enemy, Pix will follow and deal damage over time. Finally, Lulu’s ultimate ability, Wild Growth, is a game-changer. It can be cast on an ally to grant them a massive health boost and knock nearby enemies up into the air.

Countering Lulu in Lane

When facing Lulu in the bot lane, communication and coordination with your support are key. Here are some strategies to consider:

1. Aggressive Engage: Lulu’s strength lies in her ability to poke and enhance her ADC’s survivability. To counter this, engage aggressively and burst down Lulu or her ADC before she has a chance to react. Champions like Leona, Alistar, or Blitzcrank can be effective in this regard with their crowd control abilities.

2. Bait Out Whimsy: Lulu’s Whimsy can be a game-changer when used on an enemy. By baiting out this ability, you can force her into a disadvantageous position. Engage her when Whimsy is on cooldown, as she will be unable to polymorph you and hinder your abilities to fight back.

3. Target the ADC: While Lulu can enhance her ADC’s survivability, she herself is relatively squishy. Focus your attention on her ADC, as eliminating them first will significantly reduce Lulu’s impact in team fights.

Strategies for Team Fights

When it comes to team fights, countering Lulu requires precise positioning and focusing on the right targets:

1. Splitting up: Lulu’s ultimate ability, Wild Growth, can turn the tide of a team fight. To counter this, try splitting up and engaging from different angles. This will make it harder for Lulu to effectively use her ultimate and provide a massive health boost to her team.

2. Crowd Control: By using crowd control abilities effectively, you can prevent Lulu from enhancing her teammates or using her abilities to their full potential. Champions with hard crowd control, such as Nautilus or Morgana, can be valuable picks against her.

3. Assassination: Lulu excels at protecting her carries, but she is susceptible to assassination attempts. Burst damage champions like Zed or Akali can quickly eliminate her before she has a chance to react.

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Remember, countering Lulu in Wild Rift requires practice and adaptability. Familiarize yourself with her abilities, communicate with your team, and execute your counter strategies effectively. By doing so, you’ll be well-equipped to outsmart this support champion and secure victory on the Rift!

In conclusion, this comprehensive guide has provided valuable insights on how to effectively counter Lulu in Wild Rift. As a support champion, Lulu possesses unique abilities that can be quite challenging to deal with. However, by understanding her strengths and weaknesses, players can devise effective strategies to outsmart her and gain the upper hand in the game.

One key aspect to remember when facing Lulu is her ability to enhance her allies’ abilities and provide shields. To counter this, it is crucial to focus on disabling her and isolating her from her team. Utilizing crowd control abilities and burst damage can help neutralize her impact during team fights and prevent her from turning the tide in favor of her allies.

Furthermore, keeping an eye on Lulu’s positioning and movement is essential. Taking advantage of her relatively squishy nature, players can target her in the backline and take her out quickly before she can provide significant support to her team. By implementing these strategies and staying vigilant, players can effectively counter Lulu and gain an advantage in their Wild Rift matches.

Lulu Wild Rift Counter: The Ultimate Guide to Countering Lulu in Wild Rift


Are you tired of facing Lulu, the enchanting support champion, in Wild Rift? Do you constantly find yourself struggling against her crowd control abilities and protective spells? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of Lulu and provide you with effective strategies and tips to counter her in Wild Rift. Whether you are an experienced player or just starting your journey, this article will equip you with the knowledge to outplay Lulu and secure victory on the Rift.

Understanding Lulu: The Enchanter Extraordinaire

Before we dive into the counter strategies, let’s take a moment to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Lulu. Lulu is a versatile support champion known for her ability to protect and empower her allies. With her whimsical arsenal of spells, she can shield, polymorph, and even enhance her teammates, making them formidable opponents. However, every champion has their weaknesses, and Lulu is no exception. By exploiting these weaknesses, you can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

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Countering Lulu: Strategies and Tips

1. Champion Select: Picking the Right Matchup

The first step in countering Lulu starts even before the game begins. During the champion select phase, it is crucial to choose a champion that can effectively handle Lulu’s abilities. Champions with high burst damage or long-range poke can easily harass Lulu and force her to play defensively. Consider champions like Zed, Syndra, or Xerath to capitalize on her vulnerabilities.

2. Baiting Lulu’s Whimsy

Lulu’s Whimsy ability is her primary crowd control spell, allowing her to polymorph enemies and turn them into harmless critters. To counter Lulu, bait out her Whimsy by feigning an engage or committing to a trade. Once her Whimsy is on cooldown, you have a window of opportunity to strike back without the fear of being transformed into a cute little critter.

3. Capitalizing on Lulu’s Squishiness

One of Lulu’s key weaknesses is her squishiness. She lacks the durability of tankier champions, making her susceptible to burst damage. Coordinate with your team to focus Lulu in team fights and eliminate her quickly. By removing Lulu from the equation, you diminish her ability to protect her teammates effectively.

4. Itemization: Building Against Lulu

Choosing the right items can significantly impact your ability to counter Lulu. Consider building items that provide magic resistance, such as Mercury’s Treads or Banshee’s Veil. These items not only enhance your survivability against Lulu’s magical damage but also reduce the duration of her crowd control effects, giving you more time to retaliate.

5. Ganking Lulu: Exploiting Her Lack of Mobility

Lulu relies on her abilities to keep herself and her team safe. However, her lack of mobility makes her an easy target for ganks. Coordinate with your jungler to set up ganks and catch Lulu off guard. By applying pressure and forcing her to burn her summoner spells or ultimate defensively, you limit her ability to turn the tide of battle in her team’s favor.

6. Split Pushing: Diverting Lulu’s Attention

Another effective strategy is to split push when facing Lulu. By splitting the enemy team’s attention, you force Lulu to make a decision between protecting her team or dealing with the split pusher. This can create opportunities for your team to engage or secure objectives while Lulu is occupied, giving you a distinct advantage in the game.

7. Communication and Coordination

Last but not least, effective communication and coordination with your team are crucial when countering Lulu. Inform your team about her abilities and cooldowns, allowing them to make informed decisions during engagements. By working together and focusing on shutting down Lulu, you increase your chances of emerging victorious.


In conclusion, countering Lulu in Wild Rift requires a combination of strategic thinking, champion select knowledge, and teamwork. By understanding her strengths and weaknesses, baiting out her abilities, and employing effective counter strategies, you can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Remember, communication and coordination with your team are key. So, gear up, step onto the Rift, and show Lulu that she is no match for your skills and wit! Good luck and may victory be yours!

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