3 Best Champion For Malphite Wild Rift Counter

Malphite Wild Rift Counter, Malphite is a formidable champion in Wild Rift, known for his tankiness and crowd-control abilities. However, like any other champion, he is not invincible. In fact, there are several strategies and counterpicks that can help you domiate the game when facing a Malphite on the enemy team. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the best strategies to counter Malphite and turn the tides of battle in your favor.

One of the most effective ways to counter Malphite is to pick a champion with high sustained damage. Malphite relies heavily on his passive shield and armor stacking to mitigate damage, making burst champions less effective against him. Champions like Fiora, Darius, and Camille, who can constantly deal damage over time, are excellent choices. By wearing down Malphite’s shield and health bar, you can prevent him from becoming an unstoppable force in team fights.

Another key strategy to counter Malphite is to exploit his weak early game. Malphite’s laning phase can be challenging, especially against champions with ranged poke or high mobility. By taking advantage of his lack of sustain and mana constraints, you can harass him out of lane and deny him farm and experience. Champions like Teemo, Vayne, and Jayce excel at poking from a safe distance and can make Malphite’s laning phase a living nightmare.

Mastering Malphite’s Counters: A Guide to Wild Rift’s Best Strategies

Malphite, the Shard of the Monolith, is a formidable tank champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Known for his incredible durability and game-changing ultimate ability, Unstoppable Force, he can be a challenging opponent to face. However, every champion has their weaknesses, and Malphite is no exception. In this guide, we will explore some of the best strategies to counter Malphite and turn the tides of battle in your favor.

Understanding Malphite’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before diving into the counters, it is essential to understand Malphite’s strengths and weaknesses. Malphite excels at soaking up damage and initiating team fights with his ultimate ability, which allows him to engage multiple enemies at once. His passive ability, Granite Shield, provides him with a shield that significantly reduces incoming damage, making him even more durable.

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However, Malphite’s weaknesses lie in his lack of sustained damage and his reliance on mana for his abilities. He heavily relies on his abilities to deal damage, making him vulnerable when his mana pool runs low. Additionally, Malphite’s lack of mobility outside of his ultimate ability makes him susceptible to kiting and crowd control effects.

1. Picking Champions with Sustained Damage

One effective strategy against Malphite is to pick champions with sustained damage. Since Malphite relies on his shield and high base armor to mitigate burst damage, champions who can consistently deal damage over time can wear him down. Champions like Darius, Fiora, or Vayne are excellent choices due to their ability to shred tanks and deal sustained damage.

2. Building Armor Penetration

Malphite’s high armor makes him incredibly durable, but building armor penetration can help negate his tankiness. Champions like Jax or Zed can benefit from building items like Black Cleaver or Last Whisper, which provide bonus armor penetration. This allows them to deal significant damage to Malphite, even through his high armor stack.

3. Utilizing Crowd Control Effects

As mentioned earlier, Malphite lacks mobility outside of his ultimate ability. This makes him susceptible to crowd control effects that can render him immobile or disrupt his engages. Champions like Morgana, Lux, or Ashe, who have long-range crowd control abilities, can effectively shut down Malphite’s initiation attempts and prevent him from engaging on your team.

4. Baiting Out Malphite’s Ultimate

Malphite’s ultimate ability, Unstoppable Force, is a game-changer that can turn the tide of team fights in his favor. One effective strategy is to bait out his ultimate before committing to a team fight. By positioning yourself in a way that makes you an attractive target for Malphite’s engage, you can force him to use his ultimate prematurely. Once his ultimate is on cooldown, you can safely engage and take advantage of the window of opportunity.

5. Coordinating with Your Team

Lastly, effective communication and coordination with your team are crucial when facing Malphite. Communicate with your team to focus on Malphite during team fights, as taking him down quickly can significantly reduce his impact. Coordinate crowd control abilities and burst damage to burst him down before he has a chance to utilize his shield or ultimate ability.

In conclusion, countering Malphite in Wild Rift requires a combination of champion picks, itemization, and strategic gameplay. By picking champions with sustained damage, building armor penetration, utilizing crowd control effects, baiting out Malphite’s ultimate, and coordinating with your team, you can turn the tables and secure victory against this formidable tank champion. Remember, practice and adaptability are key to mastering the art of countering Malphite in Wild Rift.

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In conclusion, mastering Malphite’s counters is crucial for success in Wild Rift. By understanding the best strategies to employ against this powerful champion, players can effectively neutralize his impact on the game and gain a significant advantage. Whether it’s picking champions with strong poke, building items that reduce his armor, or coordinating team fights to focus on other targets, there are several approaches to countering Malphite that can turn the tide of the battle.

One of the most effective strategies is to choose champions with long-range abilities, such as mages or marksmen, who can poke Malphite from a safe distance. By consistently harassing him, players can whittle down his health and force him to play defensively, limiting his ability to engage in team fights. Additionally, building items like Mortal Reminder or Lord Dominik’s Regards can help penetrate Malphite’s high armor, making him more vulnerable to sustained damage.

Overall, successfully countering Malphite requires a combination of smart champion picks, itemization, and team coordination. By employing these strategies, players can minimize the impact of this formidable champion and increase their chances of victory in Wild Rift.

Malphite Wild Rift Counter: Mastering the Art of Countering Malphite in League of Legends: Wild Rift

Are you tired of getting crushed by Malphite in League of Legends: Wild Rift? Do you want to turn the tables and dominate the game? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the strategies, tips, and tricks that will help you counter Malphite and emerge victorious. So, buckle up and get ready to unleash your inner champion!

1. Understanding Malphite’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before we dive into countering Malphite, it is crucial to understand his strengths and weaknesses. Malphite, the Shard of the Monolith, is an incredibly durable tank who excels in initiating team fights and disrupting the enemy team. His passive, Granite Shield, provides him with a shield that mitigates a significant amount of damage. Additionally, his Q ability, Seismic Shard, allows him to poke enemies and slow them down.

However, despite his intimidating presence, Malphite has his fair share of weaknesses. One of his notable weaknesses is his lack of sustain. He heavily relies on his passive shield to absorb damage, which can be easily whittled down with consistent poke and sustained damage. Additionally, Malphite’s ultimate ability, Unstoppable Force, has a long cooldown, making him vulnerable during its downtime. By exploiting these weaknesses, you can effectively counter Malphite and gain the upper hand.

2. Drafting the Right Champions

When facing Malphite, it is crucial to draft champions that can exploit his weaknesses and neutralize his impact. Here are some champions that can give Malphite a challenging time:

2.1. Vayne – The Night Hunter

Vayne, the Night Hunter, is a marksman who excels in dealing sustained damage. Her Silver Bolts ability allows her to shred through tanks like Malphite, making her an ideal pick against him. Additionally, Vayne’s Tumble ability grants her excellent mobility, allowing her to dodge Malphite’s Seismic Shard and Unstoppable Force with ease.

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2.2. Fiora – The Grand Duelist

Fiora, the Grand Duelist, is a duelist who thrives in one-on-one matchups. Her Riposte ability can effectively parry Malphite’s Q ability, Seismic Shard, negating its slow and damage. Furthermore, Fiora’s ultimate, Grand Challenge, can isolate Malphite and deal true damage based on his maximum health, making her a formidable foe against him.

2.3. Teemo – The Swift Scout

Teemo, the Swift Scout, is a ranged champion who excels in zoning and poking enemies. His ability, Blinding Dart, can blind Malphite, reducing his damage output significantly. Additionally, Teemo’s mushrooms can provide vision and slow enemies, making it difficult for Malphite to engage effectively.

3. Laning Phase Strategies

The laning phase sets the foundation for your success against Malphite. Here are some strategies to employ during this crucial phase:

3.1. Exploit Malphite’s Weak Early Game

Malphite’s early game is relatively weak compared to other champions. He struggles to farm under turret due to his limited wave-clearing abilities. Take advantage of this by pushing the wave and denying him CS under the turret. Additionally, poke him consistently to chip away at his passive shield and force him to play defensively.

3.2. Coordinate with Your Jungler

Malphite’s lack of mobility in the early game makes him susceptible to jungle ganks. Coordinate with your jungler to set up ganks and secure kills on Malphite. The additional pressure will hinder his scaling and allow you to gain a substantial advantage in the laning phase.

3.3. Itemization is Key

Choosing the right items can significantly impact your ability to counter Malphite. Consider building items that provide sustain, such as Blade of the Ruined King or Bloodthirster, to mitigate his poke and outlast him in trades. Additionally, items with armor penetration, like Last Whisper, can help you shred through his armor and deal substantial damage.

4. Team Fight Strategies

As the game progresses, team fights become crucial in deciding the outcome. Here are some strategies to employ when facing Malphite in team fights:

4.1. Spread Out to Minimize Malphite’s Impact

Malphite’s ultimate, Unstoppable Force, is a devastating initiation tool that can turn the tides of a team fight. To counter this, spread out during team fights to minimize the number of targets he can hit. By doing so, you reduce the effectiveness of his ultimate and limit his ability to engage on multiple priority targets.

4.2. Focus on Bursting Malphite Down

Malphite’s durability can be overwhelming, especially when combined with defensive items like Sunfire Aegis or Thornmail. To overcome this, focus on bursting him down in team fights. Coordinate with your team to unleash a barrage of damage on Malphite, ensuring that he falls before he can wreak havoc on your team.

4.3. Utilize Crowd Control Effects

Malphite’s strength lies in his ability to initiate team fights and disrupt the enemy team. Counter his disruptive capabilities by utilizing crowd control effects. Champions with stuns, silences, or knock-ups can effectively neutralize Malphite and prevent him from executing his game-changing abilities.

5. Conclusion

Mastering the art of countering Malphite in League of Legends: Wild Rift requires a combination of strategic champion selection, laning phase dominance, and effective team fight execution. By understanding his strengths and weaknesses, drafting the right champions, employing laning phase strategies, and executing team fight strategies, you can emerge victorious against the Shard of the Monolith. So, gear up, summoner, and prepare to conquer the Rift!

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