The 10 Strongest Champions League of Legends Mobile Wild Rift

League of Legends Wild Rift has 40 Champions for the whole players. Because of too many Champions to use, it might make you confused about where to start. Therefore, we will present several best Champions that can be a consideration for you before you start playing this game.

10 Strongest Champions LoL Wild Rift

Miss Fortune

The first on our list is Miss Fortune. Miss Fortune has the largest percentage of Most Pick because she has a skill set that is easy to use and very vicious. You can also attack enemies easily because Miss Fortune has great AOE damage skills.

Miss Fortune can also chase enemies easily thanks to her Passive so it will be easy for you to get kills. Plus the ferocious Ultimate can attack many enemies with great Damage.

lol best champions


Second Champion is Yasuo. Yasuo is one of the strongest champions in League of Legends wild rift. He usually plays in the mid. He has the biggest Ban possibility in Rank. Yasuo can attack enemies from a distance, Approach enemies easily thanks to his dash and can fend off all projectile or Range attacks. With complete skills, Yasuo can do Zoning on the enemy team, that way it will be easy for you to do Farming.

Yasuo LoL wild rift


Third, we have Garen. Garen is a very strong tank champion in the top lane. On the top lane Garen can survive very strongly because his Passive recovery when he is Out of Combat allows him to stay on the lane longer.

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Not only thick defense, Garen also has skills that can lower enemy defenses and an Ultimate which is useful as a Finisher. This champion not only has a strong Defense but a big Attack. Garen also has a passive that can increase his Defense and Magic Defense as many kills as he has. As top laner Garen is a strong Champion.

Garen LoL

Master Yi

Then, the strongest hero in League of Legends Wild Rift is Master Yi.  Yi is an easy jungler to use because he can chase enemies easily and has useful recovery skills when in the jungle. Yi can run without being slowed down thanks to and adds Attack speed thanks to his Ultimate. Yi is a passive champion. He adds attack speed and Crit. It allows him to do additional attacks and give true damage to the enemy.

stringest hero


Next, this is the best Champion in League of Legends wild rift. Zed is a mid champions with tremendous Burst damage. With his Shadow skills, Zed can attack enemies from a distance and his Shadow will also issue the Skills that Zed casts. With Zoning skills and ferocious burst damage, Zed is one of the most used Champions. The skill is easy to use and also, Zed is one of the Champions who doesn’t use mana making it easy to guard the lane. The lane occupied by Zed is mid. in Mid, Zed can easily counter many champion including Yasuo.

zed LoL League of Legends


After that, Fizz. Fizz is an Assassin who can penetrate this minion usually found in the Mid lane, but Fizz can also occupy the Top lane as a Bruiser. With his Basic attack, Fizz can deal Bonus damage to enemies. Not only good damage, he also has an escape skill that can also be used to attack. As a finisher, Fizz are able to have an ultimate that he can use to attacks the enemy.

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League of Legends wild rift


Darius can give Debuff Bleed every time he hits an enemy, his Passive allows him to reduce enemy HP easily. Darius has a skill that can help him to heal himself. That is why, he often stay on the top lane. With great AoE skills and skills that can attract enemies, Darius is a ferocious Top Laner, then one of his skills can strengthen him. After that, he has a basic attack or we can call it Slow effect. This effect makes enemy difficult to run from him. All skills have great damage, Darius is also a hero who has quite a decent Defense.

darius LoL wild rift


Jinx is an ADC Hard Carry that is very effective in the mid or late game. Jinx has a fast attack and is very dangerous if he replaces it with his Rocket Launcher, making him very ferocious. Jinx also has CC skills such as Slow and Root making it difficult to gang up on. That way, Jinx is a bit difficult to use because the skill relies on Skill Shot, so if you are not familiar with Skill Shot it might be a bit difficult.

jinx League of Legends


Ninth, his name is Jhin. Jhin has a Passive which gives Guaranteed Critical hits in every last Bullet, then if he can Crit, then jhin will get Movement Speed. To protect him from ganks, Jhin also has the skill to place traps, where if someone steps on him he will be seen for a few moments.

jhin LoL


Last, but not least, we have Nami. As a support champion, Nami can heal her friend. She can also buff her friends. Nami is also match with almost the whole ADCs. It is because her skill can help her friends to move faster.

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Nami also has a heal that can make ADC last longer on the lane and buff slow for ADC so they can attack enemies easily. The ultimate can open Team Fight well and give Movement speed to friends making it very ferocious in Team Fight.

Nami LoL