WILD RIFT: All You Have to Know About WILD RIFT

Introduction to Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift!!  Like the other MOBA games, League of Legends: Wild Rift focuses on destroying Nexus on the Enemy’s defense center. In addition, this game has also three-lane which have to be protected from the enemy’s attack. They are top, mid, and bottom lanes. At a certain point in the jungle, there will also be some monsters or creeps to be grabbed.

wild rift, league of legend

Rune and Spell Summoner

wild rift

The Rune system is a customization characters which is purposed to increase the champions abilities. Players can adjust which Runes to use before starting the game or during the draft pick phase. The Keystone Runes are the most powerful, while the rest is Secondary Runes which present lower stats.

Then, the second customization feature is Summoner Spells (SS). For this case Each player can choose two spells per game, each of which will bring unique abilities to the game. The most common SS is Flash to teleport your champion a short distance in the intended direction.

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Jungle and Buff

jungle and buff

When the lane will adjust where the top, mid, and bottom laners should go. The jungler that is equipped with Smite, will start to finish off the jungle monster and creep to get XP and Gold. The route that they took is Jungle path. The process when they drop the Jungle monster on each camp is “clear”. Moreover, their speed in clearing all the monsters before respawn back is “clear speed”.

They need the first buff, the red one on the bottom and the blue one on the top, it is to help them to clear the jungle faster. It is because, there will be a time for respawn in every camp, so the optimal clear speed and jungle path should be appropriate.

In addition, the only one gold and XP resource for the jungler in on the jungle so that the other champions on the team cannot take the jungle monters, especially on the early game. Even though their main purpose is to clear the jungle, the jungler can also give the pressure to the opponent.

The early game phase starts when the jungle monster dragon has appeared on the dragon pit which located on the river or on the middle map or on the bottom lane. Usually, the junglers and the other champions on the bottom lane or even on the mid lane, will cooperate to take the elemental from the dragon.

Fog of War, Trinket and Vision

Trinket is a unique feature which is present on League of Legends and also present in Wild Rift. This feature can give a vision for a certain time before the champs be liquidated by the opponent. This feature gives the ability to the champion to see the whole players on the whole areas without exception.

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Usually, trinket places in an area that is often a dispute between the two teams that are competing or in the enemy’s forest. Based on the vision obtained from this trinket, it is often the basis for a team to make strategic decisions in attacking opponents.

Wild Rift Terms

In order to Help you in this game, here is a list of important Wild Rift terms that you will hear a lot in the game:

Champion (not hero)

Name for each character that you choose and use in playing

Champion Select

The champion selection phase (draft pick or pick and ban) before the game starts, where each player has time to choose who the champions will be used in play, according to strategy and role

Summoner Spell (not a battle spell and usually shortened to SS)

Two spells that give your champion extra utility


Used by Junglers to deal true damage to jungle monsters, minions, and other objectives such as Dragon and Baron

Flash (not flicker)

Short-range teleport, used to engage in team-fights or escape

Runes (not emblems)

Personalized page for each player to choose which stats to use or increase on the champion used

Bruisers or Fighter

Melee champions who deal damage and defense

AD carry or ADC

Marksman with ranged attack type

Recall, recall timing, back timing

The time you use to reset HP/MP and buy items at the Fountain

Abilities (not skills)

Spells owned by each champion

Items (not equipment)

Items provide additional stats to the champion who uses them

Ability Power (AP)

Attributes that are magical damage

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Attack Damage (AD)

Attributes that are physical damage


Crystals located in each base of each team which is the main objective, either to be guarded when defending or destroyed when attacking the opponent’s base


The place where each champion will respawn, replenish HP/MP, and buy items


Towers or towers that line up each lane as the defense of each team

Lane Assignment

A predetermined path for each champion to fill according to their respective roles to make it easier for the team to achieve objectives


The movement made by a champion to move from one lane to another on the map

Jungle path/jungle pathing and jungle clear

The path and time required to clear each jungle monster camp in the jungle


Forest monster which is the main objective in the early game which is present in the river near the bottomlane


A forest monster that is the main objective in the mid to late game phases that is present in the river near the toplane

Fog of War

Areas of the map that are covered in (dark) shadows and that you cannot see


When placed, this item will open vision to all players on a team in the Fog of War area or bush for a limited period of time

Vision Control

The way a team can control their vision around an area on the map