Ziggs Wild Rift Champions Build: Tips and Tricks for a Stronger Gameplay

Ziggs Wild Rift Champions Build, Ziggs is a powerful mage in Wild Rift who can deal massive damage from a distance. He is an excellent champion for players who prefer to play from a safe distance and deal damage to their opponents. If you’re looking to improve your gameplay with Ziggs, you’re in the right place. In this article, we’ll discuss Ziggs Wild Rift champions build and provide you with some tips and tricks to help you dominate the game.

Understanding Ziggs Abilities

Before we dive into the build, let’s first understand Ziggs abilities. Ziggs has three basic abilities and one ultimate:

  • Bouncing Bomb: Ziggs throws a bomb that bounces and deals damage to enemies in its path.
  • Satchel Charge: Ziggs places a bomb that can be triggered to deal damage and knock back enemies.
  • Hexplosive Minefield: Ziggs creates a minefield that slows down enemies and deals damage to those who step on it.
  • Mega Inferno Bomb: Ziggs throws a bomb that deals massive damage to enemies in the target area.

Now that we know Ziggs abilities let’s move on to the build.

Ziggs Wild Rift Champions Build

Ziggs is a mage who relies on his abilities to deal damage to his opponents. Therefore, building items that increase his ability power and mana regeneration is crucial. Here is the recommended Ziggs Wild Rift champions build:

  1. Luden’s Echo: This item provides a significant boost to Ziggs’ ability power and mana regeneration. It also has a passive that deals additional damage to enemies hit by Ziggs’ abilities.
  2. Sorcerer’s Shoes: These shoes increase Ziggs’ magic penetration, making it easier for him to deal damage to enemies with magic resistance.
  3. Rabadon’s Deathcap: This item provides a massive boost to Ziggs’ ability power, making his abilities deal even more damage.
  4. Morellonomicon: This item provides a boost to Ziggs’ ability power and mana regeneration. It also has a passive that reduces healing on enemies hit by Ziggs’ abilities.
  5. Zhonya’s Hourglass: This item provides Ziggs with armor and ability power. It also has an active that allows Ziggs to become invulnerable for a short period, making it an excellent item for escaping dangerous situations.
  6. Rylai’s Crystal Scepter: This item provides Ziggs with ability power and health. It also has a passive that slows down enemies hit by Ziggs’ abilities, making it easier for him to deal damage and escape dangerous situations.
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These items provide Ziggs with the necessary stats to deal massive damage and stay alive in team fights. However, keep in mind that the build can be adjusted based on the situation. For example, if the enemy team has a lot of magic resistance, building a Void Staff instead of Morellonomicon can be a better option.

Tips and Tricks for Playing Ziggs

Now that we know the recommended build, let’s discuss some tips and tricks for playing Ziggs:

  • Stay at a safe distance: Ziggs is a mage who deals massive damage from a distance. Therefore, it’s essential to stay at a safe distance from the enemy team and use your abilities to deal damage.
  • Use your W to escape dangerous situations: Ziggs’ Satchel Charge can be used to escape dangerous situations. For example, if an enemy champion is chasing you, you can place the Satchel Charge behind you and trigger it to knock back the enemy and create distance between you and them.
  • Use your Q to poke enemies: Ziggs’ Bouncing Bomb can be used to poke enemies from a distance. It’s an excellent ability to use in the laning phase to harass enemies and farm minions.
  • Use your E to control the battlefield: Ziggs’ Hexplosive Minefield can be used to control the battlefield. For example, you can place it in narrow corridors to slow down enemies and make it easier for your team to land their abilities.
  • Use your ult to secure kills: Ziggs’ Mega Inferno Bomb deals massive damage to enemies in the target area. It’s an excellent ability to use to secure kills or deal damage in team fights.
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By following these tips and tricks, you can improve your gameplay with Ziggs and dominate the game.


Ziggs is a powerful mage in Wild Rift who can deal massive damage from a distance. By following the recommended Ziggs Wild Rift champions build and the tips and tricks provided in this article, you can improve your gameplay and dominate the game. Remember, practice makes perfect, so keep playing and experimenting with different builds and strategies to find what works best for you. Good luck and have fun!

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