Top 10 the Strongest Champions for League of Legends

Unlike other MOBA games, League of Legends calls their characters or heroes Champions or Champs. Of the hundreds of existing champions, of course, you want to find information about which champion is the strongest. Therefore, in this article, we will provide information about the 10 strongest champions in League of Legends.


ornn league of legends

Be one of the strongest champion in League of Legends, the last one is Ornn. The whole League of Legends players will agree that Ornn is the greatest champion that you can use in all games.

Not only because he is a tank as well as a fighter, but his state is extraordinary. Ornn has Attack Damage of 69+3.5 and Armor 33+4. Even though has a role as a tank, Ornn is not slow. He has a Move Speed of 335. When it comes to Attack Range as a fighter, he only has an Attack Range of 175.


azir league of legends

Azir is a rather difficult champion for you to learn. However, it’s all worth it, because he is one of the strongest champions in League of Legends. You can play him as a Mage and Marksman.

Because of his position as a Marksman, so you have to play in the middle lane position. But you don’t need to worry, because Azir has a very large Attack Damage of 52+2.8. With a Speed of 335 and an Attack Range of 525, Gamexran guarantees that you won’t be overwhelmed by the enemy.


lissandra league of legends

Lissandra is a champion mage that you have to play on the middle lane. What makes Lissandra the strongest LoL champion is that she has an Attack Damage of 55+2.7 which is quite large as a Mage champion.

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Apart from that, her Crit Damage is also almost on par with other characters, namely 175%. Not to mention the Attack Range which is quite far, which is 550. This will make it easier for you to break through enemy defenses with its Move Speed of 325.


Renekton is an Acended god. Usually League of Legends players will use Renekton and place it in the top lane position.

Renekton can become the most powerful champion because he has the ability to lane sustain, fight engagement, and split-push. Interestingly, Renekton has the skin that Gamexran likes the most, namely Pool Party Renekton.


As a God, of course Nasus has extraordinary power. Even though he is considered an Acended who is not as powerful as a literal god, you shouldn’t underestimate Nasus.

Has a similar appearance to Anubis who is a dog-headed god in Egyptian mythology. You must use Nasus as the strongest champion in League of Legends.


According to the information we got, Aurelion Sol is by far the strongest and oldest champion in League of Legends. This is based on the fact that Sol lived after the League version of The Big Bang.

Sol is actually a god who can create and destroy stars with just a flick of his finger.


Many say that this Bard is eleven twelve with Zoe. Not only because the two of them were almost the same background, but their strength as well. Zoe might have gotten her powers from the Aspect of Twilight, but she wasn’t as strong as the Aspect itself.

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The Champion Bard was on a higher tier than Zoe. He is one of the strongest characters in all Leagues that you shouldn’t ignore.


Kindred is the next strongest champion in League of Legends that you must use. However, you need to know that Kindred has a Marksman class and its usual position is jungle.

Because the most powerful champion, Kindred has an Attack Damage of 65+2.5, Crit Damage of 175%, Move Speed of 325 and finally his Attack Ranger is as far as 500. If we compare it with Aatrox, then Kindred is much better in terms of Attack Damage.


For those of you who are new to playing this League of Legends game, maybe you will underestimate Zoe. Having a small stature, it turns out that Zoe is the strongest champion in LoL.

As a child, the Aspect of Twilight gave Zoe a power that allowed her to never age, aka almost immortal. As a result, Zoe is currently estimated to be over 1,000 years old.


Champion Aatrox is one of the strongest Top Laners that you must anticipate. Usually players who use Aatrox will be on the top or middle line.

Do not forget! This Aatrox is a Fighter and you can also make it a Tank. Its Base State is Attack Damage 60+5, Crit Damage 175%, Move Speed 345, while its Attack Range is 175.