5 Strategies to Ashe Wild Rift Counter

Ashe Wild Rift Counter, In the popular mobile game Wild Rift, Ashe is one of the most formidable champions to face on the battlefield. With her long-range attacks and crowd control abilities, she can quickly turn the tide of a match in her team’s favor. However, with the right strategies and tips, players can effectively counter Ashe and minimize her impact on the game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, understanding how to counter Ashe is crucial for achieving victory.

One of the key strategies in countering Ashe is to close the gap between her and your team. Ashe’s primary strength lies in her ability to dish out damage from a safe distance. By engaging her in close combat, you can prevent her from freely attacking your team and reduce her overall effectiveness. Champions with gap-closing abilities, such as assassins or bruisers, are particularly effective against Ashe. They can quickly get in range and burst her down before she has a chance to respond.

Another important aspect to consider when countering Ashe is her reliance on her ultimate ability, Enchanted Crystal Arrow. This ability can stun and initiate team fights from afar, potentially catching your team off guard. To counter this, it is essential to position yourself behind minions or other team members who can absorb the arrow’s impact. Additionally, champions with abilities that can block or negate crowd control effects, like Yasuo’s Wind Wall, can completely nullify Ashe’s ultimate and greatly reduce her impact in team fights.

Countering Ashe in Wild Rift: Strategies and Tips

Ashe, the Frost Archer, is a formidable champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Her long-range attacks, crowd control abilities, and powerful ultimate make her a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. However, with the right strategies and tips, you can effectively counter Ashe and turn the tide of the game in your favor.

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1. Close the Gap

Ashe excels at kiting her opponents and dealing damage from a safe distance. To counter her, it’s important to close the gap and get up close and personal. Champions with high mobility, such as Zed or Yasuo, can dash towards Ashe, negating her advantage of range. Once you’re in melee range, she becomes much more vulnerable and easier to take down.

2. Dodge the Enchanted Crystal Arrow

Ashe’s ultimate ability, the Enchanted Crystal Arrow, is a global skillshot that can stun and initiate team fights from afar. To counter this devastating ability, keep an eye on Ashe’s positioning and anticipate her ultimate. Stay behind minions or use dashes and blinks to dodge the arrow. By avoiding this powerful crowd control ability, you can minimize her impact on the game.

3. Build Magic Resist

Ashe’s primary damage comes from her basic attacks, which deal physical damage. However, she also has abilities that deal magic damage, such as her Volley. To mitigate her damage output, consider building magic resist items like Mercury’s Treads or Wit’s End. These items will not only reduce the damage taken from her abilities but also provide you with additional durability against her attacks.

4. Coordinate Ganks

Ashe is relatively immobile compared to other marksmen, making her susceptible to ganks. Coordinate with your jungler to set up ganks and catch Ashe off guard. By applying early pressure and denying her farm, you can set her behind and limit her scaling into the late game. Communication and map awareness are key in successfully countering Ashe through coordinated ganks.

5. Focus on Burst Damage

Ashe’s strength lies in her sustained damage output. To counter her, focus on burst damage champions who can quickly eliminate her before she has a chance to kite and deal damage. Assassins like Kha’Zix or burst mages like Syndra can blow her up in seconds if caught off guard. Coordinate with your team to prioritize Ashe in team fights and eliminate her threat early on.


While Ashe is a powerful champion in Wild Rift, she can be effectively countered with the right strategies and tips. Closing the gap, dodging her ultimate, building magic resist, coordinating ganks, and focusing on burst damage are key approaches to neutralize her impact on the game. By implementing these strategies, you can turn the tables on Ashe and secure victory in the Rift.

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In conclusion, countering Ashe in Wild Rift requires a combination of strategic gameplay and effective communication among team members. By understanding Ashe’s abilities and weaknesses, players can develop strategies to outmaneuver and shut her down. The key is to focus on disrupting her positioning and limiting her ability to deal damage from a safe distance.

One effective strategy is to engage Ashe in close-range combat, as she relies heavily on her auto-attacks and slows to control the battlefield. Champions with gap-closing abilities or crowd control can easily close the distance and negate her kiting potential. Additionally, coordinating with teammates to initiate team fights or ganks can catch Ashe off guard and quickly take her down.

Lastly, vision control is crucial when facing Ashe. Placing wards in strategic locations, such as river entrances and jungle camps, can provide valuable information about Ashe’s positioning and potential gank routes. This allows players to anticipate her movements and react accordingly, minimizing the impact she has on the game. By implementing these strategies and tips, players can effectively counter Ashe and secure victory in Wild Rift.

Ashe Wild Rift Counter: The Ultimate Guide to Outsmart the Frost Archer


Are you tired of falling victim to Ashe’s icy arrows in Wild Rift? Looking for effective strategies to counter this formidable opponent? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will unravel the mysteries of Ashe and provide you with expert tips and tricks to outplay, outmaneuver, and ultimately defeat her. Get ready to turn the tides of battle and emerge victorious against the Frost Archer!

Understanding Ashe’s Abilities

Before we dive into the strategies, it’s essential to have a solid understanding of Ashe’s abilities. Let’s take a closer look at what makes her such a formidable adversary:

Frost Shot: Chilling Precision

Ashe’s passive ability, Frost Shot, grants her basic attacks an additional slow effect. This can significantly impede your movement speed, making it challenging to escape her relentless pursuit. Remember, keeping your distance is key when facing Ashe.

Ranger’s Focus: A Barrage of Arrows

Ashe’s first ability, Ranger’s Focus, allows her to enhance her basic attacks, firing a flurry of arrows at her target. This ability can quickly whittle down your health if you’re caught off guard. Stay vigilant and be prepared to dodge her relentless onslaught.

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Volley: A Storm of Arrows

With her Volley ability, Ashe unleashes a volley of arrows in a cone-shaped area, dealing damage to all enemies hit. This ability can be devastating, especially when used in combination with her other skills. Always be mindful of your positioning to minimize the impact of Ashe’s Volley.

Hawkshot: Unseen Reconnaissance

Ashe’s Hawkshot ability grants her vision of a targeted area on the map, revealing hidden enemies and providing invaluable information to her team. Be cautious when attempting surprise attacks on Ashe, as she can quickly reveal your presence and turn the tables on you.

Enchanted Crystal Arrow: The Icy Sting

Ashe’s ultimate ability, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, is a global skillshot that can stun and heavily damage the first enemy it hits. This ability can turn the tide of team fights and catch unsuspecting opponents off guard. Always be prepared to dodge this deadly projectile by anticipating Ashe’s movements.

Strategies to Counter Ashe

Now that we have a solid understanding of Ashe’s abilities, let’s explore effective strategies to counter her:

1. Champion Picks: Countering with Mobility

When facing Ashe, champions with high mobility can be your greatest allies. Mobile champions like Yasuo, Zed, or Ezreal can easily dodge Ashe’s skillshots and close the gap to unleash devastating attacks. Their agility allows them to outmaneuver Ashe and minimize the impact of her crowd control abilities.

2. Vision Control: Denying Hawkshot’s Advantage

Ashe’s Hawkshot ability provides her with vital information about your team’s movements. To counter this, prioritize vision control by placing wards strategically throughout the map. Deny Ashe the advantage of surprise attacks or flanks by keeping her vision limited and forcing her to play more defensively.

3. Positioning: Stay Out of Range

One of the most crucial aspects of countering Ashe is maintaining proper positioning. By staying out of her attack range, you can minimize the effectiveness of her slow and avoid becoming an easy target for her Volley. Always be mindful of your positioning and use bushes and terrain to your advantage.

4. Baiting and Dodging: Outplaying Ashe

Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow can be a game-changer if it lands successfully. However, by baiting her ultimate ability and dodging at the right moment, you can turn the tables on Ashe. Use your mobility or well-timed flashes to avoid getting stunned and capitalize on her momentary vulnerability.

5. Team Coordination: Focus Fire

Ashe excels in team fights due to her crowd control abilities and long-range damage. To counter her effectively, coordinate with your team to focus fire on Ashe. By eliminating her early in team fights, you can significantly reduce her impact and turn the tide of battle in your favor.


Ashe may be a formidable opponent in Wild Rift, but armed with the knowledge and strategies outlined in this guide, you are now equipped to counter her icy reign. Remember to pick mobile champions, control vision, maintain proper positioning, bait and dodge her ultimate, and coordinate with your team. With practice and perseverance, victory against Ashe is within your grasp. Good luck on the battlefield!

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