How to Play DOTA 2

Fans of the multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game are certainly so familiar with Dota 2. MOBA, which is a mod for the video game Warcraft III, has been popular since 2011. The e-sports scene continues to grow and develop over time. this game is very popular now. In fact, last year, The International, an annual tournament organized by Valve, had a total prize pool of 25 million dollars.

Uniquely, the proliferation of MOBA on mobile platforms has marginalized Dota 2 a little. It takes adjustments that must be understood so that you can play well. Especially if you initially played mobile MOBA before touching Dota 2.

For those of you who are curious about the game, actually, Dota 2 isn’t that difficult to enjoy. Even though the game is complex enough to play at a high level, you can easily enjoy it for fun with friends.

Here, we are going to discuss the simple way to play DOTA 2 for beginners.

How to Play DOTA 2

First, the most importance thing is you have to download the game first.

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The Importance of Last Hit

For those who may have the basics of playing mobile MOBA such as Mobile Legends or Arena of Valor (AOV), remember that MOBA actually requires last hit skills.

The reason is, in Dota 2 Gold can only be obtained through the last hit mechanism. That is, you are the ones who have to kill the enemy at the last moment. If you don’t get the last hit, you won’t even be able to get Gold to make your hero poor.

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Not only that, Dota 2 also has a mechanics system where creep equilibrium (or better known as minions in Mobile Legends) can be denied or team minions that you can kill yourself to reduce the amount of EXP your opponent will get. In fact, in the last Dota 2 patch, you can also get Gold by denying it.

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Don’t be Afraid to be Die

Most MOBA players are generally divided into two, either being too lazy because their job is to fight all the time, or never dying because they are always afraid to move forward. For those of you who are new to the Dota 2 universe, dying is not a taboo thing!

What’s more, you don’t need to worry if you die, because Dota 2 has a buyback feature that can revive your hero instantly by paying a certain amount of gold.

Learn about the Ability of  the Whole Heroes

Currently there are 117 heroes in Dota 2. Knowing the abilities of all the existing heroes is not easy. Especially if you can only play one or two heroes because you feel comfortable with these heroes. This will eventually close your opportunity to explore your knowledge about Dota 2.

Never be afraid to try new heroes even though you will seem like someone who can’t play.

Start by Playing the Hero Support

You need to realize that the stigma of playing a core or carry hero is an easy hero, which is a big mistake. By playing as a core, you actually have to be able to master the various skill mechanisms needed. Not to mention extensive knowledge of the game.

Now, by playing Support heroes, you can actually learn a lot from the core players that you support. How to secure the last hit, timing when using skills, and even selecting items under certain conditions.

Don’t be Toxic

Not everyone is proficient or good at playing Dota 2. Of course, you definitely don’t want it if you are insulted because you are still new to playing Dota 2? Everyone must have a different start. So it’s only natural that you meet teammates who may not have fully mastered Dota 2.

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It would be great if you were supportive of them and provided feedback in a kind way. Not even berate or even make fun of them. Undoubtedly, the game will feel more exciting and enjoyable.

Role in DOTA 2

Role or section is a position or task of the hero. Actually, there are many roles and actually these roles are dynamic, that is, at certain times a hero can change his role, but there is also an official role that states the original role of the hero.


Carry is a hero who has a crucial role in the game and is responsible for winning a team’s match. Usually carry heroes tend to be weak at the beginning of the game, but their abilities become very strong in the middle of the game after successfully collecting important items and leveling up through farming as much as possible to get gold. Therefore, this hero is always targeted by the opposing team to be killed at the start of the game.

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In a game, carry is always paired with support at the start of the game. This is because the carry tends to be the weakest member of the team and needs a lot of gold, while support is at its strongest early in the game. So during a war, supports must be willing to sacrifice to help the team, especially the carry so they don’t die. In fact, support is also in charge of buying useful items for the team, such as animal courier, observer ward, sentry ward, and smoke of deceit.


Nuker is a hero with very strong skills compared to other roles. With his ability, the nuker can defeat opponents with just one attack. So, the nuker holds an important position in the war, and be careful when you meet the opponent’s nuker, because it can kill your hero very easily.

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Just like the name itself, there are several heroes who have skills to paralyze enemy abilities, be it in moving, attacking, or using certain skills for a few moments. Of course this will provide an opportunity for players to attack opponents. Therefore, this type of hero must be owned by the team during war because it is capable of ganking the opposing team.


Heroes who are given the role of jungler can generally farm neutral creeps in the forest area, so that they can generate gold and exp for the team from the solo lane. Apart from that, junglers are also strong because they have spells to control summons, change neutral creeps, or protect themselves using jungle creeps.


Pusher is a hero who focuses on taking down enemy towers in order to speed up the team’s victory. If successful, the pusher hero can force the enemy carry to move away from the farming area, so it’s no wonder the enemy fears this ability. Apart from that, these heroes also have skills to support their creeps, damage enemy creeps and heroes, summon minions, to make towers seriously damaged.


Durable heroes or also called tanks are heroes who are resistant to enemy attacks, even towers. Usually this role is performed by heroes who have high HP (hit points), health regeneration, armor, or magic resistance, so they are often placed at the very front during war. Not only that, these heroes also have one or more abilities that can be upgraded so that they become difficult to kill.


This hero has a special spell, this is to run away or save yourself from the opponent’s gang quickly. Thus, escape heroes are difficult to catch because they have abilities that help them survive. In this way, a hero can be safer to continue farming to get the desired item.


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The initiator is a hero who carries out the task of starting a team-fight. Those who can become initiators usually have strong area of effect skills or some other special skills to influence the enemy team’s position. Therefore, this role is also very important, because the right execution will bring the team to victory.