8 Tips to Riven Wild Rift Counter

Riven Wild Rift Counter, Are you tired of facing Riven in Wild Rift and constantly losing your battles? Don’t worry, because we’ve got you covered! In this article, we will provide you with essential tips and strategies to help you master the art of countering Riven in the game. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced player, these techniques will give you the upper hand when facing off against this formidable champion.

Riven is a highly agile and aggressive champion in Wild Rift, known for her ability to dish out massive damage while being able to maneuver swiftly around the battlefield. Her swordplay and crowd control abilities make her a formidable opponent to deal with. However, with the right knowledge and approach, you can effectively counter her and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Throughout this article, we will delve into various strategies that will help you improve your gameplay against Riven. We will discuss champion picks, lane management, itemization, and specific abilities to watch out for when facing her. By implementing these tips and strategies, you’ll be able to outsmart and outplay Riven, securing victory for your team in Wild Rift.

Master the Art of Countering Riven in Wild Rift: Essential Tips and Strategies

When it comes to playing League of Legends: Wild Rift, countering your opponent’s champion can often be the key to victory. Riven, a popular top lane champion known for her high burst damage and mobility, can be a formidable opponent if not properly countered. In this article, we will provide you with essential tips and strategies to master the art of countering Riven in Wild Rift.

1. Play Safe Early On: Riven excels in the early game due to her strong laning presence and high damage output. To counter her, it is crucial to play safe during the early stages of the game. Focus on farming and avoiding unnecessary trades until you have gained enough strength to handle her aggressive playstyle.

2. Exploit Her Cooldowns: Riven heavily relies on her abilities to dish out damage and secure kills. Keep a close eye on her cooldowns, especially her Broken Wings (Q) ability, which is her primary source of damage. Once she uses her abilities, take advantage of the window of opportunity to engage or trade with her while they are on cooldown.

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3. Build Armor: Riven deals primarily physical damage, making armor an effective way to mitigate her damage output. Consider building armor items such as Ninja Tabi or Seeker’s Armguard to increase your survivability and reduce the impact of her attacks.

4. Crowd Control is Key: Riven heavily relies on her mobility to engage and disengage fights. Crowd control (CC) abilities can effectively shut her down and prevent her from utilizing her kit to its full potential. Champions with reliable CC, such as Malphite or Leona, can prove to be effective counters against Riven.

5. Ward and Keep an Eye on the Map: Riven is a champion that can snowball easily if given the opportunity. To prevent her from roaming and gaining advantages in other lanes, make sure to ward your surroundings and keep an eye on the minimap. Ping missing when she leaves the lane and communicate with your teammates to minimize her impact on the game.

6. Understand Riven’s Combos: To effectively counter Riven, it is essential to understand her combos and playstyle. Riven players often utilize animation canceling to maximize their damage output. Familiarize yourself with her abilities and how they interact with each other to predict her next move and respond accordingly.

7. Play Champions with Sustain: Riven’s burst damage can quickly whittle down your health bar. Playing champions with sustain abilities, such as Darius or Garen, can help you survive her all-ins and sustain through the laning phase, giving you an advantage in trades and potential kills.

8. Communicate with Your Team: League of Legends: Wild Rift is a team-oriented game, and countering Riven effectively often requires teamwork. Communicate with your teammates, especially your jungler, to coordinate ganks and shut her down early on. Cooperation and coordination can make a significant difference in countering Riven’s aggressive playstyle.

Conclusion: Mastering the art of countering Riven in Wild Rift requires a combination of game knowledge, champion selection, and effective gameplay strategies. By playing safe early on, exploiting her cooldowns, building armor, utilizing crowd control, warding, understanding her combos, playing sustain champions, and communicating with your team, you can tilt the scales in your favor and emerge victorious in your battles against Riven on the Rift.

In conclusion, countering Riven in Wild Rift requires a combination of knowledge, skill, and strategic thinking. By understanding her abilities and playstyle, players can effectively neutralize her threats and turn the tide of the game in their favor.

First and foremost, it is crucial to pay attention to Riven’s cooldowns and exploit her vulnerable moments. Her abilities have relatively high cooldowns, especially in the early game. Capitalize on these windows of opportunity to engage or trade with her, as she will be less capable of retaliating or escaping. Additionally, keeping an eye on her passive, Runic Blade, is essential. Engaging her when she has already consumed all her charges will significantly reduce her damage output and give you an advantage in fights.

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Furthermore, building items that provide armor and crowd control reduction can greatly diminish Riven’s impact. Armor items like Ninja Tabi or Thornmail will reduce her physical damage, while crowd control reduction items like Mercury’s Treads will lessen the impact of her stun and knockup abilities. These defensive items not only make it harder for Riven to burst down her targets but also provide you with the necessary durability to survive her onslaught. Combining these defensive strategies with effective warding and cooperation with your team will ultimately give you the upper hand in countering Riven and securing victory in Wild Rift.

Riven Wild Rift Counter: Mastering the Art of Countering the Unstoppable Force


Riven, the Exile, is a formidable champion in Wild Rift, possessing unmatched agility and devastating damage potential. However, every powerful force has its weakness, and Riven is no exception. In this article, we delve into the world of countering Riven and explore effective strategies to tame this fierce champion. So, buckle up, summoners, and let’s discover the secrets of the Riven Wild Rift counter!

Understanding Riven’s Strengths

Before we dive into countering Riven, it’s crucial to understand her unique strengths. Riven excels in close-quarters combat, boasting incredible mobility and burst damage. Her abilities, such as Broken Wings and Ki Burst, allow her to swiftly engage enemies, unleash devastating combos, and quickly disengage. Moreover, Riven’s passive, Runic Blade, empowers her basic attacks, amplifying her damage output.

The Importance of Crowd Control

When facing Riven, crowd control is your greatest ally. By effectively utilizing crowd control abilities, you can disrupt her combos and limit her mobility. Champions like Malphite, with his Unstoppable Force ultimate, can interrupt Riven’s aggressive engages and render her vulnerable to retaliation. Additionally, champions with stuns, such as Annie or Leona, can immobilize Riven, diminishing her threat significantly.

Building Armor: The Key to Survival

Riven primarily deals physical damage, making armor a vital component in countering her. Building armor items, such as Ninja Tabi or Thornmail, provides invaluable protection against Riven’s relentless assaults. These items not only reduce the damage she inflicts but also mitigate the effectiveness of her passive ability, Runic Blade. By stacking armor, you significantly increase your chances of surviving Riven’s onslaught.

Exploiting Riven’s Cooldowns

Riven’s abilities have relatively high cooldowns, leaving her vulnerable during these periods. By tracking her cooldowns and capitalizing on them, you can seize opportunities to strike back. When Riven’s Broken Wings or Valor are on cooldown, she loses a significant portion of her mobility, making her an easier target for retaliation. Timing your engages with precision, immediately after she uses her abilities, can turn the tide of battle in your favor.

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Utilizing Range Advantage

Riven thrives in close-quarters combat, but champions with superior range can exploit her weakness. Champions like Jayce or Gnar, with their ranged attacks, can safely harass Riven from a distance, preventing her from engaging effectively. By maintaining a safe distance and continuously poking her, you gradually chip away at her health, forcing her to retreat or risk being eliminated.

Countering Riven’s Sustain

Riven’s Valor ability grants her a shield, providing additional survivability during engagements. However, this shield can be countered effectively by champions with sustained damage or healing reduction abilities. Champions like Fiora, with her Grand Challenge ultimate, can apply Grievous Wounds, reducing Riven’s healing and preventing her from recovering during fights. By neutralizing Riven’s sustain, you significantly diminish her survivability in prolonged duels.

Playing Mind Games: Baiting Riven’s Abilities

Riven’s abilities are crucial for her damage output and mobility. By playing mind games and baiting her abilities, you can create opportunities to strike. Feigning vulnerability or engaging in short trades can trick Riven into using her abilities prematurely. Once she exhausts her abilities, you can retaliate with your full arsenal, overwhelming her with unexpected damage.

Warding and Map Awareness

Riven is a champion known for her roaming potential, often looking for opportunities to impact other lanes. Warding key areas and maintaining map awareness are vital in countering Riven’s roams. By keeping an eye on the minimap and regularly placing wards, you can spot Riven’s movements and warn your teammates, preventing her from snowballing and gaining an advantage across the map.

Collaborating with Your Team

Countering Riven requires a coordinated effort from your team. Communicate with your teammates, strategize, and coordinate ganks to shut her down. By focusing on shutting her down early in the game, denying her farm and kills, you limit her potential to carry the game. Additionally, champions with area-of-effect abilities, like Orianna or Amumu, can turn team fights in your favor by locking down Riven and her allies.

Adapting to Riven’s Playstyle

Riven players often have unique playstyles and preferences. Observing and adapting to their specific tendencies can provide an edge in countering them. Some Riven players may favor aggressive engages, while others may opt for a more patient and calculated approach. By studying their playstyle and adjusting your strategies accordingly, you can anticipate their moves and effectively counter their actions.


In the realm of Wild Rift, countering Riven is an art that requires a deep understanding of her strengths and weaknesses. By exploiting her cooldowns, utilizing crowd control, and building armor, you can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Remember, collaboration with your team, adaptability, and strategic thinking are key ingredients in successfully countering this unstoppable force. So, summoners, equip yourselves with these strategies, and let the battle for dominance in Wild Rift begin!

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