Sona Wild Rift Champions Build: A Comprehensive Guide

Sona is a versatile champion in Wild Rift that can be played in various positions, including support and mid. She is known for her abilities to heal, buff, and deal damage. In this article, we will discuss the best build for Sona in Wild Rift. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, this guide will help you play Sona to her fullest potential.

Understanding Sona’s Abilities

Before we dive into Sona’s build, let’s first understand her abilities:

  • Hymn of Valor (Q): Sona’s basic attack becomes enhanced, dealing bonus magic damage to the target and nearby enemies. Additionally, allied champions near Sona are granted an aura that increases their attack damage by a certain amount.
  • Aria of Perseverance (W): Sona heals herself and a nearby ally, while also granting them a shield. Allied champions near Sona are granted an aura that increases their armor and magic resist by a certain amount.
  • Song of Celerity (E): Sona gains a burst of movement speed and grants allies near her a similar boost for a short duration. Additionally, allied champions near Sona are granted an aura that increases their movement speed by a certain amount.
  • Crescendo (R): Sona unleashes a shockwave that stuns enemies within its area of effect. The stun duration increases with the number of champions hit.

As you can see, Sona’s abilities revolve around supporting her allies and disrupting her enemies. Her Q ability deals damage and increases her allies’ attack damage, her W ability heals and shields her allies, her E ability grants movement speed, and her ultimate stuns enemies.

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Choosing Sona’s Runes

Before we start building Sona’s items, let’s first choose the best runes for her:

  • Aery: This rune enhances Sona’s abilities, making her healing and shielding more effective. It also deals bonus damage to enemies hit by her abilities.
  • Manaflow Band: This rune increases Sona’s mana regeneration, allowing her to spam her abilities more often.
  • Transcendence: This rune grants Sona extra ability haste, reducing her ability cooldowns and increasing her overall effectiveness.
  • Gathering Storm: This rune grants Sona extra ability power as the game progresses, making her more powerful in the late game.

These runes are perfect for Sona, as they enhance her abilities and increase her effectiveness throughout the game. The Aery and Manaflow Band runes are especially useful for Sona, as she relies heavily on her abilities to support her team.

Building Sona’s Items

Now that we have chosen Sona’s runes, let’s start building her items:

  1. Tear of the Goddess: This item provides Sona with extra mana regeneration, allowing her to spam her abilities more often. It also transforms into the powerful Seraph’s Embrace later in the game.
  2. Ardent Censer: This item enhances Sona’s ability to buff her allies, as it increases their attack speed and heals them when they attack enemies. It also provides Sona with extra ability power and mana regeneration.
  3. Ionian Boots of Lucidity: These boots grant Sona extra ability haste, reducing her ability cooldowns and increasing her overall effectiveness.
  4. Redemption: This item allows Sona to heal her allies from a distance, providing them with a burst of health. It also deals damage to enemies in its area of effect.
  5. Rabadon’s Deathcap: This item provides Sona with a massive boost in ability power, making her abilities more powerful and effective. It is especially useful in the late game.
  6. Seraph’s Embrace: This item provides Sona with a massive boost in mana, ability power, and shield strength. It also grants her a powerful shield when her health is low.
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These items are perfect for Sona, as they enhance her abilities and increase her effectiveness throughout the game. The Tear of the Goddess and Ardent Censer items are especially useful for Sona, as they increase her ability to buff her allies and provide them with extra healing. The Ionian Boots of Lucidity item is also crucial for Sona, as it reduces her ability cooldowns and increases her overall effectiveness.

Playing Sona Effectively

Now that we have discussed Sona’s abilities, runes, and items, let’s talk about how to play her effectively:

  • Support Your Allies: Sona’s abilities are all about supporting her allies. Use your Q ability to buff your allies’ attack damage, your W ability to heal and shield them, and your E ability to grant them movement speed. Use your ultimate to stun enemies and disrupt their plans.
  • Stay Behind Your Allies: Sona is a squishy champion, so it is important to stay behind your allies and avoid taking unnecessary damage. Use your abilities to support your allies from a safe distance.
  • Use Your Abilities Wisely: Sona’s abilities are powerful, but they can also be mana-intensive. Use your abilities wisely and avoid spamming them unnecessarily. Use your Tear of the Goddess item to increase your mana regeneration and allow you to use your abilities more often.
  • Communicate with Your Team: Sona’s abilities are all about supporting her allies, so it is important to communicate with your team and let them know when you are going to use your abilities. This will allow your team to prepare for your buffs and take advantage of them.
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By following these tips, you can play Sona to her fullest potential and support your team to victory.


Sona is a versatile champion in Wild Rift that can be played in various positions, including support and mid. Her abilities revolve around supporting her allies and disrupting her enemies. By choosing the right runes and items and playing her effectively, you can maximize Sona’s potential and support your team to victory. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, Sona is a great champion to master in Wild Rift.

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