25 Perfect Strategies To Lucian Wild Rift Counter

Lucian Wild Rift Counter, In League of Legends: Wild Rift, Lucian is a highly popular and powerful marksman champion. With his dual pistols and relentless agility, he poses a significant threat in the hands of a skilled player. However, every champion has their weaknesses, and Lucian is no exception. In this article, we will delve into the art of countering Lucian in Wild Rift, exploring effective strategies and tips to help you gain the upper hand in your matches.

Countering Lucian requires knowledge of his playstyle and exploiting his vulnerabilities. One of the most effective strategies is to capitalize on his short range. Lucian excels in close-quarter combat, but he struggles against champions with longer attack ranges. By picking champions like Caitlyn or Jhin, who outrange Lucian, you can harass him from a safe distance and force him to play defensively.

Another crucial aspect to consider when countering Lucian is crowd control. Lucian heavily relies on his mobility to dash in and out of fights, making him a difficult target to catch. However, champions with reliable crowd control abilities, such as Leona or Nautilus, can lock him down and render him vulnerable. Timing your crowd control abilities correctly is key to preventing Lucian from dashing away and turning the tides of the battle.

Mastering Lucian’s Wild Rift Counters: Effective Strategies and Tips

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Lucian, the Purifier, is a highly versatile and deadly marksman in League of Legends: Wild Rift. With his dual pistols and quick movements, Lucian can deal massive damage in team fights and dominate the game. However, like any champion, Lucian has his own weaknesses and can be countered effectively with the right strategies and tips. In this article, we will discuss some effective ways to counter Lucian and gain an advantage over him in the game.

Understanding Lucian’s Strengths and Weaknesses

Before diving into the counters, it’s crucial to understand Lucian’s strengths and weaknesses. Lucian excels at dealing burst damage and has high mobility, allowing him to quickly reposition himself in fights. His passive ability, Lightslinger, enables him to fire additional shots after using abilities, further increasing his damage output.

However, Lucian has low health and is vulnerable to crowd control effects. He heavily relies on his abilities for damage, making him susceptible to champions who can disrupt his combos or silence him. Additionally, Lucian’s range is relatively short compared to other marksmen, which puts him at a disadvantage against champions with longer attack ranges.

Countering Lucian with Crowd Control

One of the most effective ways to counter Lucian is by utilizing crowd control (CC) abilities. Champions such as Alistar, Leona, or Blitzcrank, who possess strong CC abilities, can disrupt Lucian’s combos and prevent him from dealing damage effectively. By stunning, knocking up, or silencing Lucian during team fights, you can neutralize his impact and give your team an upper hand.

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Timing is crucial when using CC against Lucian. It’s essential to wait for him to use his dash ability, Relentless Pursuit, before applying crowd control. This ensures that your CC will not be wasted and that Lucian won’t be able to quickly escape or reposition himself.

Exploiting Lucian’s Short Range

Lucian’s short attack range can be exploited by champions with longer attack ranges, such as Caitlyn, Jinx, or Ashe. By staying outside of Lucian’s attack range, you can safely poke him and deal damage without putting yourself in immediate danger. This forces Lucian to either retreat or engage in an unfavorable trade.

It’s crucial to position yourself strategically when facing Lucian. Avoid standing in a straight line with your minions, as Lucian’s Piercing Light ability can hit multiple targets in a line. Instead, try to position yourself behind your minions or in areas where Lucian cannot easily target you.

Building Items to Counter Lucian

Choosing the right items can significantly enhance your chances of countering Lucian. Items that provide armor and health, such as Ninja Tabi or Randuin’s Omen, can reduce Lucian’s burst damage and make him less threatening. Additionally, items with crowd control effects, such as Frozen Mallet or Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, can slow down Lucian’s movements and hinder his ability to escape or chase targets.

Remember to adapt your item build according to the game’s situation and the enemy team composition. If Lucian is particularly fed or poses a significant threat, investing in defensive items becomes even more crucial.


Mastering Lucian’s counters in Wild Rift can give you a significant advantage in the game. By understanding his strengths and weaknesses, utilizing crowd control, exploiting his short range, and building appropriate items, you can effectively neutralize Lucian’s impact and turn the tide of battle in your favor. Remember, practice and experience are key to becoming proficient at countering any champion, so keep honing your skills and experimenting with different strategies.

In conclusion, mastering Lucian’s Wild Rift counters is crucial for any player looking to dominate the game. Lucian is a highly versatile and powerful champion, but like any other champion, he has weaknesses that can be exploited by skilled opponents. By understanding Lucian’s strengths and weaknesses, players can develop effective strategies and tips to counter him and turn the tide of the game in their favor.

One effective strategy to counter Lucian is to focus on crowd control abilities. Lucian relies heavily on his mobility and burst damage to quickly eliminate his opponents. By using champions with strong crowd control abilities, such as stuns, silences, or immobilization effects, players can disrupt Lucian’s combo and prevent him from dealing significant damage. Additionally, building items that provide crowd control effects, such as Frozen Mallet or Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, can further hinder Lucian’s mobility and make him an easier target.

Another useful tip to counter Lucian is to exploit his short attack range. Lucian’s strength lies in his ability to dish out damage quickly, but he pays for it with a short attack range. By playing champions with longer attack ranges, such as Caitlyn or Jinx, players can harass Lucian from a safe distance and force him to either retreat or risk taking damage. It’s also important to position oneself properly during team fights, staying behind tanks or in the backline to avoid getting caught by Lucian’s burst damage.

Lucian Wild Rift Counter: Dominating the Game with the Perfect Strategy

Welcome to the ultimate guide on countering Lucian in Wild Rift! Lucian is an incredibly potent marksman who excels in both laning and team fights. However, with the right approach and strategic picks, you can turn the tide in your favor and leave Lucian players scratching their heads. In this article, we will explore 25 effective strategies to counter Lucian and secure victory on the Rift. Let’s dive in!

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1. Understanding Lucian’s Kit

Before we delve into the counters, it’s crucial to familiarize ourselves with Lucian’s abilities. Lucian possesses a high burst of damage, mobility, and crowd control. His passive, Lightslinger, enables him to fire additional shots after using an ability, amplifying his damage output. Furthermore, his Relentless Pursuit grants him unparalleled mobility, allowing him to dodge skillshots and reposition swiftly. Keep these abilities in mind as we discuss the counters.

2. Counterpick with Caitlyn: The Sniper Duel

Caitlyn, the long-range sniper, is a formidable counter to Lucian. Her range advantage allows her to poke him from a safe distance, making it difficult for Lucian to engage. Additionally, Caitlyn’s Yordle Snap Trap can immobilize Lucian, leaving him vulnerable to a barrage of attacks. Utilize Caitlyn’s superior range and traps to keep Lucian at bay and secure kills.

3. Outmaneuver with Ezreal: The Slippery Marksman

Ezreal’s Arcane Shift ability grants him unparalleled mobility, making it incredibly challenging for Lucian to land his skillshots. As Ezreal, you can continuously harass Lucian while maintaining a safe distance. Additionally, Ezreal’s long-range Mystic Shot allows him to repeatedly poke Lucian without retaliation. Master Ezreal’s mobility and poke potential to outmaneuver Lucian on the Rift.

4. Overwhelm with Leona: The Unbreakable Tank

Lucian’s fragility can be exploited by picking a tanky support like Leona. Leona’s crowd control abilities, such as Zenith Blade and Solar Flare, can effectively lock down Lucian, limiting his mobility and damage output. Coordinate with your ADC to capitalize on Leona’s engage and secure kills. With Leona’s tankiness and hard crowd control, Lucian won’t stand a chance.

5. Shut Down with Malphite: The Rock Solid Counter

Malphite’s armor stacking and his Ground Slam ability make him a formidable counter to Lucian. Malphite’s passive, Granite Shield, provides a shield that mitigates Lucian’s burst damage. Moreover, Malphite’s high base armor reduces the effectiveness of Lucian’s attacks. Utilize Malphite’s durability and crowd control to shut down Lucian and control team fights.

6. Punish with Blitzcrank: The Robotic Menace

Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab punishes Lucian for positioning too aggressively. Land a successful grab, and Lucian will find himself in a compromising position. Coordinate with your team to follow up on the grab and secure kills. With Blitzcrank’s ability to punish poor positioning, Lucian players will think twice before attempting aggressive plays.

7. Outscale with Vayne: The Late Game Hypercarry

While Lucian thrives in the early game, Vayne excels in the late game. Vayne’s Silver Bolts can shred through Lucian’s armor, making her a fearsome opponent in extended engagements. Survive the early laning phase, farm diligently, and reach the late game where Vayne shines. With proper positioning and mechanics, Vayne can outscale and overpower Lucian.

8. Counter Lucian’s Mobility with Ashe: The Frost Archer

Ashe’s constant slows from her passive, Frost Shot, can hinder Lucian’s mobility and make it easier for your team to catch him out. Additionally, Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow can initiate team fights, stunning Lucian and allowing your team to follow up. Leverage Ashe’s crowd control and utility to neutralize Lucian’s strengths and secure victories.

9. Dominate with Draven: The Showstopper

Draven’s high burst damage and aggressive playstyle can catch Lucian players off guard. By catching axes and maximizing your damage output, you can overpower Lucian in trades and all-ins. Remember to prioritize positioning and keep your Blood Rush ability available to dodge Lucian’s skillshots. Dominate the laning phase and snowball your advantage to victory.

10. Neutralize with Yasuo: The Unforgiven

Yasuo’s Wind Wall ability can completely nullify Lucian’s Piercing Light and The Culling, rendering him significantly less threatening. As Yasuo, focus on landing your Steel Tempest, dashing through minions to engage, and utilizing your ultimate, Last Breath, to lock down Lucian. Master Yasuo’s mechanics to neutralize Lucian’s damage and secure kills.

11. Control with Jhin: The Virtuoso

Jhin’s long-range abilities and crowd control make him an excellent pick against Lucian. Utilize Jhin’s Deadly Flourish to root Lucian from a distance and follow up with your ultimate, Curtain Call, to execute him. With Jhin’s superior range and burst damage, you can control team fights and catch Lucian off guard.

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12. Dive with Camille: The Steel Shadow

Camille’s mobility and lockdown potential can catch Lucian players by surprise. Utilize Camille’s Hookshot and Hextech Ultimatum to dive onto Lucian, preventing him from escaping or repositioning. Coordinate with your team to secure kills and maintain control over objectives. With Camille’s diving potential, Lucian won’t have a chance to escape.

13. Burst Down with Zed: The Master of Shadows

Zed’s assassination potential can quickly dispatch Lucian before he has a chance to retaliate. Utilize Zed’s shadows to close the gap, unleash your combo, and pop Lucian like a balloon. Remember to time your ultimate, Death Mark, to maximize damage and secure kills. With Zed’s burst potential, Lucian won’t stand a chance.

14. Harass with Xerath: The Arcanopulse Artillery

Xerath’s long-range abilities allow him to poke Lucian from a safe distance, making it difficult for Lucian to engage. Utilize Xerath’s Arcanopulse and Eye of Destruction to constantly harass Lucian and keep him at bay. With Xerath’s artillery-like abilities, you can control the lane and prevent Lucian from snowballing.

15. Stifle with Lulu: The Fae Sorceress

Lulu’s whimsical abilities can neutralize Lucian’s burst damage and crowd control. Utilize Lulu’s Help, Pix! to shield your ADC from Lucian’s damage and polymorph him with Whimsy to disable his abilities. With Lulu’s protective abilities, Lucian will struggle to find an opening to engage or deal significant damage.

16. Outrange with Jinx: The Loose Cannon

Jinx’s long-range rockets outrange Lucian’s abilities, allowing her to poke him down from a safe distance. Utilize Jinx’s Fishbones to harass Lucian and maintain control over the lane. With Jinx’s superior range and area-of-effect damage, you can outscale and overpower Lucian at crucial moments.

17. Outplay with Yasuo-Gragas Combo: The Unstoppable Force

Coordinate with your jungler to pull off the Yasuo-Gragas combo. Yasuo’s ultimate, Last Breath, combined with Gragas’ explosive Barrel Roll and explosive cast can obliterate Lucian in a matter of seconds. Communicate with your team, land your abilities, and execute the combo flawlessly to secure kills and dominate team fights.

18. Unleash Chaos with Master Yi: The Wuju Bladesman

Master Yi’s high attack speed and damage can quickly overwhelm Lucian in 1v1 scenarios. Utilize Master Yi’s Alpha Strike to dodge Lucian’s skillshots and Meditate to mitigate his burst damage. With proper timing and mechanics, you can unleash chaos upon Lucian and secure kills with ease.

19. Abuse with Seraphine: The Starry Songstress

Seraphine’s long-range poke and crowd control make her a potent counter to Lucian. Utilize Seraphine’s High Note and Beat Drop to harass Lucian from a safe distance and prevent him from engaging. Coordinate with your team to maximize the effectiveness of your ultimate, Encore, and secure kills. With Seraphine’s utility and damage, Lucian won’t stand a chance.

20. Counter Lucian’s Mobility with Varus: The Arrow of Retribution

Varus’ Chains of Corruption can immobilize Lucian, preventing him from utilizing his mobility effectively. Utilize Varus’ long-range Piercing Arrow to poke Lucian and maintain control over the lane. Coordinate with your support to chain your crowd control abilities and secure kills. With Varus’ crowd control and poke potential, Lucian will struggle to find openings.

21. Zone with Lux: The Lady of Luminosity

Lux’s long-range abilities and crowd control make her an excellent pick against Lucian. Utilize Lux’s Light Binding and Lucent Singularity to zone Lucian, preventing him from engaging or dealing significant damage. With Lux’s range advantage and burst potential, you can control the lane and prevent Lucian from snowballing.

22. Counter Lucian’s Mobility with Janna: The Storm’s Fury

Janna’s Howling Gale and Zephyr can disrupt Lucian’s mobility and prevent him from engaging effectively. Utilize Janna’s Eye Of The Storm to shield your ADC from Lucian’s burst damage and Monsoon to disengage or heal your team. With Janna’s protective abilities, Lucian will find it challenging to find openings or deal significant damage.

23. Overpower with Darius: The Hand of Noxus

Darius’ high damage and crowd control abilities make him a formidable counter to Lucian. Utilize Darius’ Decimate and Apprehend to engage on Lucian and unleash your devastating Noxian Guillotine to secure kills. With Darius’ damage and sustain, Lucian will struggle to survive in engagements.

24. Counter Lucian’s Mobility with Morgana: The Fallen Angel

Morgana’s Dark Binding and Tormented Soil can immobilize Lucian, preventing him from utilizing his mobility effectively. Utilize Morgana’s Black Shield to protect your ADC from Lucian’s crowd control and engage. Coordinate with your team to chain your crowd control abilities and secure kills. With Morgana’s crowd control and utility, Lucian’s mobility will become a liability.

25. Support with Soraka: The Starchild

Soraka’s healing and crowd control abilities make her an excellent support against Lucian. Utilize Soraka’s Astral Infusion to heal your ADC and Equinox to silence Lucian, preventing him from utilizing his abilities. Coordinate with your ADC to sustain through Lucian’s burst damage and win trades. With Soraka’s healing and utility, Lucian will find it challenging to secure kills.


With these 25 effective strategies, you now possess the knowledge and tools to counter Lucian in Wild Rift. Remember to adapt your playstyle and communicate with your team to maximize the effectiveness of these counters. Whether you prefer to outmaneuver, outscale, or overpower Lucian, there’s a counter that suits your playstyle. Embrace the challenge, execute your strategies flawlessly, and dominate the Rift! Good luck!

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