5 Effective Tips Wukong Wild Rift Counter

Wukong Wild Rift Counter, Wukong, the Monkey King, is a formidable champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. With his agility, deceptive clones, and high burst damage, he can wreak havoc on the enemy team if not dealt with properly. However, fear not! In this guide, we will delve into the art of countering Wukong, providing you with effective strategies and tips to turn the tide in your favor.

One of the key aspects of countering Wukong is understanding his abilities. Wukong’s passive, Stone Skin, grants him bonus armor and magic resistance, making him quite durable. Moreover, his Crushing Blow ability deals bonus damage and reduces the enemy’s armor, allowing him to burst down squishy targets with ease. Additionally, his Nimbus Strike ability allows him to dash to a target, damage them, and create a clone, which can confuse enemies during team fights.

To counter Wukong effectively, it is crucial to maintain proper vision control. Wukong excels at flanking and ambushing unsuspecting enemies. By placing wards in strategic locations, you can spot him before he engages, giving your team a chance to react and counter his aggressive plays. Additionally, communicating with your team and alerting them to Wukong’s whereabouts can prevent surprise attacks and turn the tide in your favor.

Master the Art of Countering Wukong in Wild Rift: Effective Strategies and Tips

Wukong, the Monkey King, is a formidable champion in League of Legends: Wild Rift. Known for his mobility, burst damage, and deceptive abilities, Wukong can be a challenging opponent to face on the battlefield. However, with the right strategies and tips, you can turn the tide and effectively counter Wukong’s strength. In this article, we will discuss various approaches to dealing with Wukong and provide you with the tools to become a true master of countering him.

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Understanding Wukong’s Abilities

Before diving into the counter-strategies, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with Wukong’s abilities. Wukong’s passive, “Stone Skin,” grants him bonus armor and magic resistance for a few seconds after being hit by an enemy ability or basic attack. This makes him tankier and harder to take down during fights.

Wukong’s first ability, “Crushing Blow,” empowers his next basic attack to deal bonus damage and reduce the target’s armor for a short duration. This ability, combined with his attack speed, allows Wukong to burst down squishy targets quickly.

“Warrior Trickster,” Wukong’s second ability, is a versatile tool that grants him invisibility for a short period while leaving behind a clone that mimics his movement. This ability can be used for engaging, disengaging, or confusing opponents during team fights.

Finally, Wukong’s ultimate ability, “Cyclone,” unleashes a whirlwind that damages and knocks up enemies around him. This AoE (Area of Effect) ability is devastating in team fights and can turn the tide in Wukong’s favor if not properly countered.

Effective Counter Strategies

1. Stay vigilant: Always be aware of Wukong’s abilities and his potential to engage or disengage. Keep an eye on his clone when he uses “Warrior Trickster” to avoid falling for his deceptive moves.

2. Coordinate with your team: Communicate with your teammates to focus Wukong during team fights. His “Cyclone” ability can wreak havoc if left unchecked, so it’s essential to prioritize him as a primary target.

3. Crowd control is key: Wukong relies heavily on his mobility to survive and deal damage. Utilize crowd control abilities such as stuns, silences, or knock-ups to disrupt his combos and prevent him from escaping or engaging effectively.

4. Build armor and magic resistance: Wukong’s passive provides him with bonus armor and magic resistance, making it crucial to build items that counter his damage. Investing in armor penetration or magic penetration items will help mitigate his tankiness.

5. Play champions with burst damage: Champions who can quickly burst down targets are effective against Wukong. Their ability to eliminate him before he can unleash his full combo can neutralize his threat.


Mastering the art of countering Wukong in League of Legends: Wild Rift requires a combination of game knowledge, strategic thinking, and teamwork. By understanding Wukong’s abilities, staying vigilant, coordinating with your team, utilizing crowd control, and building appropriate items, you can effectively counter his strength and emerge victorious in battles against him. So, step onto the Rift armed with these strategies, and become a true master in countering the Monkey King!

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In conclusion, mastering the art of countering Wukong in Wild Rift requires a combination of effective strategies and tips. By understanding Wukong’s strengths and weaknesses, players can develop a game plan to neutralize his impact on the battlefield. Whether you’re facing Wukong in the top lane or encountering him during team fights, it’s crucial to stay vigilant and adapt your gameplay accordingly.

One effective strategy is to deny Wukong farm and experience early on. As a champion that heavily relies on scaling and itemization, keeping him behind can significantly reduce his threat level. By zoning him from minions and applying pressure, you can limit his gold income and delay his power spikes. Additionally, coordinating with your team to invade Wukong’s jungle and deny him buffs can further hinder his progress and limit his impact in team fights.

Furthermore, it’s important to anticipate Wukong’s engage potential and play defensively. Wukong excels at initiating fights and catching opponents off guard with his clone and crowd control abilities. By maintaining proper vision control and positioning yourself strategically, you can minimize the chances of falling victim to his deceptive tactics. Additionally, communicating with your team and coordinating crowd control abilities can help burst down Wukong before he has a chance to wreak havoc on your team.

Wukong Wild Rift Counter: Unleashing Strategies to Dominate the Battlefield


Welcome to the ultimate guide on countering Wukong Counter in Wild Rift! This article will equip you with expert tips, strategies, and insights to outplay this formidable champion. As one of the most popular champions in the game, Wukong possesses incredible burst damage, mobility, and deceptive abilities. But fear not, as we delve into the intricacies of countering Wukong, you’ll gain the upper hand and turn the tide of battle in your favor. Let’s dive in!

Understanding Wukong’s Abilities

Before we delve into countering Wukong, let’s quickly recap his abilities:

1. Stone Skin (Passive)

Wukong gains bonus armor and magic resistance for a few seconds after using an ability or being hit by an enemy champion. This passive makes him incredibly durable in extended engagements.

2. Golden Staff (Q)

Wukong’s next attack deals bonus damage and reduces the target’s armor for a few seconds. This ability allows him to shred through even the tankiest opponents.

3. Warrior Trickster (W)

Wukong becomes invisible and leaves behind a decoy, confusing enemies and granting him an opportunity to reposition or initiate a surprise attack. Use caution when engaging a Wukong with his W available.

4. Nimbus Strike (E)

Wukong dashes towards a target enemy, dealing damage and knocking them up. This ability serves as both an engage and escape tool, making Wukong highly elusive.

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5. Cyclone (Ultimate/R)

Wukong spins with his staff, damaging and knocking up enemies around him. This devastating ultimate can turn the tide of team fights and decimate multiple opponents.

Countering Wukong: Strategies and Tactics

1. Vision is Key

In order to counter Wukong effectively, maintaining vision control is crucial. Place wards in key areas to track his movement and prevent surprise engages. This will give you ample time to react and plan your counter-attack.

2. Exploit His Cooldowns

Wukong heavily relies on his abilities to deal damage and survive. Once he uses his Warrior Trickster or Nimbus Strike, he becomes vulnerable. Take advantage of these cooldowns by engaging him when his abilities are on cooldown.

3. Crowd Control is Essential

Wukong’s mobility and deceptive abilities make him difficult to pin down. Utilize crowd control abilities such as stuns, snares, and silences to disrupt his combos and prevent him from escaping or engaging effectively.

4. Build Armor and Magic Resistance

Given Wukong’s bonus armor and magic resistance from his passive, building armor penetration and magic penetration items will significantly reduce his effectiveness. Items like Last Whisper and Void Staff are essential in countering his defensive capabilities.

5. Coordinate with Your Team

Wukong excels in team fights with his Cyclone ultimate. To counter this, coordinate with your team to spread out and avoid clumping together. This will minimize the impact of his ultimate and allow your team to focus him down.

6. Punish His Decoy

When Wukong uses his Warrior Trickster, he leaves behind a decoy that mimics his movements. Keep a keen eye and punish the decoy to reveal the real Wukong. This will disrupt his plans and create an opportunity for counter-attacks.

7. Burst Him Down

Wukong’s survivability lies in his ability to sustain damage through his passive and abilities. To counter this, focus your burst damage onto him and overwhelm his defenses. Coordinate with your team to burst him down before he can turn the tables.

8. Play Champions with Disruptive Abilities

Champions with disruptive abilities such as knock-ups, displacements, and silences can effectively counter Wukong’s mobility and deceptive plays. Champions like Malphite, Alistar, and Lulu are excellent picks to neutralize his impact.

9. Stay Alert for His Engages

Wukong players often look for opportunities to engage and catch opponents off guard. Stay alert and maintain a safe distance, especially when you suspect Wukong is nearby. This will prevent him from initiating unfavorable engagements.

10. Adapt Your Build

Depending on the situation, adjusting your build can be crucial in countering Wukong. Consider building items with Grievous Wounds to reduce his healing or items that provide additional crowd control to hinder his mobility.


For try best Wukong Counter, armed with these expert strategies and tactics, you are now equipped to counter Wukong in Wild Rift. Remember, vision, coordination, and exploiting his weaknesses are the keys to victory. With practice and perseverance, you’ll become a formidable force capable of turning the tides against Wukong and dominating the battlefield.

Now, go out there and show Wukong who the true master of Wild Rift is!

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