Aatrox Wild Rift Counter: 5 Tips To Effective Strategies to Counter Aatrox

Aatrox Wild Rift Counter, If you’re a fan of League of Legends: Wild Rift, you’re probably familiar with Aatrox, the mighty champion who dominates the battlefield with his immense power and durability. However, like all champions, Aatrox has his weaknesses, and in this article, we’ll discuss some effective strategies to counter him and turn the tide in your favor.

Aatrox is known for his high sustain, crowd control abilities, and devastating damage output. His passive ability, Deathbringer Stance, allows him to enhance his basic attacks and deal bonus damage. Additionally, his ultimate ability, World Ender, grants him increased attack damage, increased healing, and the ability to revive upon taking lethal damage. These qualities make Aatrox a formidable force in the game, but with the right tactics, he can be defeated.

One effective strategy to counter Aatrox is to focus on disrupting his sustain. Aatrox relies heavily on his ability to heal himself through his abilities and items. By applying grievous wounds to him, you can reduce the effectiveness of his healing and make it easier to take him down. Additionally, champions who have crowd control abilities can disrupt Aatrox’s combos and prevent him from unleashing his full potential in team fights. Understanding his strengths and weaknesses is crucial in developing an effective counter strategy against Aatrox in League of Legends: Wild Rift.

Aatrox Wild Rift Counter: Effective Strategies to Defeat the Mighty Champion

Aatrox, the powerful darkin warrior, can be a formidable opponent in League of Legends: Wild Rift. With his immense sustain, crowd control, and high damage output, he can dominate the battlefield if left unchecked. However, with the right strategies and knowledge of his weaknesses, you can effectively counter Aatrox and turn the tides of battle in your favor.

Understanding Aatrox’s Abilities

Before diving into countering Aatrox, it is crucial to understand his abilities. Aatrox’s passive, “Deathbringer Stance,” empowers his next two basic attacks, dealing bonus damage and healing himself. His Q ability, “The Darkin Blade,” allows him to strike in a line, damaging and knocking up enemies hit. Aatrox’s W ability, “Infernal Chains,” allows him to unleash chains that slow and pull enemies towards him. His E ability, “Umbral Dash,” grants him mobility and damage. Finally, Aatrox’s ultimate, “World Ender,” enhances his abilities, granting increased damage, movement speed, and reviving him if he takes fatal damage.

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Effective Strategies to Counter Aatrox

1. Play Aggressively Early Game: Aatrox’s early game can be relatively weak, especially before he unlocks all his abilities. Take advantage of this by playing aggressively and harassing him before he can scale. Coordinate with your team to deny him farm and experience, preventing him from becoming a late-game threat.

2. Dodge Aatrox’s Q Ability: Aatrox’s Q ability is his primary damage source and crowd control tool. It is crucial to dodge this skillshot to avoid taking unnecessary damage and being knocked up. Anticipate his movements and use dashes, blinks, or sidesteps to juke his Q ability effectively.

3. Interrupt Aatrox’s Umbral Dash: Aatrox’s E ability, Umbral Dash, provides him with mobility and damage. If you can interrupt this ability, you can severely limit his ability to engage or disengage from fights. Crowd control abilities like stuns, silences, or knock-ups can interrupt his Umbral Dash and leave him vulnerable.

4. Build Grievous Wounds: Aatrox’s passive, Deathbringer Stance, allows him to heal a substantial amount when damaging enemies. To counter his sustain, invest in items that apply Grievous Wounds, such as Executioner’s Calling or Mortal Reminder, which reduce his healing effectiveness. By reducing his healing, you can tip the scales in your favor during trades and team fights.

5. Focus on Crowd Control: Aatrox’s high damage output can be devastating if left unchecked. Coordinate with your team to focus on crowd controlling him during team fights. Stuns, silences, knock-ups, and other forms of crowd control can disrupt his abilities, preventing him from unleashing his full potential and giving your team the upper hand.


While Aatrox may appear as an unstoppable force in Wild Rift, implementing effective strategies can turn the tables and lead you to victory. By understanding his abilities, playing aggressively early game, dodging his Q ability, interrupting his Umbral Dash, building Grievous Wounds, and focusing on crowd control, you can effectively counter Aatrox and emerge triumphant in your battles. Remember, knowledge and teamwork are the keys to overcoming even the mightiest champions in League of Legends: Wild Rift.

In conclusion, defeating Aatrox in Wild Rift requires careful planning and effective strategies. This mighty champion possesses immense power and durability, making him a formidable opponent on the battlefield. However, by understanding his weaknesses and utilizing the right tactics, players can emerge victorious in their battles against Aatrox.

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One effective strategy to counter Aatrox is to prioritize crowd control abilities. Aatrox heavily relies on his abilities to deal damage and sustain himself in fights. By using champions with strong crowd control abilities, such as stuns, silences, or knock-ups, players can interrupt Aatrox’s combos and prevent him from dealing massive damage. Additionally, building items that provide crowd control effects, such as Frozen Mallet or Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, can further enhance the effectiveness of this strategy.

Furthermore, it is crucial to capitalize on Aatrox’s weaknesses. Although he possesses immense sustain with his Blood Well and Darkin Blade, Aatrox is vulnerable to burst damage and kiting. Champions with high burst damage, such as assassins or mages, can quickly burst him down before he has a chance to heal back up. Additionally, champions with high mobility and kiting abilities can keep their distance from Aatrox, making it difficult for him to engage or chase down targets. By exploiting these weaknesses, players can turn the tide of the battle in their favor and emerge victorious against the mighty Aatrox in Wild Rift.

Aatrox Wild Rift Counter: Dominating the Rift with Expert Strategies


Are you tired of being dominated by Aatrox in Wild Rift? Looking for effective strategies to counter this formidable champion? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the best techniques to outplay Aatrox and turn the tides of battle in your favor. From champion picks to specific gameplay tactics, we’ve got you covered. So, buckle up and get ready to unleash your inner expert as we dive into the world of Aatrox Wild Rift counters!

Understanding Aatrox

Before we delve into the strategies, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of Aatrox’s strengths and weaknesses. Aatrox is a powerful top lane champion known for his sustain, crowd control, and high damage output. His passive, Blood Well, grants him increased attack damage and a resurrection upon taking lethal damage. Additionally, his Q ability, The Darkin Blade, allows him to deal devastating area-of-effect damage while healing himself. With these abilities, Aatrox can quickly turn the tide of battle in his favor.

Countering Aatrox: Champion Picks

1. Darius: The Hand of Noxus, Darius, is a formidable counter to Aatrox. His passive, Hemorrhage, deals significant damage over time and can quickly whittle down Aatrox’s health. Additionally, Darius’s Q ability, Decimate, combined with his ultimate, Noxian Guillotine, can finish off Aatrox even through his resurrection.

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2. Fiora: The Grand Duelist, Fiora, is another excellent pick against Aatrox. Her W ability, Riposte, can block Aatrox’s Q damage and stun him, effectively neutralizing his primary source of damage. With her high mobility and damage output, Fiora can constantly pressure Aatrox and force him to play defensively.

3. Jax: The Grandmaster at Arms, Jax, is a versatile champion capable of countering Aatrox’s relentless assaults. Jax’s E ability, Counter Strike, can dodge Aatrox’s Q and stun him, providing a window of opportunity to unleash devastating attacks. Furthermore, Jax’s ultimate, Grandmaster’s Might, grants him bonus resistances, making him an incredibly durable choice against Aatrox.

Effective Gameplay Tactics

1. Exploit Aatrox’s Cooldowns: Aatrox’s abilities have relatively long cooldowns early in the game. Take advantage of this by engaging him when his abilities are on cooldown. This will limit his damage output and give you an opportunity to strike back.

2. Dodge the Sweet Spots: Aatrox’s Q ability deals increased damage if he hits enemies with the sweet spot at the edge of the ability. Stay vigilant and try to dodge these sweet spots to minimize the damage you take. Mobility-based champions like Yasuo or Zed can excel at this tactic.

3. Coordinate with your Jungler: Aatrox is vulnerable to ganks due to his lack of mobility early in the game. Communicate with your jungler and coordinate ganks to put Aatrox behind. Denying him resources and kills will significantly impact his ability to snowball and dominate the game.

FAQs on Countering Aatrox

1. Q: How can I deal with Aatrox’s sustain in lane?

A: Aatrox’s sustain comes from his passive ability, Blood Well, and his W ability, Infernal Chains. To counter this, focus on short trades and poke him down from a distance. Champions with ranged abilities like Teemo or Kennen can excel in harassing Aatrox and preventing him from healing back up.

2. Q: What should I do if Aatrox gains an early advantage?

A: If Aatrox gains an early advantage, it’s crucial to play defensively and farm under your tower. Focus on building defensive items such as Ninja Tabi or Seeker’s Armguard to mitigate his damage. Request assistance from your team, and wait for the right opportunity to strike back.


Congratulations! You are now equipped with the knowledge and strategies to counter Aatrox in Wild Rift. Remember to choose champions like Darius, Fiora, or Jax to exploit his weaknesses. Make use of effective gameplay tactics, such as exploiting his cooldowns and dodging his sweet spots. Lastly, coordinate with your jungler to shut him down early in the game. With these expert strategies, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the Rift and leaving Aatrox in your wake!

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