5 Strategies Tips and Tricks Nasus Wild Rift Counter

Nasus Wild Rift Counter, When it comes to dealing with Nasus in Wild Rift, having a solid strategy is crucial. With his ability to scale indefinitely and become a late-game monster, Nasus can be a formidable opponent to face on the Summoner’s Rift. However, fear not, as this article will provide you with the strategies, tips, and tricks you need to counter Nasus effectively and come out on top.

Nasus is known for his ability to stack his Siphoning Strike (Q) by last hitting minions, which grants him additional damage and can quickly make him a force to be reckoned with. To counter this, one strategy is to deny him farm by freezing the minion wave near your turret. This forces Nasus to overextend, making him vulnerable to ganks from your jungler. Additionally, you can also try to harass Nasus early on to delay his stacking process and prevent him from reaching his late-game power spike.

Another key aspect of countering Nasus is to take advantage of his weak early game. Nasus tends to struggle in the early stages of the game, especially against champions with strong poke and harass. By picking aggressive champions and maintaining pressure on Nasus, you can make it difficult for him to farm and stack his Siphoning Strike. Coordinating with your team to invade his jungle and deny him resources can also help set Nasus behind and limit his impact on the game.

Countering Nasus in Wild Rift: Strategies, Tips, and Tricks

When it comes to facing Nasus in Wild Rift, it’s important to have a solid game plan that can effectively neutralize his strengths. Nasus, with his ability to stack Siphoning Strike and scale into a late-game monster, can quickly become a formidable opponent if left unchecked. In this article, we will discuss some strategies, tips, and tricks to help you counter Nasus and come out on top.

1. Early Lane Domination

One of the best ways to counter Nasus is by dominating him in the early laning phase. Nasus relies heavily on stacking his Siphoning Strike by last-hitting minions. Denying him this opportunity can severely hinder his scaling potential. Focus on harassing him with ranged abilities or auto-attacks, making it difficult for him to farm comfortably. Call for jungle assistance to apply even more pressure and potentially secure a kill or force him to recall.

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2. Freeze the Lane

Another effective strategy against Nasus is to freeze the lane near your turret. By doing so, you deny Nasus the opportunity to safely farm under his turret while leaving him vulnerable to ganks. This will force him to either overextend or miss out on valuable gold and experience. Coordinate with your jungler to set up ganks and capitalize on Nasus’s lack of mobility.

3. Build Grievous Wounds

Nasus’s ultimate, Fury of the Sands, grants him increased healing from all sources. To counter this, consider building items with Grievous Wounds, such as Executioner’s Calling or Morellonomicon. These items reduce his healing effectiveness, making it more difficult for him to sustain himself during fights. Coordinate with your team to focus Nasus during team fights, ensuring he doesn’t have an opportunity to turn the tide with his sustain.

4. Coordinate Team Fights

Nasus excels in extended team fights where he can freely stack his Siphoning Strike and become an unstoppable force. To counter this, it’s crucial to coordinate your team fights effectively. Focus on bursting down squishy targets or engaging in short skirmishes to avoid giving Nasus time to stack up his damage. Utilize crowd control abilities to lock him down and prevent him from wreaking havoc on your team.

5. Split Push and Map Pressure

While Nasus can be a formidable opponent in team fights, he lacks mobility and wave clear. Exploit this weakness by split pushing and applying pressure on other parts of the map. This will force Nasus to make difficult decisions between defending his team or going for objectives. Coordinate with your team to take advantage of the map pressure you create, securing objectives and gaining a gold advantage.

In conclusion, countering Nasus in Wild Rift requires a combination of early lane domination, strategic play, and coordinated team fights. By denying him farm, building Grievous Wounds, and applying pressure across the map, you can effectively neutralize Nasus’s scaling potential and come out victorious. Remember to communicate with your team, adapt your strategy accordingly, and stay one step ahead of the Curator of the Sands.

In conclusion, countering Nasus in Wild Rift requires a combination of strategic gameplay, effective team coordination, and understanding his weaknesses. By implementing the right strategies, players can minimize his impact on the game and secure victory. Firstly, it is crucial to deny Nasus farm and prevent him from stacking his Siphoning Strike ability, which significantly increases his damage output. This can be achieved by maintaining lane pressure, denying him last hits, and zoning him away from minion waves.

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Additionally, teamwork plays a vital role in countering Nasus. Communicating with your teammates and coordinating ganks or rotations can help shut him down early in the game. Nasus is relatively weak in the early stages, so taking advantage of this and securing an early lead can make it challenging for him to catch up later on. Furthermore, utilizing crowd control abilities and focusing him in team fights can neutralize his threat and quickly eliminate him from the battlefield.

Lastly, understanding Nasus’ weaknesses is essential for devising effective counter-strategies. Nasus lacks mobility and can be easily kited, especially with champions that possess dashes or crowd control abilities. Additionally, champions that deal burst damage or have sustained damage over time can wear him down before he becomes too tanky. By exploiting these weaknesses and implementing the aforementioned strategies, players can successfully counter Nasus and achieve victory in Wild Rift.

Nasus Wild Rift Counter: Strategies to Defeat the Curator of the Sands


Are you tired of seeing Nasus dominate the top lane in Wild Rift? Do you find yourself struggling to counter his overwhelming power? Look no further! In this article, we will explore effective strategies and tactics to successfully counter Nasus, the Curator of the Sands. Whether you are a solo laner or a jungler, these tips and tricks will give you the upper hand against this formidable foe. Let’s dive in and discover how to turn the tide of battle in your favor!

Understanding Nasus: The Curator of the Sands

Before we delve into the counter strategies, it is crucial to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Nasus. Nasus is a melee champion who excels in scaling and becoming an unstoppable force in the late game. His passive ability, Soul Eater, allows him to gain bonus attack damage by killing enemies with his Siphoning Strike ability. Additionally, his ultimate, Fury of the Sands, grants him increased size, health, and damage output, making him a fearsome duelist.

Countering Nasus in the Laning Phase

1. Deny Nasus Early Stacks: Nasus relies heavily on stacking his Siphoning Strike to become a late-game powerhouse. By denying him farm and kills during the laning phase, you can significantly hinder his scaling potential. Harass him constantly, denying him the chance to last-hit minions and stack his passive.

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2. Freeze the Lane: Nasus struggles when faced with a frozen wave near your tower. By manipulating the minion wave to stay close to your side of the map, you can force Nasus to overextend, making him vulnerable to jungle ganks. Punish his greed and lack of mobility by coordinating with your jungler to secure kills and deny him further farm.

3. Pick Champions with Crowd Control: Nasus is highly susceptible to crowd control abilities due to his lack of mobility. Champions like Malphite, Jax, or Teemo can effectively lock him down, preventing him from freely stacking his Siphoning Strike. Coordinate with your team to chain crowd control abilities and burst him down before he becomes a massive threat.

4. Zone Nasus with Range: Nasus struggles against champions with long-range abilities. Champions like Jayce, Gnar, or Kennen can poke him from a distance, preventing him from comfortably farming and stacking his passive. Utilize your range advantage to harass him constantly and deny him the opportunity to scale into a late-game monster.

Countering Nasus in the Jungle

1. Invade Early and Often: Nasus lacks strong early game presence and is vulnerable to early jungle invasions. Coordinate with your team to invade his jungle, denying him camps and experience. By setting Nasus behind in the early game, you can delay his scaling and minimize his impact on the map.

2. Focus on Objectives: Nasus thrives on split-pushing and taking down turrets. To counter this strategy, prioritize objective control and team fights. By securing dragons, Rift Herald, and Baron Nashor, you force Nasus to group with his team, limiting his ability to freely split-push and stack his Siphoning Strike.

3. Coordinate Ganks with Your Laners: Nasus’s lack of mobility makes him an easy target for coordinated ganks. Communicate with your laners to set up ganks, taking advantage of Nasus’s vulnerability. By shutting him down repeatedly, you can delay his scaling and prevent him from becoming an insurmountable threat in the late game.

4. Utilize Champions with High Burst Damage: Nasus’s durability comes from his ability to sustain damage over time. Champions with high burst damage, such as Evelynn, Kha’Zix, or Elise, can quickly burst him down before he has a chance to heal up or stack his Siphoning Strike. Capitalize on his weaknesses by focusing on quick, explosive bursts of damage.


With these counter strategies in your arsenal, you are now equipped to face Nasus head-on in Wild Rift. Whether you are a laner or a jungler, applying these tactics will help you neutralize Nasus’s power and turn the tide of battle in your favor. Remember, denying him early stacks, coordinating with your team, and exploiting his weaknesses are key to achieving victory. So go forth, summoner, and dominate the top lane with confidence!

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